This item was deprecated in version 2020r2. Please use BinaryStream as a replacement.
The BinaryStream class is an input/output mechanism for reading and writing arbitrary binary data. It can be used with MemoryBlocks and FolderItems.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
mb As MemoryBlock |
file As FolderItem |
handle As Ptr, type As Xojo.IO.HandleTypes |
type As Xojo.IO.HandleTypes |
file As FolderItem, mode As LockModes |
count As Integer |
count As Integer, encoding As TextEncoding |
block As MemoryBlock |
value As Boolean |
value As Currency |
value As Double |
value As Int16 |
value As Int32 |
value As Int64 |
value As Int8 |
value As Single |
value As String, encoding As TextEncoding |
value As UInt16 |
value As UInt32 |
value As UInt64 |
value As UInt8 |
The type of locking modes for the binary stream. (Read, Write, ReadWrite, Exclusive)
Enum |
Description |
Read |
Read access. |
Write |
Write access. |
ReadWrite |
Read and write access. |
Exclusive |
Exclusive lock; nothing else can access the file. |
Property descriptions
IsClosed As Boolean
Determines if the binary stream has been closed.
This property is read-only.
Length As UInt64
Gets or sets the length of the file in bytes. If you set the Length property to a value smaller than its current value, it truncates the file. If the BinaryStream is backed by a MemoryBlock, it returns MemoryBlock.Size. Raises an exception if setting the Length of a BinaryStream backed by a MemoryBlock with unknown size.
LittleEndian As Boolean
Gets or sets the byte order when reading or writing to a BinaryStream. A value of True sets the byte order to little endian.
Position As UInt64
Gets or sets the current position within the BinaryStream. The first position is numbered zero. To move the position to the end of the stream, set the Position to Length.
To append to the end of a file, set the Position to the Length and then Write.
Method descriptions
Closes an existing BinaryStream. Raises an exception if the stream is already closed.
Constructor(mb As MemoryBlock)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a BinaryStream from a MemoryBlock.
A BinaryStream created using a MemoryBlock will automatically re-size the MemoryBlock as needed to contain any additional data written to the stream.
Create binary data from an Image in the iOS project:
// MyImage is an iOSImage in the project
Var binaryData As New BinaryStream(MyImage.ToData("public.PNG"))
Create(file As FolderItem) As BinaryStream
Creates a new BinaryStream, bound to the passed File. Raises a RuntimeException if File is Nil, does not exist, is not accessible or another error occurs.
Using Xojo.IO
Using Xojo.Core
Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("")
Var bStream As BinaryStream
bStream = BinaryStream.Create(f)
Var data As MemoryBlock
Var t As Text = "Text for the binary file."
data = TextEncoding.UTF8.ConvertTextToData(t)
EOF As Boolean
Returns True if the BinaryStream position = the file length. If the stream is closed this function always returns True.
Immediately sends the contents of internal write buffers to disk or to the output stream.
FromHandle(handle As Ptr, type As Xojo.IO.HandleTypes) As BinaryStream
Creates a new BinaryStream from an OS handle.
Handle(type As Xojo.IO.HandleTypes) As Ptr
Given a handle type, gets a handle to the current stream . File Descriptor, File Pointer, or a Windows32 OS handle.
Open(file As FolderItem, mode As LockModes) As BinaryStream
Opens the passed FolderItem as a binary stream with the specified lock mode. If an error occurs, an IOException is raised.
Read all the data from a file:
Using Xojo.Core
Using Xojo.IO
Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("")
Var bStream As BinaryStream
bStream = BinaryStream.Open(f, BinaryStream.LockModes.Read)
Var data As MemoryBlock
data = bStream.Read(bStream.Length)
To append data to a binary file, open the file in read/write mode and then call the Write method once you have reached EOF:
Using Xojo.IO
Using Xojo.Core
Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("")
Var bStream As BinaryStream
bStream = BinaryStream.Open(f, BinaryStream.LockModes.ReadWrite)
Var data As MemoryBlock
data = bStream.Read(bStream.Length) // reached EOF
Var mb As MemoryBlock
Var t As Text = "Text to append"
mb = TextEncoding.UTF8.ConvertTextToData(t)
bStream.Write(mb) // data is appended to the BinaryStream
Read(count As Integer) As MemoryBlock
Reads the specified number of bytes. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
Read 1K into a MemoryBlock:
Var data As MemoryBlock
data = bStream.Read(1024)
Read the entire file into a MemoryBlock:
Var data As MemoryBlock
data = bStream.Read(bStream.Length)
ReadBoolean As Boolean
Reads a Boolean from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadCurrency As Currency
ReadDouble As Double
Reads a Double from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadInt16 As Int16
Reads an Int16 from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadInt32 As Int32
Reads an Int32 from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadInt64 As Int64
Reads an Int64 from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadInt8 As Int8
Reads an Int8 from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadSingle As Single
Reads a Single from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadText(count As Integer, encoding As TextEncoding) As String
Reads the next count bytes from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable or if encoding is Nil.
ReadUInt16 As UInt16
Reads a UInt16 from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadUInt32 As UInt32
Reads a UInt32 from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadUInt64 As UInt64
Reads a UInt64 from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
ReadUInt8 As UInt8
Reads a UInt8 from the stream. Raises an exception if the file is not readable.
Write(block As MemoryBlock)
Writes the bytes in the memoryblock. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable or the MemoryBlock has an unknown size.
WriteBoolean(value As Boolean)
Writes a Boolean to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteCurrency(value As Currency)
Writes a Currency to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteDouble(value As Double)
Writes a Double to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteInt16(value As Int16)
Writes an Int16 to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteInt32(value As Int32)
Writes an Int32 to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteInt64(value As Int64)
Writes an Int64 to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteInt8(value As Int8)
Writes an Int8 to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteSingle(value As Single)
Writes a Single to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteText(value As String, encoding As TextEncoding)
Writes the bytes in the Text. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable, or encoding is Nil.
WriteUInt16(value As UInt16)
Writes a UInt16 to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteUInt32(value As UInt32)
Writes a UInt32 to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteUInt64(value As UInt64)
Writes a UInt64 to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
WriteUInt8(value As UInt8)
Writes a UInt8 to the stream. Raises an exception if the stream is not writable.
The Read/Write methods raise an exception when reading or writing past the end of the stream. File IO prevents thread switching.
Sample code
Load an image that is copied to an iOS app using a Copy Files Build Step:
Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.GetResource("MyImage.JPG")
Var b As BinaryStream
b = BinaryStream.Open(f, BinaryStream.LockModes.Read)
Var mb As New MemoryBlock(b.Read(b.Length))
Var image As iOSImage
image = Image.FromData(mb)
ImageView1.Image = image
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; FolderItem, MemoryBlock classes