Represents an XML Text node.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
NewChild As XMLNode |
Index As Integer |
Deep As Boolean |
NodeToCompare As XMLNode |
Name As String |
Name As String |
attributeNode As XMLAttribute |
OldChild As XMLNode |
AttributeNode As XMLAttribute, [ns As Boolean] |
Property descriptions
ChildCount As Integer
The number of child nodes contained by this node.
This property is read-only.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example displays the number of teams in the above XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXml)
MessageBox("Teams in League: " + xml.DocumentElement.ChildCount.ToString)
FirstChild As XMLNode
The first child of this node.
This property is read-only.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example displays the first Team in the League XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
MessageBox("First Team in League: " + xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild.GetAttribute("name"))
LastChild As XMLNode
The first child of this node.
This property is read-only.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example displays the last team in the League XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
MessageBox("Last Team in League: " + xml.DocumentElement.LastChild.GetAttribute("name"))
LastError As Integer
Contains an error code after an XMLException occurs.
This property is read-only.
XMLNodeList.Item will specify an error code if the item could not be created, and XMLNodeList.ToString could as well.
Error Code |
Description |
0 |
No error occurred. |
1 |
Index size error |
2 |
DOM String size error |
3 |
Hierarchy request error |
4 |
Wrong document |
5 |
Invalid character |
6 |
No data allowed |
7 |
No modification allowed |
8 |
Not found |
9 |
Not supported |
10 |
In use attribute |
11 |
Invalid state |
12 |
Syntax error |
13 |
Invalid modification |
14 |
Namespace error |
15 |
Invalid access |
16 |
Invalid node type |
17 |
Query parse error |
18 |
Query execution error |
19 |
Not OK |
LocalName As String
The name of the node without the prefix.
This property is read-only.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example displays the name of the root node in the XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
MessageBox("LocalName of root node: " + xml.DocumentElement.LocalName) // League
Name As String
The name of this node.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example displays the name of the root node in the XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
MessageBox("Name of root node: " + xml.DocumentElement.Name) // League
This code changes the name of the root node from "League" to "AmericanLeague":
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
xml.DocumentElement.Name = "AmericanLeague"
MessageBox("Name of root node: " + xml.DocumentElement.Name) // AmericanLeague
NamespaceURI As String
The namespaceURI of this node.
This property is read-only.
NextSibling As XMLNode
The next node.
This property is read-only.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example shows how to walk over the team nodes in the above XML and displays each team name:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
While n <> Nil
MessageBox(n.Name + ": " + n.GetAttribute("name"))
n = n.NextSibling
OwnerDocument As XMLDocument
The XMLDocument that contains this node.
This property is read-only.
Use this property to get a reference to the XMLDocument that you can then use with the various "Create" methods to add new items to the XML. This is useful when you have access to an XMLNode, but no longer have a reference to the XMLDocument that contains it.
Parent As XMLNode
The parent of this node.
This property is read-only.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example displays the parent of the last team in the above XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.LastChild
If n <> Nil Then
MessageBox("Name of " + n.Name + " node: " + n.Parent.Name)
End If
Prefix As String
The namespace prefix of this node.
This property is read-only.
PreviousSibling As XMLNode
The preceding node.
This property is read-only.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example shows how to walk in reverse over the team nodes in the above XML and displays each team name:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.LastChild
While n <> Nil
MessageBox(n.Name + ": " + n.GetAttribute("name"))
n = n.PreviousSibling
ToString As String
A string representation of this node.
This property is read-only.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Display the XML for the first team node:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
If n <> Nil Then
MessageBox("XML: " + n.ToString)
End If
Type As Integer
Integer constant denoting the type, such as Element, Attribute, TextNode, and so forth.
This property is read-only.
Use the Class Constants of the XMLNodeType object to compare values.
Value As String
Used in some nodes to set or get the value, such as XMLTextNode and XMLAttribute.
Not supported by all XMLNode subclasses.
Method descriptions
AppendChild(NewChild As XMLNode) As XMLNode
Adds a child after the last child.
Typically you will want to use the first syntax that returns an instance of the newly created child so that you can then attach information to the child.
