This module (available as a property of the System module for web applications) contains all the cursors available to web pages, web dialogs, web controls, and web containers. The Automatic cursor, the default cursor for everything that supports cursors, means that use the appropriate cursor.
Objects that enable you to set the cursor have a Cursor property. In the Properties Pane you can choose the cursor from the pop-up menu of cursors that are populated with the list shown here.
Value |
Cursor |
0 |
Automatic |
1 |
Standard Pointer |
2 |
Finger Pointer |
3 |
iBeam |
4 |
Wait |
5 |
Help |
6 |
Arrow All Directions |
7 |
Arrow North |
8 |
Arrow South |
9 |
Arrow East |
10 |
Arrow West |
11 |
Arrow North East |
12 |
Arrow North West |
13 |
Arrow South East |
14 |
Arrow South West |
15 |
Splitter East West |
16 |
Splitter North South |
17 |
Progress |
18 |
No Drop |
19 |
Not Allowed |
20 |
Vertical iBeam |
21 |
Crosshair |
Sample code
The following code changes the pointer to a Finger Pointer when it is moved into the region of the control.
Me.Cursor = System.WebCursors.FingerPointer
Web projects on all supported operating systems.