Web Pages
A Web app's user interface exists in your projects's web pages. You create your user interface by creating web pages and adding controls such as Buttons and Check Boxes. By default, a Web Application project has one web page (WebPage1) that is displayed automatically when the app runs. Typically, you will begin designing your app's interface by adding controls to this web page and enabling the controls by writing code.
To add additional web pages to an application:
Add a new web page to the project by clicking the Insert button on the toolbar or menu and selecting Web Page.
Add controls to the web page from the Library.
Add code as needed.
Add code to display the web page in the finished application.
Web Pages have a hierarchy. The base class is WebObject. WebControl subclasses WebObject. WebView subclasses WebControl. WebPage subclasses WebView.
Commonly used events, properties and methods are described below. Refer to WebPage in the Language Reference to a complete list of events, properties and methods.
Web Page
Closed - The web page is closing.
ContextualMenuSelected - Called when an item in a ContextualMenu was selected.
Hidden - Called when the control is about to be hidden because another page is about to be shown.
Opening - Called when the web page has been created but before it is displayed. Unlike with desktop projects, you should instead use the Shown event to initialize the web page or any of its controls.
Resized - Called after the browser page is resized.
Shown - Use the Shown event instead of the Open event to initialize the web page or any of its controls.
ContextualMenu - Assign a WebMenuItem to display the menu when the user contextual-clicks on the page.
Enabled - When False, disables all controls on the page.
Tooltip - Set to the text you want displayed in a Tooltip window when the mouse is hovered over the page.
ImplicitInstance, IsImplicitInstance - When ImplicitInstance is True, you can refer to the web page by its name (instead of having to declare an explicit instance using New). IsImplicitInstance allows you to check if the page was created implicitly.
Height, Width - Used to get the height and width of the page.
MinHeight, MinWidth - If the browser size is set smaller than the minimum width or height, scroll bars appear so that you can still see the content.
Name - The name of the web page.
Style - Assign a Style to this property to change the look and feel of the web page (such as its background color).
Title - The text that appears in the Title Bar of the web browser.
Visible - Hides all the contents of the page.
Close - Closes the page.
ScrollTo - Scrolls the page to the specified coordinates. This affects scrolling for all subsequently displayed pages as well.
Show - Displays the page. If ImplicitInstantiation is True, then you can show a page by using WebPageName.Show.
See also
Control Hierarchy topic