


BinaryStream objects are used to read and write data to and from a binary file. The benefit of using BinaryStreams rather than text streams is that you can read from and write to any position in the file. Text files must be read sequentially from the start to the end.













The following class constants can be used to specify the value of the Type parameter of the Handle property.

Class Constant



A file descriptor


A file pointer


A Windows32 OS handle

Property descriptions


BytePosition As UInt64

Gets or sets the current file position in the BinaryStream. The first position is numbered zero.

This property is automatically incremented by all of the Read and Write methods.

To move the position to the end of the stream, set it to BinaryStream.

This code changes the position from the default position of zero.

readStream.BytePosition = 100


Length As UInt64

The length of the file in bytes. If you set the Length property to a value smaller than its current value, it will truncate the file.

Var i As UInt64
Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
i = readStream.Length


LittleEndian As Boolean

If True, the byte order is assumed to be low byte, high byte.

By default, BinaryStream reads data in the BigEndian byte order.

The following code sets the LittleEndian flag to True.

Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
readStream.LittleEndian = True

Method descriptions



Closes the stream (and hence the file opened by the stream).

This code backs a BinaryStream with a MemoryBlock that is declared 0-sized:

Var mb As New MemoryBlock(0)
Var bs As New BinaryStream(mb)


Constructor(s As String)


Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.

Creates a BinaryStream from a String.


This method is not currently supported for Android.


Constructor(mb As MemoryBlock)


Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.

Creates a BinaryStream from a MemoryBlock.


This method is not currently supported for Android.


Constructor(Handle As Integer, Type As Integer)


Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.

Creates a BinaryStream from an OS handle.


This method is not currently supported for Android.

Type is one of the HandleType class constants and Handle is the appropriate handle type specified by the Type parameter.

The BinaryStream class constants given below can be passed as the parameter.




A Windows32 OS handle.


A file pointer.


A file descriptor.

For instance, you can use a Declare to open a file with whatever permissions that you wish, and then pass the Handle to a stream object's constructor. When you do this, the BinaryStream now retains the ownership rights to the file handle, so you should not close the file handle (via a declare for example), since it will close when the BinaryStream is destructed.

Var b As New BinaryStream(i, BinaryStream.HandleTypeWin32Handle)


Create(file As FolderItem, overwrite As Boolean = False) As BinaryStream

Creates a file and opens a binary stream for reading and exclusive writing to the passed FolderItem.

This method is shared.

The overwrite parameter controls whether the operation can overwrite an existing file. The default is False.

Invoke Create using the syntax for shared methods, i.e. use BinaryStream.Create(...)

If the stream can not be opened as requested, an IOException will be raised. For instance, this will happen if the file is already opened for writing, or if the app (its user) has no permission to modify this file or to create a file in the affected directory.

This code reads each pair of bytes from a file and writes them in reverse order to a new file. The user chooses the source file using the Open-file dialog box and saves the new file using the Save as dialog box.

Var inputItem As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("")
If inputItem <> Nil Then
  Var inputStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(f, False)
  Var outputItem As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowSaveFileDialog("","")
  If outputItem <> Nil Then
      Var outputStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(f, True)
      outputStream.LittleEndian = Not inputStream.LittleEndian
      Do Until inputStream.EndOfFile
        If inputStream.Length - inputStream.BytePosition >= 2 Then
        End If

    Catch exc As IOException
      MessageBox("Oops - failed to create the output file.")
    End Try
  End If
End If


EndOfFile As Boolean

Returns True when there's no more data left to read.

This code reads the rows and columns of data from a tab-delimited text file into a ListBox:

Var f As FolderItem
Var textInput As TextInputStream
Var rowFromFile As String

f = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain") ' defined as a FileType
If f <> Nil Then
  textInput = TextInputStream.Open(f)
  textInput.Encoding = Encodings.UTF8

    rowFromFile = textInput.ReadLine
    Var values() As String = rowFromFile.ToArray(String.Chr(9))
    ListBox1.ColumnCount = values.Count
    Var col As Integer
    For Each value As String In values
      ListBox1.CellTextAt(ListBox1.LastAddedRowIndex, col) = value
      col = col + 1
  Loop Until textInput.EndOfFile

End If

This example reads each pair of bytes from a file and writes them in reverse order to a new file. The user chooses the source file using the Open-file dialog box and saves the new file using the Save as dialog box. The EOF property is used to terminate the Do...Loop.

Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var ReadStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  ReadStream.LittleEndian = True
  Var writeFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowSaveFileDialog("", "")
  If writeFile <> Nil Then
    Var writeStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(writeFile, True)
    writeStream.LittleEndian = True
    Do Until ReadStream.EndOfFile
    writeStream = Nil
  End If
  readStream = Nil
End If



Immediately sends the contents of internal write buffers to disk or to the output stream.

This function can be useful in point-to-point communication over sockets and similar connections: To optimize for transmission performance, some types of output streams try to collect small pieces of written data into one larger piece for sending instead of sending each piece out individually. By calling Flush, the data collection is stopped and the data is sent without further delay, reducing latency.

