An iOS TabBar.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
content As iOSTabContent |
index As Integer |
index As Integer |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
dark As Boolean |
Method descriptions
AddTab(content As iOSTabContent)
Adds an iOSView to the tab bar.
This code (on a View) add View3 to the TabBar:
If Self.ParentTabBar <> Nil Then
Var v As New View3
End If
BadgeAt(index As Integer) As String
Gets or sets the badge on the tab at the index passed.
CaptionAt(index As Integer) As String
Gets or sets the caption for the tab at the index passed.
Event descriptions
AppearanceChanged(dark As Boolean)
Called when a user switches between Light and Dark mode.
Use this event to update any graphics or other UI as needed.
You set up a tab bar using the Inspector to change the Content property for an iOSLayout. Refer to Getting Started with iOS for information on how to do this. From the Apple User Interface Guidelines, a tab bar:
Is translucent
Always appears at the bottom edge of the screen
Displays no more than five tabs at one time in a horizontally compact environment (if there are more tabs, the tab bar displays four of them and adds the More tab, which reveals the additional tabs in a list)
Maintains the same height in all orientations
Can display a badge on a tab to communicate app-specific information (a badge is a red oval containing white text and either a number or exclamation point)
Regardless of the icon's visual style, create a tab bar icon in the following sizes: About 50 x 50 pixels (96 x 64 pixels maximum). Don't include text in a custom tab bar icon.
iOS projects on the iOS operating system.
See also
Object parent class; iOSLayout, MobileScreen, iOSTabContent