Used to display a picture on a report. Used by the Report Layout Editor.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
The available alignments for a ReportPicture. Used by the Alignment property.
Name |
BottomLeft |
BottomRight |
Center |
TopLeft |
TopRight |
Property descriptions
Alignment As PictureAlignment
The alignment of the picture inside the ReportPicture.
BackColor As Color
The background color for the object. If the control has a HasBackColor property, it must be set to True to have the BackColor displayed.
DataField As String
The name of the field from the datasource to bind to the control.
Binary fields in REAL SQL Server are supported. If a ReportPicture has both an Image and a DataField specified, then the DataField will be used. The picture assigned to the Image property acts as a default if there is no image assigned to the DataField or cannot be read successfully.
Image As Picture
The image to be displayed in the ReportPicture.
Stretch As Boolean
If True, the image will be stretched to fill the interior of the control or scaled to fit the entire ReportPicture.
If the image is larger than the control, it will be reduced to fit inside the control. If the aspect ratio of the image does not match that of the control, it will appear distorted. The default is True.
Event descriptions
Called after the control has rendered the data for printing.
Fires before the rendering takes place.
The Report Editor can print pictures that are stored in a SQLite Database. Use a ReportPicture in a Report Editor form. SQLiteDatabase stores pictures in Binary fields but the reporting engine can convert the contents of a Binary field so that the picture can be imaged. The user does not need to do anything special to use a ReportPicture field.
To print a picture from a SQLiteDatabase, assign the field name to the DataField property of a ReportPicture. Deselect the Stretch property if you want the image to appear at 100% and set the alignment property if the pictures do not take up all the area of the ReportPictures.
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; Reports Module module; RBReportDocument, Report, ReportField, ReportLabel, ReportLineShape, ReportOvalShape, ReportRectangleShape, ReportRoundRetangleShape classes.