An intrinsic object that represents the current state of the Keyboard. A convenient place to test for Keyboard events is the Action event of a Timer.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Property descriptions
AlternateMenuShortCutKey As Boolean
If True, the alternate menu shortcut modifier is depressed when the current method or event handler began. This checks the Shift key on all platforms.
This property is read-only.
This example detects the Shift key. It is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.AlternateMenuShortcutKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
End If
AltKey As Boolean
If True, the Alt key on Windows and Linux and Option key on Macintosh was depressed when the current method or event handler began.
This property is read-only.
This example detects the Alt or Option key. It is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.AltKey Then
MessageBox("Option/Alt key")
End If
AsyncAlternateMenuShortCutKey As Boolean
If True, the alternate menu shortcut key is depressed. This checks the Shift key on all platforms.
This property is read-only.
The following example detects the Shift key. The code is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.AsyncAlternateMenuShortcutKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
AsyncAltKey As Boolean
If True, the Alt key (Windows and Linux) or Option key (MacOS) is depressed.
This property is read-only.
This example detects whether the Alt/Option key is depressed.
If Keyboard.AsyncAltKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
AsyncCommandKey As Boolean
If True, the Command key is depressed on Macintosh (or Windows/OS key on Windows/Linux).
This property is read-only.
If Keyboard.AsyncCommandKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
AsyncControlKey As Boolean
If True, the Control key is depressed.
This property is read-only.
This example detects whether the Control key is depressed.
If Keyboard.AsyncControlKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
AsyncKeyDown As Boolean
If True, the key whose KeyCode was passed is depressed. See the tables in the Keyboard Notes section for the values of KeyCode for the English (American) Keyboard.
This property is read-only.
The following example monitors the arrow keys and detects whether one of them is depressed. The code is in the Action event of a Timer control.
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(&h7B) Then
// do something with the left arrow key
End If
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(&h7C) Then
// do something with the right arrow key...
End If
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(&h7D) Then
// do something with the down arrow key...
End If
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(&h7E) Then
// do something with the Up arrow key...
End If
AsyncMenuShortcutKey As Boolean
If True, the menu shortcut modifier key is depressed. This property tests the Control key on Windows and Linux and the Command key on Macintosh.
This property is read-only.
The following example detects the menu modifier on the user's platform.
If Keyboard.AsyncMenuShortcutKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
AsyncOptionKey As Boolean
If True, the Option key (macOS) or Alt key (Windows and Linux) is depressed.
This property is read-only.
The following code detects whether the Option key on Macintosh was depressed.
If Keyboard.AsyncOptionKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
AsyncOSKey As Boolean
If True, the OS key is depressed. On Windows and Linux, this is the key with the Windows flag; on Macintosh, it is the Command key.
This property is read-only.
This example detects whether the OS key was depressed. It is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.AsyncOSKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
AsyncShiftKey As Boolean
If True, the Shift key is depressed.
This property is read-only.
This example detects the Shift key. The code is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
CommandKey As Boolean
If True, the Command key is depressed on Macintosh (or Windows/OS key on Windows/Linux) when the current method or event handler began.
This property is read-only.
The following code detects whether the Command key is depressed. The code is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.CommandKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
ControlKey As Boolean
If True, the Control key was depressed when the current method or event handler began.
This property is read-only.
This example detects whether the Control key is depressed. The code is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.ControlKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
MenuShortcutKey As Boolean
If True, the menu shortcut modifier key was depressed when the current method or event handler began. This property tests the Control key on Windows and Linux and the Command key on Macintosh.
This property is read-only.
This example detects whether the menu shortcut modifier key was depressed. The code is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.MenuShortcutKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
OptionKey As Boolean
If True, the Alt key (Windows and Linux) or Option key (MacOS) is depressed when the method/event began.
This property is read-only.
This code detects whether the Option key was depressed. The code is in the Action event of a Timer:
If Keyboard.OptionKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
OSKey As Boolean
If True, the OS key was depressed when the current method or event handler began. On Windows and Linux, this is the Windows flag key; on Macintosh, it is the Command key.
This property is read-only.
This example detects whether the OS key was depressed on the user's platform. The code is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.OSKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
ShiftKey As Boolean
If True, the Shift key was depressed when the current method or event handler began.
This property is read-only.
