An object containing graphics and/or text that can be saved to a file.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
callout As PDFCallout |
ParamArray control As PDFControl |
controls() As PDFControl |
file As FolderItem, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, Optional description As String |
file As FolderItem, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, Optional description As String |
file As FolderItem, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, Optional description As String |
Folder As FolderItem |
✓ |
page As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, Optional x1 As Integer, Optional y1 As Integer |
line As PDFLine |
URL As String, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer |
file As FolderItem, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer |
x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height as Integer, description As String = ", markupColor As Color = &cFFFF79, type As PDFAnnotation.MarkupTypes = PDFAnnotation.MarkupTypes.Highlight |
shape As PDFShape |
ParamArray entry As PDFTOCEntry |
entries() As PDFTOCEntry |
✓ |
value As JSONItem |
value As PDFDocument.PageSizes |
file As FolderItem |
page As Integer |
page As Integer, Assigns As PDFTransition |
All the methods that are supported for creating graphics for PDFDocument. When creating templates via code, these help make the code more readable.
Name |
Bold |
CharacterSpacing |
Clip |
DashPhase |
DrawLine |
DrawOval |
DrawPicture |
DrawPolygon |
DrawRectangle |
DrawRoundRectangle |
DrawText |
FillOval |
FillPolygon |
FillRectangle |
FillRoundRectangle |
FontName |
FontSize |
Italic |
LineCap |
LineDash |
LineJoin |
MatrixScaleX |
MatrixScaleY |
NextPage |
Outline |
PenColor |
PenSize |
ResetState |
RestoreState |
RotationAngle |
SaveState |
Translate |
Transparency |
Underline |
Specifies the size of the PDF document page.
Name |
Letter |
Legal |
Tabloid |
A4 |
A3 |
The standard embedded fonts available.
Name |
Times |
Helvetica |
Courier |
Symbol |
ZapfDingbats |
LiberationSans |
LiberationSansBold |
LiberationSansItalic |
LiberationSerif |
LiberationSerifBold |
LiberationSerifItalic |
LiberationMono |
LiberationMonoBold |
LiberationMonoItalic |
TimesNewRoman |
Arial |
Property descriptions
Author As String
The name of the person who authored the document. This is stored in the document's metadata to make it possible to find the document with search utilities.
Compressed As Boolean
If True, the document is stored compressed.
Creator As String
The name of the application that created the document.
CurrentPage As Integer
The page which is accessed when using page-related properties and methods of the PDFDocument class.
EmbeddedFonts As Boolean
If true, fonts used in the PDFDocument will be embedded in the created PDF file.
Graphics As PDFGraphics
An object that can be used to draw text and graphics into the document.
This property is read-only.
Keywords As String
The keywords that best indicate the contents of the document. This is stored in the document's metadata to make it possible to find the document with search utilities.
Landscape As Boolean
If True, the document is in landscape orientation.
Language As String
The primary language of the document. This value is used to assist various PDF standard features/behaviors such as pronunciation when reading PDF text aloud.
Acceptable values start with a two letter language code followed by a two letter country code. Example values are en-US and es-ES. A complete set of acceptable values can be found here.
PageCount As Integer
The number of pages in the document.
This property is read-only.
PageHeight As Double
The height (in points) of a page of the document.
PageWidth As Double
The width (in points) of a page of the document.
Permissions As PDFPermissions
Indicates what limitations (if any) the document has in terms of opening, printing, copying its contents and more.
Subject As String
The subject of the document. This is stored in the document's metadata to make it possible to find the document with search utilities.
Title As String
The title of the document. This is stored in the document's metadata to make it possible to find the document with search utilities.
ViewerOptions As PDFViewerOptions
Sets the UI elements the viewer should display when the document is to be displayed on the screen.
Method descriptions
AddAnnotation(message As String, x As Integer, y As Integer)
Adds a widget to the current page at the coordinates passed that when clicked displays the message passed.
AddCallout(callout As PDFCallout)
Adds the callout to the current page of the PDF document.
