This item was deprecated in version 2020r2. Please use Dictionary as a replacement.
The Dictionary class is an unordered, mutable, key-value store that is loosely typed. It implements the Iterable interface, allowing efficient and easy iteration over all key-value pairs.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Property descriptions
Count As Integer
The number of entries in the Dictionary.
This property is read-only.
Method descriptions
Clone As Dictionary
Performs a shallow clone of the Dictionary, resulting in a new Dictionary that can be manipulated independently of the first. A shallow clone means that if a Dictionary Value or Key refers to a class instance, its contents are not also cloned.
Clone a dictionary and then change the original:
Var d1 As New Xojo.Core.Dictionary
d1.Value("Test") = "Hello, World!"
Var d2 As Xojo.Core.Dictionary
d2 = d1.Clone
d1.Value("Test") = "Changed!"
// d2.Value("Test") is still "Hello, World!"
GetIterator As Iterator
Creates a new iterator for the Dictionary which will yield DictionaryEntry objects for its values that you can iterate through using For Each...Next. Part of the xojo.core.iterable interface.
You will not access this method directly. Instead use the ability to iterate over the Dictionary using a For Each...Next loop.
Iterate over the Dictionary entries using For Each..Next:
Var d As New Xojo.Core.Dictionary
d.Value("One") = "Testing"
d.Value("Two") = "Iterator"
For Each entry As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry In d
TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text + " " + entry.Key + " " + entry.Value
HasKey(key As Variant) As Boolean
Determines whether or not the Dictionary contains a value for the specified key.
Check if "Test" is used as a key value:
If Not d1.HasKey("Test") Then
d1.Value("Test") = "Initial value"
End If
Lookup(key As Variant, defaultValue As Variant) As Variant
Returns the value associated with the specified key. If there is no such entry, the defaultValue parameter is returned and no exception is raised.
If the User ID is not found in the Dictionary, return "UnknownUser":
Var userID As Integer = 123
Var user As Text
user = d1.Lookup(userID, "UnknownUser")
Remove(key As Variant)
Removes a single entry with the specified key from the Dictionary, invalidating all iterators that were created from the Dictionary. If there is no entry in the Dictionary for the key, a KeyNotFoundException is raised.
Remove the entry for the value "Test" in the Dictionary:
Removes all entries from the Dictionary. This invalidates all iterators that were created from the Dictionary.
Remove all entries from a Dictionary:
Event descriptions
CompareKeys(lhs As Variant, rhs As Variant)
Implement this event handler if you would like the Dictionary to support case-sensitive keys.
This code does a case-sensitive comparison of the text value of the specified keys:
Var lhsText As Text = lhs
Var rhsText As Text = rhs
Return lhsText.Compare(rhsText, Text.CompareCaseSensitive)
As shown on GetIterator, if you change the Dictionary while iterating over it using For Each...Next, an exception will be raised. If you find you need to iterate and change the data, you can add a method to get all the keys into an array and then iterate through the array to access the Dictionary values. A method could be something like this:
Function EagerlyEvaluateIterable(obj As Xojo.Core.Iterable) As Auto()
Var results() As Auto
For Each item As Auto In obj
Return results
End Function
Now you can call the method to get an array where you can then modify the contents:
For Each entry As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry In EagerlyEvaluateIterable(d)
' Stuff that can mutate the dictionary
Sample code
Add items to a Dictionary and loop through them:
Var months As New Xojo.Core.Dictionary
months.Value("January") = 31
months.Value("February") = 28
months.Value("March") = 31
months.Value("April") = 30
months.Value("May") = 31
months.Value("June") = 30
months.Value("July") = 31
months.Value("August") = 31
months.Value("September") = 30
months.Value("October") = 31
months.Value("November") = 30
months.Value("December") = 31
For Each days As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry In months
Var numDays As Integer = days.Value
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; Variant data type; KeyNotFoundException, Dictionary classes