An item in a contextual menu used in a web page or web control.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
value() As String |
index As Integer, value As WebMenuItem |
index As Integer |
value As String |
index As Integer |
Item As WebMenuItem |
The various positions in which the contextual menu will be displayed relative to the control to which is is attached.
Enum |
Description |
Default |
Always on the side to which the user's OS writing direction is set. If left to right, the menu will appear on the left. If right to left, the menu will appear on the right. |
Left |
Always to the left of the control. |
Right |
Always to the right of the control. |
Specifies the style of menu item (header, menuitem or separator).
Enum |
Description |
Header |
The item text of the menu item appears but is not selectable. |
Menu |
A regular menu item. |
Separator |
A line that separates two other menu items. |
Property descriptions
Count As Integer
The number of children for the menu item.
This property is read-only.
Enabled As Boolean
If True, the menu item is enabled.
Add a contextual menu to a Label with one of the menu items disabled. This code is in the Shown event handler of a WebLabel:
Var base As New WebMenuItem
Var loadMenu As New WebMenuItem("Load")
Var saveMenu As New WebMenuItem("Save")
saveMenu.Enabled = False
Me.ContextualMenu = base
Icon As Picture
A picture that is assigned to the WebMenuItem.
The following code is in the Opening event of a WebPage. The icon appears to the left of the menu item's text.
hobbitsMenu.Icon = Frodo
LastAddedIndex As Integer
The index of the last menu item added to the WebMenuItem.
This property is read-only.
Position As Positions
The position of the WebMenuItem relative to the control to which it is attached.
Style As Styles
The style or type of the menu item.
The options are Header, Menu and Separator.
Create a new menu item and set it to be a header:
Var m As New WebMenuItem
m.Text = "Customers"
m.Style = WebMenuItem.Styles.Header
Tag As Variant
A hidden value associated with the menu item.
The tag is accessible via code when the user chooses the menu item but, unlike the Text property, is not displayed in the menu. It works like the RowTag property of a PopupMenu control.
The Tag is a variant so it can contain any value, including class references.
This code displays a menu when you right-click on a Label. This code is in the Shown event handler of a WebLabel:
Var file As New WebFile
file.MimeType = "text/plain"
file.ForceDownload = True // If False, the browser may try to display the file instead of download it
file.FileName = "TextFile.txt"
file.Data = "Hello, world!"
Var base As New WebMenuItem
Var downloadMenu As New WebMenuItem("Download")
downloadMenu.Tag = file // The file to download
Me.ContextualMenu = base
In the ContextualMenuAction event handler of the WebLabel, you can then use the tag to download the previously created file:
If Item.Text = "Download" Then
Var file As WebFile = Item.Tag
End If
Text As String
The text displayed.
Set the text of the menu item to "Hobbiton":
myMenu.Text = "Hobbiton"
TextColor As Color
Gets or sets the color of the text of the WebMenuItem. The default value is black.
The following example sets the TextColor.
Me.TextColor = Color.Blue
Method descriptions
AddMenuItem(value() As String)
Adds the rows in the array passed as menu items to the WebMenuItem.
The value passed can also be a ParamArray.
AddMenuItemAt(index As Integer, value As WebMenuItem)
Adds the value passed as a new menu item at the index passed.
Adds a separator to the menu item.
Create a new web menu item and add a separator to it:
Var m As New WebMenuItem
AddSeparatorAt(index As Integer)
Adds a separator to the menu item at the index passed.
Add a separator at index 12 of the editMenu object:
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates an empty WebMenuItem.
Constructor(value As String)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a new WebMenuItem assigning the value passed to the Text property.
Constructor(value As String, Tag as Variant)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a new WebMenuItem assigning the value parameter passed to the Text property and the optional Tag to the Tag property.
RemoveMenuItemAt(index As Integer)
Removes the menu item at the index passed.
RemoveMenuItemAt(Item As WebMenuItem)
Removes the menu item at the index passed.
You can display a contextual menu in a web app by assigning the WebMenuItem to the ContextualMenu property. When the user right+clicks on the control the contextual menu is displayed.
Sample code
To add a contextual menu to a Button, add a this code to the Shown event handler:
Var menu As New WebMenuitem
Me.ContextualMenu = menu
Right-click on the button to show the menu.
To determine which menu was selected, use this code in the ContextualMenuSelected event handler:
Select Case Item.Text
Case "Frodo"
MessageBox("You chose Frodo.")
Case "Sam"
MessageBox("You chose Sam.")
End Select
This code create a nested menu:
Var myMenu As New WebMenuItem
Var menuItem1 As New WebMenuItem("Dark Wizards")
Var subMenuItem1 As New WebMenuItem("Sauron")
Me.ContextualMenu = myMenu
Web projects on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; WebToolbar class; Menus topic