The following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Can be created using this code, which displays the XML to a TextArea and prompts you to save it to a file:
Var xml As New XmlDocument
Var root As XmlNode
root = xml.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("League"))
Var teamNode As XmlNode
Var playerNode As XmlNode
// Create 1st team and its players
teamNode = root.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Team"))
teamNode.SetAttribute("name", "Seagulls")
playerNode = teamNode.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Player"))
playerNode.SetAttribute("name", "Bob")
playerNode.SetAttribute("position", "1B")
playerNode = teamNode.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Player"))
playerNode.SetAttribute("name", "Tom")
playerNode.SetAttribute("position", "2B")
// Create 2nd team and its players
teamNode = root.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Team"))
teamNode.SetAttribute("name", "Pigeons")
playerNode = teamNode.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Player"))
playerNode.SetAttribute("name", "Bill")
playerNode.SetAttribute("position", "1B")
playerNode = teamNode.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Player"))
playerNode.SetAttribute("name", "Tim")
playerNode.SetAttribute("position", "2B")
// Create 3rd team and its players
teamNode = root.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Team"))
teamNode.SetAttribute("name", "Crows")
playerNode = teamNode.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Player"))
playerNode.SetAttribute("name", "Ben")
playerNode.SetAttribute("position", "1B")
playerNode = teamNode.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Player"))
playerNode.SetAttribute("name", "Ty")
playerNode.SetAttribute("position", "2B")
TextArea1.Text = xml.ToString
Child(Index As Integer) As XMLNode
Returns the child XMLNode at the position denoted by Index. Index is zero-based.
This example loads the following XML, contained in a constant called kTestXml, into a new XMLDocument and then displays the team names:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
// Load XML
Var xml As New XmlDocument
Catch e As XmlException
MessageBox("XML error: " + e.Message)
End Try
For team As Integer = 0 To xml.DocumentElement.ChildCount-1
MessageBox("Team: " + xml.DocumentElement.Child(team).GetAttribute("name"))
Clone(Deep As Boolean) As XMLNode
Duplicates the current node. The Deep parameter indicates whether to also duplicate all the child nodes. It returns an XMLNode.
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Duplicate the first team node, change the team name and add it to the XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
If n <> Nil Then
// Duplicate the first team
Var dup As XmlNode = n.Clone(True)
// Change its name to "Eagles"
dup.SetAttribute("name", "Eagles")
// Add it to the XmlDocument
TextArea1.Text = xml.ToString
End If
The result would then be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Eagles">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Compare(NodeToCompare As XMLNode) As Integer
Compares two nodes, which must both have the same parent. Returns an Integer that works like String.Compare.
The two nodes are compared using their string contents.
If XMLNode < NodeToCompare it returns -1
If XMLNode = NodeToCompare it returns 0
If XMLNode > NodeToCompare it returns 1
If you need to compare nodes with different parents, use the String.Compare function on the XMLNode.ToString value.
GetAttribute(Name As String) As String
Gets the value of the attribute specified by URI and Name.
Returns "" (empty string) if the attribute does not exist.
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example shows how to walk over the team nodes in the above XML and displays each team name:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
While n <> Nil
MessageBox(n.Name + ": " + n.GetAttribute("name"))
n = n.NextSibling
GetAttributeNode(Name As String) As XMLAttribute
Gets an XML attribute node of the attribute specified by Index position. Index is zero-based.
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
This example shows how to walk over the team nodes in the above XML and displays each team name:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
Var an As XmlAttribute
While n <> Nil
an = n.GetAttributeNode("name")
MessageBox(n.Name + ": " + an.Value)
n = n.NextSibling
Insert(NewChild As XMLNode, RefChild As XMLNode) As XMLNode
Inserts NewChild before the position of RefChild. It optionally returns a reference to the inserted node as an XMLNode.
The children being added must be children of the node/document to which they are being inserted. The example demonstrates this.
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
To add a new team before the first team in the XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXml)
Var n1 As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
// Insert a new team before the first team currently
// in the XML
Var newTeam As XmlNode
newTeam = xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Team"))
newTeam.SetAttribute("name", "Eagles")
xml.DocumentElement.Insert(newTeam, n1)
TextArea1.Text = xml.ToString
The result would then be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Eagles"/>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
RemoveAttributeNode(attributeNode As XMLAttribute) As XMLAttribute
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Remove the name attribute from the first Team:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
Var an As XmlAttribute
an = n.GetAttributeNode("name")
TextArea1.Text = xml.ToString
The result would then be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
RemoveChild(OldChild As XMLNode)
Removes OldChild from the XML.
