Used to store Integer values. The default value is 0. Generally you will use the Integer data type (equivalent to Int32 on 32-bit apps or Int64 on 64-bit apps) or UInteger (equivalent to UInt32 on 32-bit apps or UInt64 on 64-bit apps). There are also other size-specific Integer data types that are available for use with external OS APIs.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
value As String |
Integer |
✓ |
value As String |
Integer |
✓ |
value As String |
Integer |
✓ |
Integer |
✓ |
Integer |
✓ |
Integer |
Optional minimumDigits As Integer |
Optional minimumDigits As Integer |
Optional minimumDigits As Integer |
Method descriptions
FromBinary(value As String) As Integer
Converts a text form of a binary number to an Integer.
This method is shared.
Convert "0110" to the Integer value of 6:
Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromBinary("0110") // value = 6
FromHex(value As String) As Integer
Converts a text form of a hexadecimal number to an Integer.
This method is shared.
Convert "ff" to the Integer value of 255:
Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromHex("ff") // value = 255
FromOctal(value As String) As Integer
Converts a text form of an octal number to an Integer.
This method is shared.
Convert "755" to the Integer value 493:
Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromOctal("755") // value = 493
FromString(value As String, Optional locale As Locale = Nil) As Integer
Converts a string form of a decimal number to an Integer. Specify a locale to convert thousands separator.
If no locale is specified, then Locale.Raw is used.
An InvalidArgumentException will be raised when value contains anything other than an Integer (including when it is empty). Use Parse if you need to parse text that might contain non-numeric data or might be empty.
This method is shared.
Convert a number in text to an Integer:
Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromString("42") // value = 42
This code converts a number using the US locale:
Var locale As New Locale("en-US")
Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromString("1,234", locale) // value = 1234
You can also use an exception to catch invalid data:
// Exception raised for invalid text, so you can handle your own
// special cases.
Var value As Integer
value = Integer.FromString("123ABC")
Catch e As InvalidArgumentException
value = -1 // if data is invalid, just use -1
End Try
Parse(theText As String, Optional locale As Locale) As Integer
Converts theText to an Integer value.
This method is shared.
Parse(value As String, Optional locale As Locale = Nil) As Integer
Converts the Text to an Integer value.
If no locale is specified, then Locale.Raw is used.
Numbers are converted only if they are found at the beginning of the text. Any numbers that follow a non-numeric value are ignored. Empty text returns 0.
Convert String/Text to an Integer:
Var i As Integer
i = Integer.Parse("123ABC")
// i = 123
ToBinary(Optional minimumDigits As Integer) As String
Converts the Integer value to a String containing its binary representation.
Convert an Integer value to the binary text value:
Var i As Integer = 8
Var binary As String = i.ToBinary(4) // binary = "1000"
ToHex(Optional minimumDigits As Integer) As String
Converts the Integer value to a String containing its hexadecimal representation.
Convert an Integer value to the hexadecimal text value:
Var i As Integer = 255
Var hex As String = i.ToHex(4) // hex = "00FF"
ToOctal(Optional minimumDigits As Integer) As String
Converts the Integer value to a String containing its octal representation.
Convert an Integer value to the octal text value:
Var i As Integer = 10
Var octal As String = i.ToOctal(4) // octal = "0012"
ToString(locale As Locale = Nil) As String
Converts the Integer to a String value using the specified locale and format.
ToString(locale As Locale = Nil, format As String) As String
Converts the Integer to a String value using the specified locale and format.
If no locale is specified, then Locale.Raw is used.
Refer to the Unicode Technical Standard #35, appendix G (Number Format Patterns) for information on how to specify a format.
Convert an Integer value to a String:
Var i As Integer = 42
Var t As String = "The number is " + i.ToString
Add to an Integer directly and convert the new value:
Var n As Integer = 5
Var t As String = Integer(n + 1).ToString // t = "6"
Formats the Integer value:
value = 1245
Var t As String = value.ToString // t = "1245"
t = value.ToString(Locale.Current, "#,###") // t = "1,245"
Integer values use 4 bytes for 32-bit apps and 8 bytes for 64-bit apps.
Integer values range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (32-bit apps) or -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (64-bit apps).
If you assign a value that is larger (or smaller) than what the specific Integer type can hold, then the value will "overflow". This means the value will wrap around to the corresponding largest or smallest value and continue from there.
Sample code
Var value As Integer
value = 42
value = value * 2
All project types on all supported operating systems.