The common super class for all web controls that can appear in the browser. It cannot be instantiated or subclassed.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
WebControl |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
Script As String |
Property descriptions
ControlID As String
Identifies the control on a per session basis.
This property is read-only.
Enabled As Boolean
When True the WebControl is drawn enabled and responds to user action. When False, the control appears as disabled and does not respond to user actions.
In the case of WebTimer, when set to False this disables and stops the WebTimer. When set to True, it starts the WebTimer.
Disable a button when a check box value changes:
If AllowSaveCheckBox.Value Then
SaveButton.Enabled = True
AllowSaveButton.Enabled = False
End If
Name As String
The name of the control.
This property is read-only.
Page As WebPage
Identifies the web page that contains the control.
This property is read-only.
Parent As WebControl
Used to get the control's parent control or page. If the parent control is a WebContainer, then it returns the WebContainer. If it is on a WebPage, it returns the WebPage.
This property is read-only.
Method descriptions
Removes the control from the page.
ExecuteJavaScript(Script As String)
Executes the JavaScript passed. The JavaScript passed can call a JavaScript function in a WebPageSource control.
The Xojo web framework uses EcmaScript 6 which is more strict than previous versions of JavaScript. For more details, see the EcmaScript 6 documentation.
This code in the Pressed event of a Button displays an alert using JavaScript:
This code will select the text in a WebTextField (or WebTextArea):
WebTextField1.ExecuteJavascript("document.getElementById('" + _
WebTextField1.ControlID + "_inner').select();")
GotoURL(Url As String, inNewWindow As Boolean = False)
Opens the passed URL in place of the current web page or downloads a file. If InNewWindow is True, the browser is asked to open the URL in a new window.
If the browser has popup windows disabled and InNewWindow is True, the method silently fails and the page is not shown.
If InNewWindow is False, the running web app is replaced with the specified URL. If you want to display an external web site within your web app, use the WebHTMLViewer control.
Display a web site in a new popup window:
Me.GotoURL("", True)
Forces the current values of the control to be sent to the browser.
This method is useful when you are computing values in a loop and wish to update the browser immediately rather than wait until the current method ends.
This code iterates through a RowSet of database rows, updates a ProgressBar and then forces the updated ProgressBar to be sent to the browser via UpdateBrowser.
ProgressBar1.Maximum = SalesData.RowCount
For Each row As DatabaseRow in SalesData
ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1
Event descriptions
The control has been removed from the page either because the page has closed or the control's Close method was called.
The control has been created and the page is opening but has not been sent to the browser yet.
The Opening event handler can be used to initialize non-visual properties and settings for controls.
In most cases, you should use the Shown event to initialize controls.
Web projects on all supported operating systems.