Use to pass an OLE parameter.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
Use the following class constants to set the value of the Type property.
Name |
ParamTypeBoolean |
ParamTypeChar |
ParamTypeDouble |
ParamTypeNull |
ParamTypeSigned64Bit |
ParamTypeSignedChar |
ParamTypeSignedLong |
ParamTypeSignedShort |
ParamTypeSingle |
ParamTypeString |
ParamTypeUnsigned64Bit |
ParamTypeUnsignedLong |
ParamTypeUnsignedShort |
Property descriptions
PassByref As Boolean
If True, the parameter is passed ByRef. The default is False.
Position As Integer
Allows you to specify which position (1-based index) that you want the parameter to be passed in.
This is akin to named parameters, if you know the position of the parameter within the function that you want to call, you can create an OLEParameter object and set its Position property to achieve the same effect. The default value is 0, which means no positioning.
Type As Integer
Specifies the type of the parameter.
Use the following class constants to specify the type:
Class Constant |
ParamtypeBoolean |
ParamTypeChar |
ParamTypeDouble |
ParamTypeNull |
ParamTypeSigned64Bit |
ParamTypeSignedChar |
ParamTypeSignedLong |
ParamTypeSignedShort |
ParamTypeSingle |
ParamTypeString |
ParamTypeUnsigned64Bit |
ParamTypeUnsignedLong |
ParamTypeUnsignedShort |
Method descriptions
Value As Variant
The value of the parameter. It accepts one-dimensional arrays. It has a getter and setter pair via the Assigns keyword.
ValueArray As Variant()
The value of the parameter if the parameter is a two-dimensional array.
ValueArray As Variant()
The value of the parameter if the parameter is a two-dimensional array.
This code launches Word and draws a curve in a new document.
Var word As New WordApplication
Var doc As WordDocument
Var param As New OLEParameter
Var pts(3, 1) As Variant
pts(0, 0) = 50
pts(0, 1) = 20
pts(1, 0) = 100
pts(1, 1) = 160
pts(2, 0) = 150
pts(2, 1) = 160
pts(3, 0) = 200
pts(3, 1) = 20
param.Type = OLEParameter.ParamTypeSingle
param.ValueArray = pts
doc = word.Documents.Add
word.Visible = True
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
ExcelApplication, OLEContainer, OLEObject, PowerPointApplication, WordApplication classes; OLEException error.