A table that can appear in a PDFDocument.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
Property descriptions
ColumnCount As Integer
The number of columns in the table.
ColumnWidths As String
The widths of the columns separated by commas.
DataSource As PDFTableDataSource
The PDFTableDataSource for the table.
HasRepeatingHeader As Boolean
If True, the header will be drawn again upon on each page the table is present.
Sample code
This example demonstrates adding a table to a new PDF document. Self in this case refers a DesktopWindow implementing the PDFTableDataSource methods:
Var d As New PDFDocument
Var g As Graphics = d.Graphics
Var tTable As New PDFTable
tTable.ColumnCount = 3
tTable.ColumnWidths = "150,150,150"
tTable.DataSource = Self
tTable.HasRepeatingHeader = True
d.AddTable(tTable, 20, 20)
The following shows the implementation of the interface in Window1:
Public Function AddNewRow(rowCount As Integer) As Boolean
// Part of the PDFTableDataSource interface.
Return rowCount < 100
End Function
Public Function HeaderHeight() As Double
// Part of the PDFTableDataSource interface.
Return 30
End Function
Public Sub PaintHeaderContent(g As Graphics, column As Integer)
// Part of the PDFTableDataSource interface.
Var c As Color
Select Case Column
Case 0
c = Color.Red
Case 1
c = Color.Green
Case 2
c = Color.Blue
End Select
g.DrawingColor = c
g.FillRectangle(0, 0, g.Width, g.Height)
Var s As String = "Column: " + Column.ToString
Var x, y As Double
x = (g.Width / 2) - (g.TextWidth(s) / 2)
y = (g.Height / 2) + (g.TextHeight / 2)
g.DrawingColor = Color.Black
g.DrawText(s, x, y)
End Sub
Public Sub PaintCell(g As Graphics, row As Integer, column As Integer)
// Part of the PDFTableDataSource interface.
g.DrawingColor = Color.Black
g.DrawRectangle(0, 0, g.Width, g.Height)
Var s As String = "row: " + row.ToString + " column: " + Column.ToString
Var h As Double = g.Height / 2 + g.TextHeight / 2
g.DrawText(s, 5, h)
End Function
Public Function RowHeight() As Double
// Part of the PDFTableDataSource interface.
return 25
End Function
All projects types on all supported operating systems.