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Remove the "Seagulls" team from the XML:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
Call xml.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(n)
TextArea1.Text = xml.ToString
The result would then be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
ReplaceChild(NewChild As XMLNode, OldChild As XMLNode) As XMLNode
Replaces oldChild with NewChild. ReplaceChild optionally returns a reference to the new child as an XMLNode.
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Replaces the "Seagulls" with a new team "Eagles":
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
Var teamNode As XmlNode
Var playerNode As XmlNode
// Create a new team
teamNode = xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Team"))
teamNode.SetAttribute("name", "Eagles")
playerNode = teamNode.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Player"))
playerNode.SetAttribute("name", "Fred")
playerNode.SetAttribute("position", "1B")
playerNode = teamNode.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("Player"))
playerNode.SetAttribute("name", "Phil")
playerNode.SetAttribute("position", "2B")
// Replace the "Seagulls" with the "Eagles"
xml.DocumentElement.ReplaceChild(teamNode, n)
TextArea1.Text = xml.ToString
The result would then be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Eagles">
<Player name="Fred" position="1B"/>
<Player name="Phil" position="2B"/>
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B"/>
<Player name="Tim" position="2B"/>
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B"/>
<Player name="Ty" position="2B"/>
SetAttribute(Name As String, Value As String)
This syntax sets an attribute and declares a namespace.
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Add a "city" attribute to the first team:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
n.SetAttribute("city", "Boston")
TextArea1.Text = xml.ToString
The result would then be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls" city="Boston">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
SetAttributeNode(AttributeNode As XMLAttribute, [ns As Boolean]) As XMLAttribute
Sets an attribute node.
SetAttributeNode optionally returns a reference to a node as an XMLAttribute that had the same name and was replaced. The optional parameter ns determines whether to use and declare any namespace data found in the passed XMLAttribute.
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
Adds a "city" attribute to the first team:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXML)
Var n As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
Var a As XmlAttribute
a = xml.CreateAttribute("city")
a.Value = "Boston"
TextArea1.Text = xml.ToString
The result would then be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls" city="Boston">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
XQL(Query As String, [Map() As String]) As XMLNodeList
Performs an XPath 1.0 query and returns an XMLNodeList of the resulting nodes.
If the query has namespace references in it, you must provide declarations for them in the form of a string array, such as:
Var map() As String = Array("ns1","http://foo","ns2","http://bar")
Xql is also called XPath. Version 1.0 of XPath are supported.
For more information about XPath:
The example code below uses this XML. Assign it to a constant called kTestXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Who" position="1B" />
<Player name="What" position="2B" />
<Player name="I Don't Know" position="3B" />
To get all the player names, you can use "//Player" as the query:
// Load XML
Var xml As New XmlDocument
Catch e As XmlException
MessageBox("XML error: " + e.Message)
End Try
// Display all the Player names
Var nodes As XmlNodeList
nodes = xml.XQL("//Player") // Find all Player nodes in XML
// Loop through results and display each name attribute
Var node As XmlNode
For i As Integer = 0 To nodes.Length - 1
node = nodes.Item(i)
MessageBox("Player: " + node.GetAttribute("name"))
Sample code
The following XML is stored in a constant called kXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Team name="Seagulls">
<Player name="Bob" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tom" position="2B" />
<Team name="Pigeons">
<Player name="Bill" position="1B" />
<Player name="Tim" position="2B" />
<Team name="Crows">
<Player name="Ben" position="1B" />
<Player name="Ty" position="2B" />
To add a text node to the first team node:
Var xml As New XmlDocument(kXml)
// Create a Text node and assign it a value
Var xt As XmlTextNode
xt = xml.CreateTextNode("")
xt.Value = "Maine"
// Add the Text node a node in the XML document
Var child As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.FirstChild
Var stateNode As XmlNode = child.AppendChild(xml.CreateElement("State"))
Var xmlString As String = xml.ToString
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
XMLNode parent class; XMLComment, XMLNode classes; IsA operator.