AddControl(ParamArray control As PDFControl)
Adds the array of control passed to the PDF document.
AddControl(controls() As PDFControl)
Adds the array of control passed to the PDF document.
AddEmbeddedFile(file As FolderItem, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, description As String = "")
Embeds file into the current page of the PDF document and indicates a clickable region that, when clicked, opens the embedded document with the associated app.
Var d As New PDFDocument
Var g As Graphics = d.Graphics
Var f As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("")
Const kAttachedFileText As String = "Attached File"
g.DrawText(kAttachedFileText, 20 , 20)
If f <> Nil Then
d.AddEmbeddedFile(f, 20, 20, g.TextWidth(kAttachedFileText), g.TextHeight)
End If
AddEmbeddedMovie(file As FolderItem, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, description As String = "")
Embeds the movie file (.mp4 format) to the current page of the PDF Document. The movie will play, when the user double-clicks the active icon on the page.
Due to a known issue in Adobe Acrobat on Windows, to properly play embedded movies, the graphics settings must be properly configured.
AddEmbeddedSound(file As FolderItem, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, description As String = "")
Embeds the sound file (AIFF, 2 Channels, 16 bits, 44.1) into the current page of the PDF document and describes an active area that when double-clicked, plays the sound.
Const kAttachedSound = "Some nice sound"
Var d As New PDFDocument
Var g As Graphics = d.Graphics
Var f As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("")
If f <> Nil Then
d.AddEmbeddedSound(f, 100, 20, g.TextWidth(kAttachedSound), g.TextHeight, kAttachedSound)
End If
AddFonts(Folder As FolderItem)
All fonts within the folder and any subfolders are embedded within the document so that they are not required to be installed on the user's machine in order for text that uses them to be rendered properly with those fonts.
This method is shared.
This example makes the fonts copied into the Resources > Fonts folder of the compiled app available to the PDFDocument created:
Var d As New PDFDocument
AddGotoPageArea(page As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, Optional x1 As Integer, Optional y1 As Integer)
Designates an area of the current page that will go to the page passed when pressed.
Providing the optional x1 and y1 parameters will ensure that the area of the page to which the user goes is visible.
AddLine(line As PDFLine)
Adds line to the current page of the PDF Document.
AddLinkArea(URL As String, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer)
Designates an area of the current page that will go to the URL passed when pressed.
AddLinkToPDFArea(URL As String, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer)
Designates an area of the current page that will open the PDF file passed when pressed.
AddMarkup(x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height as Integer, description As String = "", markupColor As Color = &cFFFF79, type As PDFAnnotation.MarkupTypes = PDFAnnotation.MarkupTypes.Highlight)
Adds any of the predefined styles of markup to the text found below the active area (as described by the x, y, width and height values) on the current page of a PDFDocument instance. When double-clicked it opens a popup annotation window.
// This example highlights the text found below the active area of the added markup annotation.
Var d As New PDFDocument
Var g As Graphics = d.Graphics
Const kSampleText As String = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat nisi vitae erat pharetra, ac consequat dui facilisis. Pellentesque quis sem non velit dictum fringilla id nec odio. Maecenas ultricies mi sed mauris dignissim sagittis. Pellentesque quis diam ligula. Nunc eu velit in tortor rhoncus commodo. Fusce a mi urna. In semper ex et volutpat lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed magna elit, lacinia vel leo a, egestas ornare est. Donec nec feugiat arcu."
g.DrawText(kSampleText, 20, 500, 400)
Var h As Double = g.TextHeight(kSampleText, 400)
d.AddMarkup(20, 500 - g.TextHeight, 400, h, "Annotation Description")
AddShape(shape As PDFShape)
Adds the shape to the current page of the PDF document.
AddTable(table As PDFTable, x As Double, y As Double)
Adds the table passed at the x and y coordinates passed.
AddTOCEntry(ParamArray entry As PDFTOCEntry)
Creates a table of contents from the array of PDFTOCEntrys passed.
