This item was deprecated in version 2020r2. Please use MemoryBlock as a replacement.
A read-only class for managing blocks of memory. Since the contents of a MemoryBlock cannot be altered, if you need to alter a MemoryBlock, use MutableMemoryBlock.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
offset As UInteger |
bytes() As Byte |
other As MemoryBlock |
p As Ptr |
size As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger, other As MemoryBlock |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
bytes As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
bytes As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
offset As UInteger |
Property descriptions
Data As Ptr
The memory data in the MemoryBlock.
This property is read-only.
This data pointer is invalidated when the MemoryBlock is changed.
LittleEndian As Boolean
When True, indicates that the MemoryBlock data is in LittleEndian format. The default is True.
Simple endian usage:
Var mb1 As New Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock(2) // defaults to Little Endian = True on all platforms
mb1.Int8Value(0) = 1
mb1.Int8Value(1) = 2
Var firstUInt16 As Int16
firstUInt16 = mb1.UInt16Value(0)
// firstUInt16 = (256 * 2) + (1 * 1) = 513
mb1.LittleEndian = False
Var secondUInt16 As Int16
secondUInt16 = mb1.UInt16Value(0)
// secondUInt16 = (256 * 1) + (1 * 2) = 258
Size As UInteger
The size (in bytes) of the MemoryBlock.
This property is read-only.
If the size is unknown, this returns &hFFFFFFFF (32-bit apps) or &hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (64-bit app).
Method descriptions
BooleanValue(offset As UInteger) As Boolean
Gets a Boolean value at the specified offset (in bytes). Any non-zero value is considered True.
Clone As MemoryBlock
Makes a copy of the MemoryBlock. If its size is known, it copies the content.
Var mb1 As New Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock(64)
Var mb2 As Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock = mb1.Clone
MemoryBlocks can be compared with each other using the "=" operator.
MemoryBlocks are considered equal for these conditions: * The MemoryBlocks are the same object * Both MemoryBlocks' data point to the same location * Both MemoryBlocks' size and content are the same There is no concept of one MemoryBlock being greater than or less than another MemoryBlock.
Constructor(bytes() As Byte)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a MemoryBlock from an existing Byte array.
Constructor(other As MemoryBlock)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a new MemoryBlock with the data from an existing MemoryBlock.
Constructor(p As Ptr)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a MemoryBlock from an existing chunk of memory.
Constructor(p As Ptr, size As UInteger)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a MemoryBlock from an existing block of memory of a specific size.
Constructor(size As UInteger)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a MemoryBlock with the desired size in bytes.
Reserve 1K:
Var mb As New Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock(1024) // Reserve 1K bytes
CStringValue(offset As UInteger) As CString
Gets a CString value at the specified offset (in bytes).
A CString is a sequence of non-zero bytes followed by a terminating Chr(0) to mark the end of the CString.
CurrencyValue(offset As UInteger) As Currency
Gets an 8-byte Currency value at the specified offset (in bytes).
DoubleValue(offset As UInteger) As Double
Gets a Double value at the specified offset (in bytes).
IndexOf(offset As UInteger, other As MemoryBlock) As UInteger
Returns the position of the other MemoryBlock starting at the offset. Returns -1 if other was not found.
Int16Value(offset As UInteger) As Int16
Gets an Int16 value at the specified offset (in bytes).
Int32Value(offset As UInteger) As Int32
Gets an Int32 value at the specified offset (in bytes).
Int64Value(offset As UInteger) As Int64
Gets an Int64 value at the specified offset (in bytes).
Int8Value(offset As UInteger) As Int8
Gets an Int8 value at the specified offset (in bytes).
Left(bytes As UInteger) As MemoryBlock
Gets the specified number of bytes at the beginning of the MemoryBlock.
PtrValue(offset As UInteger) As Ptr
Gets a Ptr value at the specified offset (in bytes).
Right(bytes As UInteger) As MemoryBlock
Gets the bytes from the end of the MemoryBlock.
Get the last two bytes of a MemoryBlock:
Var bytes() As Byte
Var data As New Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock(bytes)
Var mb As Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock = data.Right(2)
SingleValue(offset As UInteger) As Single
Gets a Single value at the specified offset (in bytes).
UInt16Value(offset As UInteger) As UInt16
Gets an UInt16 value at the specified offset (in bytes).
UInt32Value(offset As UInteger) As UInt32
Gets an UInt32 value at the specified offset (in bytes).
UInt64Value(offset As UInteger) As UInt64
Gets an UInt64 value at the specified offset (in bytes).
UInt8Value(offset As UInteger) As UInt8
Gets an UInt8 value at the specified offset (in bytes). A UInt8 can also be considered a Byte.
Get the bytes from a MemoryBlock:
Var getBytes() As UInt8
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
WStringValue(offset As UInteger) As WString
Gets a WString value at the specified offset (in bytes).
For 32-bit apps, you can request a maximum of about 2 to 3 GB depending on the OS. Generally Windows is closer to 2GB and macOS/Linux are closer to 3GB. There is no practical limit for 64-bit apps.
To convert Text to a MemoryBlock, use TextEncoding.ConvertTextToData. To convert a MemoryBlock to Text, use TextEncoding.ConvertDataToText.
Compared to MutableMemoryBlock, MemoryBlock is more efficient in terms of memory use savings, but doesn't really have any difference in terms of access. Being able to pass around immutable chunks of data allows the framework to directly reference internal data and avoid having to copy it on the off chance it might get modified.
To convert a hex Text to a MemoryBlock you can use code like this:
// hex contains hex as Text
Var bytes() As UInt8
For i As Integer = 0 To hex.Length - 2 Step 2
Var value As UInt8 = UInt8.FromHex(hex.Mid(i, 2))
Var mb As New Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock(bytes)
To EncodeHex the contents of a MemoryBlock you can use code like this:
Var joiner() As Text
For i As Integer = 0 To hashMB.Size - 1
Var b As UInt8 = hashMB.UInt8Value(i)
Var hex As Text = Text.Join(joiner, "")
Converting to a classic memoryblock
When using both the Classic and New Framework in a single (desktop, web or console) app, you may find that you need to convert a Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock to a Classic MemoryBlock for use with other methods. You can do so by copying the data from the Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock to the Classic MemoryBlock:
// newMB is a Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock
Var temp As MemoryBlock = newMb.Data
Var mb As New MemoryBlock(newMb.Size)
mb.StringValue(0, mb.Size) = temp.StringValue(0, mb.Size)
temp = Nil // optional as it will also be cleared when it goes out of scope
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock classes