A field on a report. Use the Report Editor to create ReportFields.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
TextAlignment |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
controlName As String |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Property descriptions
BackColor As Color
The background color for the object. If the control has a HasBackColor property, it must be set to True to have the BackColor displayed.
Bold As Boolean
If True, applies the bold style to the control's caption and/or its text content if any.
Mac apps can only display font styles that are available. You cannot force a font to display in bold or italic if it does not have bold or italic variations available. In this situation, the Bold property will not affect the font.
DataField As String
The name of the field from the data source to bind to the control.
DefaultEncoding As TextEncoding
The TextEncoding of the control. The default is UTF-8.
If you need to change this, do so in the BeforePrinting event using a statement such as:
Me.DefaultEncoding = Encodings.UTF16
HasBackColor As Boolean
If True, the background color is set to BackColor.
Height As Double
The height of the control in Units. Height is relative to the section the control is in.
Italic As Boolean
If True, applies the italic style to the control's caption and/or its text content if any.
Mac apps can only display font styles that are available. You cannot force a font to display in bold or italic if it does not have bold or italic variations available. In this situation, the Italic property will not affect the font.
Left As Double
The left side of the control in Units. Left is relative to the section the control is in.
Linespacing As Double
The linespacing in points between the lines of text in the field. This assumes that it is a multiline field.
Multiline As Boolean
If True, the Field can hold more than one line of text and the LineSpacing property is applicable.
OutputFormat As String
The mask used to format the value. This uses the same mask values as the Format command.
PenHeight As Integer
The height in pixels used when drawing lines, ovals, and rectangles.
PenWidth As Integer
The width in pixels used when drawing lines, ovals, and rectangles.
SummaryFunc As String
The summary function type to be used to process the datafield values as a group.
Currently, the only function type is:
Value |
Description |
0 |
Sum |
SummaryType As String
Determines the type of total to be calculated by the SummaryFunc.
The choices are:
Value |
None |
Grand Total |
Page Total |
Subtotal |
Page Count |
Text As String
The text that is displayed in the ReportField. Used for display purposes only.
TextAlign As TextAlignment
The alignment of the Text.
The choices are:
Value |
Description |
0 |
Left |
1 |
Center |
2 |
Right |
TextColor As Color
Gets or sets the color of the caption or the text content. The default value is black.
TextFont As String
Name of the font used to display the caption or text content.
You can enter any font that is installed on the computer or the names of the two metafonts, "System" and "SmallSystem".
The System font is the font used by the system software as its default font. Different operating systems use different default fonts. If the system software supports both a large and small System font, you can also specify the "SmallSystem" font as your TextFont.
On Macintosh, "SmallSystem" specifies the OS's smaller system font and may make the control smaller in size as well. On Windows and Linux, "SmallSystem" is the same as "System".
TextSize As Double
The size of the text, measured in TextUnits.
TextUnit As FontUnits
The unit in which TextSize is measured.
The choices are:
Value |
Description |
0 |
Default |
1 |
Pixel |
2 |
Point |
3 |
Inch |
4 |
Millimeter |
Top As Double
The top of the control in Units. Top is relative to the section the control is in.
Underline As Boolean
If True, applies the underline style to the control's caption and/or its text content if any.
Visible As Boolean
If True, the control is visible. The default is True.
Width As Double
The width of the control in Units. Width is relative to the section the control is in.
WordWrap As Boolean
If True, the multiline text will wordwrap within the Field boundaries.
Method descriptions
Constructor(controlName as String)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a new ReportControl with the passed name.
Event descriptions
Called after the control has rendered the data for printing.
Fires before the rendering takes place.
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
RBReportControl parent class; Reports Module module; RBReportDocument, Report, ReportLabel, ReportLineShape, ReportOvalShape, ReportRectangleShape, ReportRoundRetangleShape. ReportPicture classes.