Class for actions which appear as a button for the user to press.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
caption As String, identifier As String, iconName As String = "" |
Property descriptions
AuthenticationRequired As Boolean
If true, the device must be unlocked to display the action.
BringToForeground As Boolean
If true, this action brings the app to the foreground.
Caption As String
The caption of the button for the action.
Destructive As Boolean
If True, you are indicating that this action is destructive in some way.
A destructive action is one where the user will lose data in a way that isn't reversible or easily reversible.
The captions of destructive actions will be drawn in red. Despite this fact, the caption should make it very clear that the action is destructive.
IconName As String
The name of the icon.
The name must be either an SFSymbol, the name of an image in your project or the name of an image file in the root directly of the application bundle.
Identifier As String
The value that will be passed to the NotificationCenter.UserResponded event.
This value allows you to know which action the user took when the NotificationCenter.UserResponded event is called.
Method descriptions
Constructor(caption As String, identifier As String, iconName As String = "")
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a new NotificationResponseButton and sets its caption, identifier and icon to the values passed.
The iconName can either be an SFSymbol or the name of an image in the app's bundle. In the case of a naming conflict, the SFSymbol will be used.
If the NotificationResponseCategory you're creating only requires Yes and No buttons in order for the user to response to the notification, your app should create two NotificationResponseButton objects, one for each button.
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
NotificationResponseAction parent class; NotificationResponseTextField class.