When using this on a stream that ends up as a file on disk, it is useful, too: Any short parts of previously written data are written to disk right away, ensuring the data is actually on disk if the application terminates abruptly, e.g. due to a crash.

Avoid calling this method too often. For example, do not call it between successive Write calls because you'll slow down performance without getting much benefit.

A typical use case would look like this:

mySocket.Write("you typed: ")


Handle(type As Integer) As Integer

Returns a handle of the Type passed.


This method is not supported for Android.

The BinaryStream class constants given below can be passed as the parameter.




A Windows32 OS Handle.


A file pointer.


A file descriptor.

The following code gets a Win32 handle.

Var i As Integer
i = ReadStream.Handle(BinaryStream.HandleTypeWin32Handle)

Handle(type As IOStreamHandleTypes) As Ptr

Returns a handle of the Type passed.


This method is not supported for Android.


Open(file As FolderItem, readwrite As Boolean = False) As BinaryStream

Opens the passed FolderItem as a binary stream. The readwrite parameter controls whether the file is open for read/write operations or read-only. When True, you can read and write to the file. When False you can only read from the file. The default is False. If an error occurs, an IOException is raised.

This method is shared.

Call Open using the syntax for a shared method.

This code reads a text file called "Whole File" and displays it in a TextArea. There is no attempt to parse the contents of the file.

Var f As New FolderItem("Whole File")
If f <> Nil Then
    Var bs As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(f, False) ' Open as read-only
    ' read the whole binaryStream
    TextArea1.Text = bs.Read(bs.Length)

  Catch e As IOException
    ' something went wrong when opening the file.  This is where you would handle the error
    ' if appropriate
  End Try
End If

This code reads each pair of bytes from a file and writes them in reverse order to a new file. The user chooses the source file using the Open-file dialog box and saves the new file using the Save as dialog box.

Var inputItem As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("")
If inputItem <> Nil Then
  Var inputStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(f, False)
  Var outputItem As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowSaveFileDialog("","")
  If outputItem <> Nil Then
      Var outputStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(f, True)
      outputStream.LittleEndian = Not inputStream.LittleEndian
      Do Until inputStream.EndOfFile
        If inputStream.Length - inputStream.BytePosition >= 2 Then
        End If

    Catch exc As IOException
      MessageBox("Oops - failed to create the output file.")
    End Try
  End If
End If


Read(byteCount As Integer, encoding As TextEncoding = Nil) As String

Reads byteCount bytes from the input stream and returns a String.

If provided, the optional parameter encoding specifies the text encoding to be defined for the String to be read.

If byteCount is higher than the amount of bytes currently available in the stream, all available bytes will be returned. Therefore, make sure to always consider the case that you get less than you requested. To see if you received all requested bytes, check the returned string's String property (avoid using Length as it may give a different number if the encoding is not nil).

If not enough memory is available, you get back an empty string.

This example reads the first 1000 bytes from a BinaryStream.

Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var ReadStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  ReadStream.LittleEndian = True
  TextArea1.Text = ReadStream.Read(1000, Encodings.UTF8)
End If


ReadBoolean As Boolean

Reads a Boolean value from the stream and returns it as a Boolean.

If you read over the end of the stream you get false returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you need to check for this, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

The following code reads the next value from the BinaryStream as a Boolean.

Var b As Boolean
Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
b = readStream.ReadBoolean


ReadCurrency As Currency

Reads a Currency value from the stream and returns it as a Currency.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you want to check for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var d As Currency
Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
d = readStream.ReadCurrency


ReadDouble As Double

Reads a double word from the stream and returns it as a Double.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you want to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var d As Double
Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
d = readStream.ReadDouble


ReadInt16 As Int16

Reads a two-byte value from the stream and returns it as an Int16.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you need to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var i As Int16
Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
i = readStream.ReadInt16


ReadInt32 As Int32

Reads a four-byte value from the stream and returns it as an Int32.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you need to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var i As Int32
Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
i = readStream.ReadInt32


ReadInt64 As Int64

Reads an eight-byte value from the stream and returns it as an Int64.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you want to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var i As Int64
Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  i = readStream.ReadInt64
End If


ReadInt8 As Int8

Reads a one-byte value from the stream and returns it as an Int8.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you want to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var i As UInt8
Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  i = readStream.ReadInt8
End If


ReadPString(encoding As TextEncoding = Nil) As String

Reads a Pascal string from the stream and returns it as a String.

The optional parameter encoding enables you to specify the encoding to be defined on the returned string. Use the Encodings module to specify the text encoding. If you omit this parameter (or pass Nil), then the encoding of the returned string will be Nil.

If you read over the end of the stream you get an empty string returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you want to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var s As String
Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  s = readStream.ReadPString
End If


This method is not currently supported for Android. Calling it will raise an AndroidException as PString is not a supported type on Android.


ReadSingle As Double

Reads a word from the stream and returns it as a Double.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. No error and no exception. If you want to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var num As Single
Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  num = readStream.Single
End If


ReadUInt16 As UInt16

Reads a two-byte value from the stream and returns it as a UInt16.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. There is no error and no exception. If you want to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var i As UInt16
Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  i = readStream.ReadUInt16
End If


ReadUInt32 As UInt32

Reads a four-byte value from the stream and returns it as a UInt32.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. There is no error and no exception. If you want to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var i As UInt32
Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  i = readStream.ReadUInt32
End If


ReadUInt64 As UInt64

Reads an eight-byte value from the stream and returns it as a UInt64.

