Creates an image which represents a gradient of colors radiating from an origin, the center of the gradient.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
Property descriptions
EndPoint As Point
The distance from the StartPoint to the point at which the gradient will end.
EndRadius As Double
The position within the Graphics object where the gradient will end.
Windows does not support the StartRadius. Therefore, if the StartPoint and EndPoint are not the same and the StartRadius is greater than 0, an InvalidArgumentException will occur.
If the EndRadius does not reach the edge of the drawing, the color of the last GradientStop will be use to fill the remaining area.
GradientStops() As Pair
An array of values indicating the locations where the gradient changes color.
Each element of the array is a Pair where the left value is a position and the right, a Color. The position is the percentage of the area to be drawn with the Color passed.
This example (in the Paint event of a Canvas control) draws an oval with a gradient. The GradientStops property is used to add gradients at 0%, 50%, and 80%. In this example, red will be used from 0% to 50% of the drawing area:
Var radialBrush As New RadialGradientBrush
radialBrush.StartPoint = New Point(g.width/2, g.height/2)
radialBrush.EndPoint = radialBrush.StartPoint
radialBrush.GradientStops.Add(New Pair(0, Color.Red))
radialBrush.GradientStops.Add(New Pair(0.5, Color.Blue))
radialBrush.GradientStops.Add(New Pair(0.8, Color.Green))
radialBrush.StartRadius = 0
radialBrush.EndRadius = 500
g.Brush = radialBrush
g.FillOval(0, 0, g.Width, g.Height)
StartPoint As Point
The position within the Graphics object where the gradient will begin.
StartRadius As Double
The distance from the StartPoint to the point at which the gradient will start.
Windows does not support the StartRadius. Therefore, if the StartPoint and EndPoint are not the same and the StartRadius is greater than 0, an InvalidArgumentException will occur.
A radial gradient is made up of two concentric circles where the gradient begins at the inner circle (as defined by the StartPoint) and ends at the outer circle (as defined by the EndPoint).
To create the effect of the radial gradient progressing out from the center of the drawing, set the StartPoint and the EndPoint to the center of the drawing.
Windows does not support the StartRadius. Therefore, if the StartPoint and EndPoint are not the same and the StartRadius is greater than 0, an InvalidArgumentException will occur.
On Windows, if the StartPoint and EndPoint are the same, the greater of the StartRadius/EndRadius is used.
If the EndRadius does not reach the edge of the drawing, the color of the last GradientStop will be use to fill the remaining area.
Sample code
This example code in the Paint event of a Canvas draws an oval filled with a radial gradient:
Var radialBrush As New RadialGradientBrush
radialBrush.StartPoint = New Point(g.Width / 2, g.Height / 2)
radialBrush.EndPoint = radialBrush.StartPoint
radialBrush.GradientStops.Add(New Pair(0, Color.Red))
radialBrush.GradientStops.Add(New Pair(0.5, Color.Blue))
radialBrush.GradientStops.Add(New Pair(0.8, Color.Green))
radialBrush.StartRadius = 0
radialBrush.EndRadius = 500
g.Brush = radialBrush
g.FillOval(0, 0, g.Width, g.Height)
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
GraphicsBrush parent class; Graphics.Brush property, LinearGradientBrush, PictureBrush, and ShadowBrush classes.