This example detects whether the Shift key was depressed. The code is in the Action event of a Timer.
If Keyboard.ShiftKey Then
// handle the keyboard event here....
MessageBox("keyboard event detected...")
End If
Method descriptions
Keyname(keycode As Integer) As String
Returns as a String the name of the keycode passed.
Refer to the Keyboard Notes to a list of key codes.
This returns a value that indicates the character the key produces. In most cases, special keys will be named as follows: Esc, Tab, CapsLock, Shift, Control, Option, Alt, Command, Win, Return, Enter, Space, Fn, Delete, Backspace, Help, Insert, Home, PageUp, Del, End, PageDown, F1 through F15, PrintScreen, ScrollLock, Pause/Break, Clear, NumLock, KP=, KP/, KP*, KP-, KP0 through KP9, Up, Left, Down, and Right.
The following example returns the name of character &h7D. It is the Down arrow key.
The Keyboard module is used to determine if particular keys are being pressed. The async version of each Keyboard property tells you the immediate state of the key. If you want to know the state of the key when an event was queued, you should use the non-async version of the properties. These properties are updated constantly during code execution.
You can pass raw Win32 key codes to AsyncKeyDown. Add 1 to the raw keyCode and put it in the high word of the Integer you are passing. For example:
Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown((rawKeyCode + 1) * &hFFFF)
The "regular" way of detecting a particular keyCode, illustrated by the first example in the Examples section, also works for Windows.
The following tables give the keycodes for the US Keyboard. Keyboards for other languages may differ. These values are given in hex. You can pass values in another base if you wish. See the Examples section for examples that use Decimal and Hex values.
The AsyncKeyDown property returns True when the keycode passed to it is pressed.
Letters of the alphabet
Key |
KeyCode (hex value) |
a |
00 |
b |
0B |
c |
08 |
d |
02 |
e |
0E |
f |
03 |
g |
05 |
h |
04 |
i |
22 |
j |
26 |
k |
28 |
l |
25 |
m |
2E |
n |
2D |
o |
1F |
p |
23 |
q |
0C |
r |
0F |
s |
01 |
t |
11 |
u |
20 |
v |
09 |
w |
0D |
x |
07 |
y |
10 |
z |
06 |
Key |
KeyCode (hex value) |
0 |
1D |
1 |
12 |
2 |
13 |
3 |
14 |
4 |
15 |
5 |
17 |
6 |
16 |
7 |
1A |
8 |
1C |
9 |
19 |
Function and special keys
Key |
KeyCode (hex value) |
F1 |
7A |
F2 |
78 |
F3 |
63 |
F4 |
76 |
F5 |
60 |
F6 |
61 |
F7 |
62 |
F8 |
64 |
F9 |
65 |
F10 |
6D |
F11 |
67 |
F12 |
6F |
F13 |
69 |
F14 |
6B |
F15 |
71 |
35 |
Space |
31 |
Tab |
30 |
Return |
24 |
Home |
73 |
Backspace |
33 |
End |
77 |
Page Up |
74 |
Page Down |
79 |
Delete |
75 |
Help |
72 |
Left |
7B |
Right |
7C |
Up |
7E |
Down |
7D |
= |
18 |
– |
1B |
[ |
21 |
] |
1E |
2A |
' |
32 |
' |
27 |
; |
29 |
/ |
2C |
, |
2B |
. |
2F |
, |
2B |
Numeric keypad codes
Key |
KeyCode (hex value) |
1 |
53 |
2 |
54 |
3 |
55 |
4 |
56 |
5 |
57 |
6 |
58 |
7 |
59 |
8 |
5B |
9 |
5C |
0 |
52 |
45 |
– |
4E |
/ |
4B |
43 |
Enter |
4C |
. |
41 |
Clear |
47 |
Sample code
The following code tests whether the key for the letter "A" was pressed:
If Keyboard.AsynckeyDown(&h00) Then
// do something with this key here
End If
This code monitors the arrow keys and detects when an arrow key is pressed. Base 10 values are passed. Place this code in the Action event of a Timer and it will monitor the Keyboard continuously.
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(123) Then
// do something with the left arrow key
End If
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(124) Then
// do something with the right arrow key...
End If
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(125) Then
// do something with the down arrow key...
End If
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(126) Then
// do something with the Up arrow key...
End If
All project types on all supported operating systems.