If you read over the end of the stream you get zero returned from this method. There is no error and no exception. If you want to test for this error, you can check the EndOfFile, BytePosition, and Length properties.

Var i As UInt64
Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  i = readStream.ReadUInt64
End If


ReadUInt8 As UInt8

Reads a one-byte value from the stream and returns it as a UInt8.

Var i As UInt8
Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text/plain")
If readFile <> Nil Then
  Var readStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  i = readStream.ReadUInt8
End If


Write(Data As String)

Writes the passed data to the output stream.

Note that in order to make sure that the data actually ends up on disk or gets sent to the socket it is connected to, the stream must either get closed or the Flush method be called. Otherwise, the data, if small, may end up temporarily in a write buffer before either a certain time has passed or more data is written. This buffering increases performance when writing lots of small pieces of data, but may be causing unwanted delays when another process, e.g. the other end of a socket connection, is waiting for the data. Consider calling the Flush method to reduce latencies that this buffering may cause in such cases.

If Write fails, an IOException will be raised.

This example displays the Save As dialog box and writes the contents of the TextArea1 to a text file.

Var f As FolderItem
Var stream As BinaryStream
f = FolderItem.ShowSaveFileDialog(FileTypes1.Text, "Untitled.txt")
If f<> Nil Then
  stream = BinaryStream.Create(f, True)
End If


WriteBoolean(Value As Boolean)

Writes the passed boolean to the stream.

Var b As Boolean = False
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteCurrency(Value As Currency)

Writes the passed Currency to the stream.

Var c As Currency = 540.34
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteDouble(Value As Double)

Writes the value passed as a double word to the stream.

Var d As Double = 3.1416
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteInt16(Value As Int16)

Writes the passed Int16 to the stream.

Var i As Int16 = 5
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteInt32(Value As Int32)

Writes the passed Int32 to the steam.

Var i As Int32 = 5
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteInt64(Value As Int64)

Writes the passed Int64 to the stream.

Var i As Int64 = 5434555
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteInt8(Value As Int8)

Writes the passed Int8 to the stream.

Var i As Int8 = 8
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WritePString(Text As String)

Writes the text passed as a Pascal string to the stream.

Var s As String = "theString"
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteSingle(Value As Double)

Writes the value passed as a single word to the stream.

Var d As Single = 5.2437
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteUInt16(Value As UInt16)

Writes the passed UInt16 to the stream.

Var i As UInt16 =  4
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteUInt32(Value As UInt32)

Writes the passed Uint32 to the steam.

Var i As UInt32 = 427
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteUInt64(Value As UInt64)

Writes the passed UInt64 to the stream.

Var i As UInt64 = 427
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


WriteUInt8(Value As UInt8)

Writes the passed UInt8 to the stream.

Var i As UInt8 = 4
Var writeStream As BinaryStream


The BinaryStream class implements the Readable and Writeable class interfaces.


When the BinaryStream goes out of scope, it is flushed and closed.

Endian information

What is the LittleEndian property? The Windows and Linux operating systems store binary values in the reverse order from the macOS machines. If you were using the ReadInt16 or ReadIn32 methods to read data from a file that was in Little Endian format, you would get incorrect data. Data is read in Big Endian format by default. Most Mac files are in Big Endian format. If you are reading a file that is in Little Endian format, you will need to set the LittleEndian property to True before you begin reading the file. This applies to writing data with WriteInt16 and WriteInt32.

You can use the constants TargetLittleEndian and TargetBigEndian to determine which byte order is being used for a particular compile.

For example, in big endian (like the macOS), the value 258 would be stored as:

01 02

while in Little Endian, it would be stored as:

02 01

If the LittleEndian property is set incorrectly, then you would read the value as 513.

You can use the LittleEndian property to write your code to be OS-independent. Set the LittleEndian property to True if the file format is intrinsically little endian (i.e. GIF files), otherwise leave it as False.

Sample code

This example reads each pair of bytes from a file and writes them in reverse order to a new file. The user chooses the source file using the Open-file dialog box and saves the new file using the Save as dialog box.

Var readFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text")
If readFile <> Nil And readFile.Exists Then
  Var ReadStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
  ReadStream.LittleEndian = True
  Var WriteFile As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowSaveFileDialog("", "")
  If writeFile <> Nil Then
    Var writeStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(writeFile, True)
    writeStream.LittleEndian = False
    Do Until ReadStream.EndOfFile
  End If
End If

This code displays the Save As dialog box and writes the contents of the TextArea to a text file.

Var f As FolderItem
Var stream As BinaryStream
f = FolderItem.ShowSaveFileDialog(FileTypes1.Text, "Untitled.txt")
If f <> Nil Then
  stream = BinaryStream.Create(f, True) ' Overwrite if exists
End If


All project types on all supported operating systems.