A button to add to a Toolbar or Navigation Bar on a Screen.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
buttonType As MobileToolbarButton.Types, buttonCaption As String = "", buttonIcon As Picture = Nil |
MobileToolbarButton |
✓ |
System-provided icons to use when creating buttons.
Enum |
Description |
Action |
Uses system icon to indicate an action. |
Add |
Uses system icon to indicate an add. |
Bookmarks |
Uses system icon to indicate a bookmark. |
Camera |
Uses system icon to indicate the camera. |
Cancel |
Uses localized text for "Cancel". |
Close |
The system close button. |
Compose |
Uses system icon to indicate a new document. |
Custom |
For use with declares. |
Done |
Uses localized text for "Done". |
Edit |
Uses localized text for "Edit". |
FastForward |
Uses system fast forward icon. |
FixedSpace |
Adds a fixed space for separating icons. |
FlexibleSpace |
A flexible space that pushes icons on the right all the way to the right edge of the toolbar. |
Organize |
Uses system icon. |
Pause |
Uses system icon. |
Play |
Uses system icon. |
Redo |
Uses localized text for "Redo". |
Refresh |
Uses system icon. |
Reply |
Uses system icon. |
Rewind |
Uses system icon. |
Save |
Uses localized text for "Save". |
Search |
Uses system icon. |
Stop |
Uses system icon. |
Trash |
Uses system icon. |
Undo |
Uses localized text for "Undo". |
Property descriptions
Caption As String
Sets the caption for the button.
If you have both a Caption and Icon specified, only the Icon appears.
Enabled As Boolean
Enables or disables the button.
Add a disabled "Save" button to the toolbar:
Var saveButton As New MobileToolbarButton(MobileToolbarButton.Types.Save)
saveButton.Enabled = False
Icon As Picture
Specifies an picture to display for the button's icon.
If you have both a Caption and Icon specified, then only the Icon appears.
Only the mask for the image is used, displayed using the tint color for iOS (currently blue).
For iOS, Apple provides guidelines on icon size.
Tag As Variant
A place to store an associated value of any type.
Type As Types
The type specifies which system-provided icon the button will have.
This property is read-only.
Width As Double
The width of the button.
Method descriptions
Constructor(buttonType As MobileToolbarButton.Types, buttonCaption As String = "", buttonIcon As Picture = Nil)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a button with the specified type, caption or icon.
Adds the camera icon as a toolbar button:
Var tb As New MobileToolbarButton(MobileToolbarButton.Types.Camera)
Add a plain button:
Var saveButton As New MobileToolbarButton(MobileToolbarButton.Types.Plain, "Save")
Add a button using a system image:
Var moonButton As New MobileToolbarButton(MobileToolbarButton.Types.Plain, "", _
Picture.SystemImage("moon", 0))
FromHandle(handle As Ptr, overrideEvents As Boolean = False) As MobileToolbarButton
Returns a MobileToolbarButton created from the Ptr passed.
This method is shared.
If True is passed as the overrideEvents parameter, the Xojo mobile framework will not intercept touch events allowing you to respond to them via declares.
Handle As Ptr
Provides access to the underlying OS API.
Buttons in a toolbar can have an icon or a caption but not both.
Mobile projects on all supported mobile operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; MobileToolbar