This item was deprecated in version 2020r2. Please use MobileImageViewer as a replacement.
Displays an image.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
constraint As iOSLayoutConstraint |
child As MobileControl |
index As Integer |
constraint As iOSLayoutConstraint |
child As MobileControl |
value As Color |
ScaleToFill, ScaleAspectFit, ScaleAspectFill, Center, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight
Enum |
Description |
ScaleToFill |
The image's aspect ratio is ignored and the image is stretched to fit within the bounds of the frame. |
ScaleAspectFit |
Scales the image until it fits entirely, maintaining aspect. |
ScaleAspectFill |
Scales the image until it fills the ImageView entirely, maintaining aspect. |
Center |
The image is centered within the frame. |
Top |
The image is positioned with its top at the top of the frame. |
Bottom |
The image is positioned with its bottom at the bottom of the frame. |
Left |
The image is positioned with its left at the left of the frame. |
Right |
The image is positioned with its right at the right of the frame. |
TopLeft |
The image is positioned with its top left at the top left of the frame. |
TopRight |
The image is positioned with its top right at the top right of the frame. |
BottomLeft |
The image is positioned with its bottom left at the bottom left of the frame. |
BottomRight |
The image is positioned with its bottom right at the bottom right of the frame. |
Property descriptions
AccessibilityHint As Text
The accessibility hint is a longer description that is read aloud when VoiceOver is enabled.
Me.AccessibilityHint = "Click to calculate the value and display the next view."
AccessibilityLabel As Text
The accessibility label of of a control is a short name that is read aloud when VoiceOver is enabled.
Me.AccessibilityLabel = "Calculate the value."
ContentMode As ContentModes
Specifies the way the picture gets displayed using the ContentModes enumeration.
Center the image within the frame:
Me.ContentMode = iOSImageView.ContentModes.Center
Height As Double
The height of the control.
This property is read-only.
Image As iOSImage
The image to display.
Display an image in the project:
Me.Image = MyCompanyLogo
Left As Double
The left position of the control.
This property is read-only.
Name As Text
The name of the control. This can only be set in the Inspector. Use the name to refer to the control.
This property is read-only.
Parent As iOSControl
Indicates the control's parent object, if it has one. If there is no parent, this is Nil.
This property is read-only.
Top As Double
The top position of the control.
This property is read-only.
Visible As Boolean
Indicates whether the control is visible.
Make a button invisible:
Button1.Visible = False
Width As Double
The width of the control.
This property is read-only.
Method descriptions
AddConstraint(constraint As iOSLayoutConstraint)
Adds a constraint to the control. This constraint is used by child controls that have been added to this control.
AddControl(child As MobileControl)
Adds a child control to the control.
Control(index As Integer) As MobileControl
Gets the child control at the specified index.
ControlCount As Integer
The number of child controls in the control.
Handle As Ptr
The handle is used to get a reference to the control for interfacing directly with the iOS API.
Marks the control so that it will be redrawn during the next event loop.
Call Invalidate to force a Canvas to redraw itself:
RemoveConstraint(constraint As iOSLayoutConstraint)
Removes a constraint from the control.
RemoveControl(child As MobileControl)
Removes the control from the control.
SetTintColor(value As Color)
Changes a control's tint color. This varies by control and for some controls may not do anything. For example, with an MobileTextField this changes the cursor color.
Event descriptions
Called when the control is removed from its container, such as a view.
Called after the control is created. This is where you typically put initialization code.
Set label text in Open event:
Me.Text = "Hello"
Sample code
This code adds an iOSImageView instance programmatically to the default main project view. The item "AppleImage" is an Picture instance added to the Project Browser from the Library.
This code is executed from the Open Event Handler in the default "View1" iOSView.
Var iv As New iOSImageView
iv.ContentMode = iOSImageView.ContentModes.ScaleAspectFit // Set how the image will be displayed in the iOSImageView view
iv.Image = AppleImage
me.AddControl iv
// Applying constraints to the superview (View1), so they set the position and size of the iOSImageView when displayed
// (size and position = centered with a marging of 50 points from the parent view edges)
Var RightC As New iOSLayoutConstraint(iv,iOSLayoutConstraint.AttributeTypes.Right, iOSLayoutConstraint.RelationTypes.Equal, _
self, iOSLayoutConstraint.AttributeTypes.Right,1.0,-50)
Var LeftC As New iOSLayoutConstraint(iv,iOSLayoutConstraint.AttributeTypes.left, iOSLayoutConstraint.RelationTypes.Equal, _
self, iOSLayoutConstraint.AttributeTypes.Left,1.0,50)
Var TopC As New iOSLayoutConstraint(iv,iOSLayoutConstraint.AttributeTypes.Top, iOSLayoutConstraint.RelationTypes.Equal, _
self, iOSLayoutConstraint.AttributeTypes.Top,1.0,50)
Var BottomC As New iOSLayoutConstraint(iv,iOSLayoutConstraint.AttributeTypes.Bottom, iOSLayoutConstraint.RelationTypes.Equal, _
self, iOSLayoutConstraint.AttributeTypes.bottom,1.0,-50)
me.AddConstraint RightC
me.AddConstraint LeftC
me.AddConstraint TopC
me.AddConstraint BottomC
iOS projects on the iOS operating system.
See also
MobileControl parent class; Picture class