Used to read and write information to and from the Clipboard.
Property descriptions
Picture As Picture
The picture on the Clipboard.
This code is in the Pressed event of a button. It tests whether a picture is on the Clipboard. If so, it assigns it to the Backdrop property of the Canvas. This causes the picture to appear in the control. It will be cropped to the size of the Canvas.
Var c As Clipboard
// create a new instance of the clipboard
c = New Clipboard
// check to see if a picture is available
If c.PictureAvailable Then
Var myPicture As Picture
myPicture = c.Picture // get the picture
Canvas1.Backdrop = myPicture // set the backdrop
End If
// close the clipboard
Text As String
The text on the Clipboard.
On macOS, if you need to change the Text in the Clipboard after you have set it, you should create a new Clipboard object first.
This code is in the Pressed event of a button. It checks the Clipboard for text. If it finds text, it assigns it to the Text property of the DesktopTextField.
Var c As Clipboard
// create an instance of the clipboard
c = New Clipboard
// check for textAvailable
If c.TextAvailable Then
// text is available, set the TextField to it
TextField1.Text = c.Text
End If
// close it
Method descriptions
Closes the Clipboard which enables other Clipboard objects or other programs to access the Clipboard's data. This function only affects Windows and is automatically called by the Clipboard's Destructor.
This code gets the text on the Clipboard and copies it to a variable.
Var c As New Clipboard
Var s As String = c.Text
PictureAvailable As Boolean
Returns True if the Clipboard contains a picture.
The following code is in the Presssed event of a button. If a picture is on the Clipboard, it assigns it to the Backdrop property of a Canvas. The result is that the picture appears immediately.
Var c As Clipboard
// create a new instance of the clipboard
c = New Clipboard
// check to see if a picture is available
If c.PictureAvailable Then
Var myPicture As Picture
myPicture = c.Picture // get the picture
Canvas1.Backdrop = myPicture // set the backdrop
End If
// close the clipboard
RawData(DataType As String) As String
Used to get and set binary data from/to the Clipboard as a string for the specified type or UTI.
The DataType parameter supports both the older MacType and newer UTIs. If the DataType parameter is exactly 4 bytes then it is treated as a MacType for backwards compatibility. Otherwise it is treated as a UTI. An example would be "public.rtf".
On Windows you can use the a special DataType called "HTML Format" to add or fetch HTML data from the Clipboard.
This method is not supported for iOS.
This code reads the contents of the Clipbpoard as an mp3 file.
Var c As New Clipboard
Var s As String
s = c.RawData("public.mp3") // UTI
On Windows, this code gets HTML data from the Clipboard:
Var c As New Clipboard
Var html As String
html = c.RawData("HTML Format")
The following code places the contents of TextArea1 on the Clipboard. It contains RTF text:
Var c As New Clipboard
c.RawData("public.rtf") = TextArea1.Text
RawDataAvailable(DataType As String) As Boolean
Returns True if the Clipboard contains data.
The DataType parameter supports both the older MacType and newer UTIs. If the DataType parameter is exactly 4 bytes then it is treated as a MacType for backwards compatibility. Otherwise it is treated as a UTI.
On Windows you can use the a special DataType called "HTML Format" to add or fetch HTML data from the Clipboard.
This method is not supported for iOS.
The following code checks the RawDataAvailable flag prior to reading the contents of the Clipboard.
If c.RawDataAvailable("public.text") Then
TextField1.Text = c.RawData("public.text")
End If
TextAvailable As Boolean
Returns True if the data on the Clipboard is text.
This code is in the Pressed event of a button. It checks the Clipboard for text. If it finds text, it assigns it to the Text property of the DesktopTextField.
Var c As Clipboard
// create an instance of the clipboard
c = New Clipboard
// check for textAvailable
If c.TextAvailable Then
// text is available, set the TextField to it
TextField1.Text = c.Text
End If
// close it
In order to read text from or write text to the Clipboard, you must create an object of type Clipboard and then access the Text or Picture properties of the Clipboard object you create. You can place a picture on the Clipboard by setting the Picture property. You can use the SetText and AddRawData methods to write text or binary data to the Clipboard. The Clipboard class is not available to Console applications.
For best results, create a new Clipboard object each time you need to use the Clipboard.
The Clipboard supports UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers).
Sample code
This code gets the text on the Clipboard and copies it to a variable:
Var c As New Clipboard
Var s As String
s = c.Text
This code puts text on the Clipboard:
Var c As New Clipboard
c.Text = "The Quick Brown Fox outran the Lazy Dog"
This code checks to see if the Clipboard is text data and if so, copies the contents of the Clipboard to a TextField:
Var c As New Clipboard
If c.TextAvailable Then
TextField1.Text = c.Text
End If
This code copies an image to the Clipboard:
Var c As New Clipboard
If ImageWell1.Image <> Nil Then
c.Picture = ImageWell1.Image
MessageBox("No picture is available!")
End If
When you want to put more than one item on the Clipboard, you can't use the properties of this class to append new text or graphics to existing material. You need to do the appending in your code and just use one call to the Text property:
Var text1 As String = "This is the first item being put on the clipboard!"
Var text2 As String = "This is the second item being put on the clipboard"
Var c As New Clipboard
c.Text = text1 + text2
Desktop and mobile project types on all supported operating systems.