This item was deprecated in version 2019r2. Please use MemoryBlock as a replacement.
Returns the number of values (fields) in the string passed that are separated by the separator string passed.
result = CountFieldsB(source, separator)
Part |
Type |
Description |
result |
The number of values in source that are separated by separator. |
source |
The original string. |
separator |
The character or characters that separates the values in source. Separator can be of any length. |
CountFieldsB is identical to String.CountFields, except that it treats the source string as a series of raw bytes. Use this instead of String.CountFields if you need the function to be case-sensitive.
The CountFieldsB function is useful for reading columns of data from a text file where the columns (fields) are delimited with a specific character or characters.
If the separator is not found within source, CountFieldsB returns 1. If source is null, CountFieldsB returns zero.
Sample code
The code below returns 5.
Dim count As Integer
Dim s As String
s = "Dan*Smith*11/22/69*5125554323*Male"
count = CountFieldsB(s, "*")
The following code returns three because it counts the null "field" after the (unnecessary) final field delimiter.
Dim count As Integer
Dim s As String
s = "Dan*Smith*"
count = CountFieldsB(s, "*")
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
String.CountFields, MemoryBlock, String.SplitBytes functions; TextInputStream object example