Allows you to set a transition to a PDF Document page to be used by the viewer app when enabled in presentation or slide show modes.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
Optional style As PDFTransition, Optional duration As Double = 1 |
"The various directions in which the transitions will move."
Enum |
Default |
Horizontal |
Vertical |
LeftToRight |
BottomToTop |
RightToLeft |
TopToBottom |
TopLeftToBottomRight |
Inward |
Outward |
HorizontalInward |
HorizontalOutward |
VerticalInward |
VerticalOutward |
"The visual effect of the transition."
Enum |
Description |
Blinds |
Multiple lines, evenly spaced across the screen, synchronously sweep in the same direction to reveal the next page. The lines may be either horizontal or vertical as specified by the Direction property. Horizontal lines move downward; Vertical lines move to the right. |
Box |
A rectangular box sweeps inward from the edges of the page or outward from the center, as specified by the Direction property. |
Cover |
The next page slides on to the screen in the direction specified by the Direction property, covering the current page. |
Dissolve |
The current page dissolves gradually to reveal the next page. |
Fade |
The next page gradually becomes visible through the current page. |
Fly |
Changes are flown in or out in the direction specified by the Direction property, to or from a location that is offscreen. |
Glitter |
Similar to Dissolve, except that the effect sweeps across the page in a wide band moving from one side of the screen to the other in the direction specified by the Direction property. |
None |
The next page replaces the current page with no special transition effect. |
Push |
The current page slides off the screen while the next page slides in, pushing the current page out in the direction specified by the Direction property. |
Split |
Two lines sweep across the screen, revealing the next page. The lines may be either horizontal or vertical and may move inward from the edges of the page or outward from the center, as specified by the Direction property. |
Uncover |
The current page slides off the screen in the direction specified by the Direction property, uncovering the next page in the direction specified by the Direction property. |
Wipe |
A single line sweeps across the screen from one edge to the other in the direction specified by the Direction property. |
Property descriptions
Delay As Integer
Time in seconds before the transition begins.
The default value is -1 which means a transition to the next page will not automatically occur.
Direction As Directions
The direction in which the transition will occur.
Duration As Integer
The time in seconds it will take for the transition effect to complete.
The default value is 1.0.
Style As Styles
The style of the transition.
Method descriptions
Constructor(Optional style As PDFTransition = PDFTransition.Styles.None, Optional duration As Double = 1)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates an instance of PDFTransition with the style and duration passed.
Preview on MacOS does not support PDF transitions. Use Acrobat Reader instead.
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; PDFDocument class.