Draws a two-dimensional rectangle in a vector graphics environment.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
Property descriptions
BorderColor As Color
The color of the object's border.
BorderOpacity As Double
Indicates the level of opacity.
Degrees of transparency is currently supported only on macOS and Windows. On other platforms, the border is either visible (100%) or invisible.
The following code adds a border to an ArcShape:
Var a As New ArcShape
a.ArcAngle = 1.57
a.StartAngle = -1.57
a.BorderOpacity = 100
a.FillColor = Color.RGB(255, 0, 127)
g.DrawObject(a, 100, 100)
BorderWidth As Double
The width of the border, in points. The default is 1.
The width a Double value with a default of 1.0.
FillColor As Color
The color of the interior of the shape.
FillOpacity As Double
The opacity of the interior, from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (opaque).
This example sets the Fill to 50% opacity.
Var a As New ArcShape
a.ArcAngle = 1.57
a.StartAngle = -1.57
a.BorderOpacity = 100
a.BorderColor = &c0000ff
a.BorderWidth = 2.75
a.FillOpacity = 50
a.FillColor = Color.RGB(255, 0, 127)
g.DrawObject(a, 100, 100)
Height As Double
The height of the rectangle.
This example sets the height and width of the shape to 150 pixels.
Var r As New RectShape
r.Width = 150
r.Height = 150
r.Border = 100
r.BorderColor = Color.RGB(0, 0, 0) // black
r.FillColor = Color.RGB(0, 127, 127) // teal
r.BorderWidth = 2.5
r.Rotation = -0.78
g.DrawObject(r, 100, 100)
Rotation As Double
Clockwise rotation, in radians, around the X, Y point. Only set the rotation after you have drawn all your objects.
This code rotates the arc 0.9 radians.
Var a As New ArcShape
a.Height = 150
a.Width = 150
a.Rotation = 0.90
a.ArcAngle = 1.57
a.StartAngle = -1.57
a.Border = 100
a.BorderColor = &c0000ff
a.BorderWidth = 2.75
a.Fill = 50
a.FillColor = Color.RGB(255, 0, 127)
g.DrawObject(a, 100, 100)
Scale As Double
The scaling factor relative to the object's original size.
The following code rescales the arc by a factor of 1.5.
Var a As New ArcShape
a.Scale = 1.5
a.Rotation = .90
a.ArcAngle = 1.57
a.StartAngle = -1.57
a.Border = 100
a.BorderColor = &c0000ff
a.BorderWidth = 2.75
a.Fill = 50
a.FillColor =Color.RGB(255, 0, 127)
g.DrawObject(a, 100, 100)
Width As Double
The width of the rectangle.
This example sets the Width to 150 pixels.
Var r As New RectShape
r.Width = 150
r.Height = 150
r.Border = 100
r.BorderColor =Color.RGB(0, 0, 0) // black
r.FillColor =Color.RGB(0, 127, 127) // teal
r.BorderWidth = 2.5
r.Rotation = -0.78
g.DrawObject(r, 100, 100)
X As Double
The horizontal position of the center or main anchor point.
This example sets the horizontal position to 100 pixels from the left of the containing Canvas.
Var a As New ArcShape
a.Height = 150
a.Width = 150
a.ArcAngle = 1.57
a.StartAngle = -1.57
a.X = 100
a.Border = 100
a.BorderColor = &c0000ff
a.Fill = 50
a.FillColor =Color.RGB(255, 0, 127)
g.DrawObject(a, 100, 100)
Y As Double
The vertical position (down from top) position of the center or anchor point.
This example moves the position of the arc down 100 pixels from the top of the containing Canvas.
Var a As New ArcShape
a.Height = 150
a.Width = 150
a.ArcAngle = 1.57
a.StartAngle = -1.57
a.Y = 100
a.Border = 100
a.BorderColor = &c0000ff
a.Fill = 50
a.FillColor =Color.RGB(255, 0, 127)
g.DrawObject(a, 100, 100)
Method descriptions
Contains(X As Double, Y As Double) As Boolean
Tests whether the object contains the point X, Y. Returns True if the rectangle contains the point specified by X, Y.
This code tests whether the RectShape contains the passed point:
Var r As New RectShape
r.Width = 75
r.Height = 75
r.Border = 100
r.Bordercolor =Color.RGB(0, 0, 0) // black
r.FillColor =Color.RGB(0, 127, 127) // teal
r.BorderWidth = 2.5
r.Rotation = -0.78
If r.Contains(50, 50) Then
// draw something here..
End If
g.DrawObject(r, 100, 100)
Sample code
The following code in the Canvas.Paint event handler draws a diamond shaped rectangle:
Var r As New RectShape
r.Width = 75
r.Height = 75
r.BorderOpacity = 100
r.BorderColor =Color.RGB(0, 0, 0) // black
r.FillColor =Color.RGB(0, 127, 127) // teal
r.BorderWidth = 2.5
r.Rotation = -0.78
g.DrawObject(r, 100, 100)
Desktop and web project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object2D parent class; ArcShape, CurveShape, FigureShape, FolderItem, Group2D, Graphics, OvalShape, Picture, PixmapShape, RoundRectShape, TextShape classes.