AddTOCEntry(entries() As PDFTOCEntry)
Creates a table of contents from the array of PDFTOCEntrys passed.
Clears (deletes) all files created in the temporary folder as a result of various font operations.
Constructor(value As JSONItem)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a PDFDocument based upon the JSON data passed.
Constructor(value As PDFDocument.PageSizes)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a PDFDocument where the page size is based on the PageSize passed.
Constructor(width As Double, height As Double)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a PDFDocument where the page size is based width and height passed.
Save(file As FolderItem)
Creates the PDF document and saves the graphics and metadata to it.
Template As JSONItem
Returns a JSONItem that represents the PDFDocument in JSON format.
This JSON data can be passed into the PDFDocument constructor to create a PDFDocument effectively making this data act as a template.
ToData As MemoryBlock
Returns a MemoryBlock that represents the PDFDocument's contents.
TransitionAt(page As Integer) As PDFTransition
Gets the PDFTransition for the page passed.
TransitionAt(page As Integer, Assigns transition As PDFTransition)
Sets a PDFTransition for the page passed.
Transitions can be applied to a PDFDocument page to be used by the viewer app when enabled in presentation or slide show modes.
PDFDocument supports only .ttf and .otf font files.
On Linux, PDFDocument requires the Pango library to be installed. While it is installed by default on most Linux distributions, if it's missing and you call a PDFDocument function, an exception will be raised.
Every new object is drawn above the previous one in the same way as the Graphics class does in all other cases.
Meta data
The Author, Keywords, Subject and Title are metadata values that can be used by search utilities to find the document.
JSON format
PDFDocuments can be created by passing JSON data to the Constructor (see Constructors above). The JSON format required is as follows:
"General": {
"Author": String,
"Creator": String,
"Keywords": String,
"Subject": String,
"Title": String
"Document": {
"Compression": Boolean,
"EmbeddedFonts": Boolean,
"Landscape": Boolean,
"Width": Double,
"Height": Double
"Actions": { Dictionary { Dictionary } }
"Images": { Dictionary { Dictionary } }
Actions is a Dictionary of dictionaries, each containing a single graphics command and parameters you wish to invoke. For example:
"Actions": {
"0": {
"Color": "&h00FFFFFF"
"1": {
"FillRectangle": ".00,.00,612.00,792.00"
"2": {
"FontName": "Helvetica"
"3": {
"DrawText": "Sample text,_ENDTEXT_,100,200,200,False"
Images is a Dictionary of dictionaries, each containing a single Base64-encoded image from the document (when generated but the Template method) regardless of how many times that image appears in the document. For example:
Note that if you are planning to create this manually, the inner key must match the outer key.
Drawing text
The _ENDTEXT_ marker delimits the end of the text to be drawn from the rest of the parameters. This simplifies the JSON structure when created manually.
You can also save your PDFDocument JSON data for use later as a template, by calling the Template method.
Sample code
This example creates a PDFDocument object then draws a bar chart into and saves it to a file on the desktop:
Var pdf As New PDFDocument
Var g As Graphics = pdf.Graphics
g.PenSize = 1
g.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, 324)
g.DrawLine(0, 324, g.Width, 324)
Var r As New Random
Var startX As Integer = 1
Var colors() As Color
Var bars() As Integer
If colors.LastRowIndex = -1 Then
For n As Integer = 0 To 5
colors.Add(Color.RGB(r.InRange(0, 255), r.InRange(0, 255), r.InRange(0, 255)))
bars.Add(r.InRange(325 * 0.1, 325 - 325 * 0.2))
End If
Var barWidth As Integer = g.Width / 6 * 0.8
Var spaceBetween As Integer = g.Width / 6 * 0.2
For n As Integer = 0 To 5
g.DrawingColor = colors(n)
g.FillRectangle(startX, 325 - bars(n), barWidth, bars(n) - 1)
startX = startX + barWidth + spaceBetween
Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("Barchart.pdf")
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; PDFTable, DesktopCanvas control; PrinterSetup class