A WebStyle is a collection of methods and properties that manage the look of a user interface elements in your web app.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
CSSPropertyName As String, Duration As Double, SpeedPattern As WebStyle, Delay As Double = 0 |
Deep As Boolean |
WebStyle |
Selector As String |
Name As String |
Key As String |
CSSPropertyName As String |
WebStyle |
CSSPropertyName As String |
All cursors available that can appear when the user hovers over the object.
Enum |
CrossHair |
Default |
Help |
Inherit |
Move |
NoDrop |
None |
NotAllowed |
Pointer |
Progress |
ResizeColumn |
ResizeEast |
ResizeNorth |
ResizeNorthEast |
ResizeNorthWest |
ResizeRow |
ResizeSouth |
ResizeSouthEast |
ResizeSouthWest |
ResizeWest |
Text |
VerticalText |
Wait |
All available speeds at which a transition can occur that can be applies to CSS properties.
Enum |
Description |
Ease |
The pace is constant throughout the transition and is slower than Linear. |
EaseIn |
The pace begins slow then speeds up. |
EaseInOut |
The pace begins slow then speeds up and then slows back down again at the end. |
EaseOut |
The pace slows at the end. |
Linear |
The pace is constant throughout the transition and is faster than Ease. |
Property descriptions
BackgroundColor As Color
The color used to draw the background of the object to which the WebStyle is assigned.
Bold As Boolean
If True and the object to which the WebStyle is assigned has text, the text will be style in bold.
BorderColor As Color
The color used to draw the border of the object to which the WebStyle is assigned.
BorderThickness As Integer
The thickness of the border of the object to which the WebStyle is assigned.
Cursor As Cursor
The cursor displayed when the user hovers over the object to which the WebStyle is assigned.
FontName As String
The font used to for any text in the object to which the WebStyle is assigned.
FontSize As Double
The font size used to draw any text in the object to which the WebStyle is assigned.
ForegroundColor As Color
The color used to draw everything except the border and background of the object to which the WebStyle is assigned.
Italic As Boolean
If True, the text of the object to which the WebStyle is assigned will be use the italic style.
Opacity As Integer
The level of opacity of the control to which the WebStyle is assigned.
Valid values are 0 (invisible) to 100 (fully opaque).
Strikethrough As Boolean
If True, the text of the object to which the WebStyle is assigned will be use the strikethrough style.
Underline As Boolean
If True, the text of the object to which the WebStyle is assigned will be use the underline style.
Method descriptions
AddTransition(CSSPropertyName As String, Duration As Double, SpeedPattern As WebStyle, Delay As Double = 0)
Adds a transition with the values passed.
The transition is triggered when the property whose name was passed is modified in another event. The transition will then be from the previous value to the new value.
The default SpeedPattern is EaseInOut.
Because WebStyles use CSS under the hood, there are many CSS properties that can be animated.
Clone(Deep As Boolean) As WebStyle
Returns a copy of the WebStyle.
If Deep is True the copy will have the any values inherited from WebStyle's WebStyle parent instances.
CSSValue(Selector As String) As String
Returns the value of the CSS Selector whose name is passed.
HasCSSProperty(Name As String) As Boolean
Returns True if WebStyle has a CSS property with name passed.
Remove(Key As String)
Removes the value of the CSS Selector whose name is passed.
RemoveTransition(CSSPropertyName As String)
Removes the transition for the property whose name is passed.
SubClass As WebStyle
Returns a subclass of the WebStyle.
The returned WebStyle inherits the values of the WebStyle from which it was created.
Value(CSSPropertyName As String) As String
Returns the value of the CSS Selector whose name was passed.
Value(CSSPropertyName As String, Assigns value As String)
Sets the CSS Selector whose name is passed to the value assigned.
A WebStyle can be applied to any object that has a WebStyle property.
You can create WebStyle objects that are subclasses of an existing WebStyle using the SubClass method. A subclass inherits all of the values of the parent object and can then override any of those values.
Sample code
There are many CSS Selectors that can be animated.
This code in a WebRectangle's Opening event adds a transition that will change the width of the WebRectangle. It then stores the width of the WebRectangle in the style's width property. This is done so that when the transition is triggered later by modifying the width, the width stored in the width property of the WebStyle will match that of the WebRectangle being animated:
Me.Style.AddTransition("width", 5, WebStyle.TransitionTimingFunctions.EaseInOut, 0)
Me.Style.Value("width") = Me.Width.ToString + "px"
The transition animation of the width of the WebRectangle is then triggered by changing the width value to a new value:
Var currentWidth As Integer = Rectangle1.Style.Value("width").ToInteger
currentWidth = currentWidth + 600
Rectangle1.Style.Value("width") = currentWidth.ToString + "px"
Web projects on all supported operating systems.