Used to represent a Locale, which describes linguistic, cultural and other Locale-specific information. For example, a Locale might specify "English as spoken in the United States, using the metric system".
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
localeIdentifier As String |
Locale |
✓ |
Locale |
✓ |
Property descriptions
CurrencySymbol As String
The Locale's currency symbol.
This property is read-only.
Get the Locale's currency symbol:
Var USEnglishLocale As New Locale("en-US")
Var symbol As String
symbol = USEnglishLocale.CurrencySymbol
DecimalSeparator As String
The Locale's separator between the integer and decimal portions of a number. In "un-US", this is the 'period'.
This property is read-only.
Get the Locale's decimal separator:
Var USEnglishLocale As New Locale("en-US")
Var decimal As String
decimal = USEnglishLocale.DecimalSeparator
GroupingSeparator As String
The Locale's separator for grouping a number. In "en-US", this is the 'comma' placed between every three integer digits.
This property is read-only.
Get the Locale's grouping separator:
Var USEnglishlLocale As New Locale("en-US")
Var grouping As String
grouping = USEnglishlLocale.GroupingSeparator
Identifier As String
This is the Locale's identifier. The identifier may not exactly match the identifier passed in via the constructor due to conversions (e.g. 'en_US' could become 'en-US').
This property is read-only.
Get the Locale's identifier:
Var USEnglishLocale As New Locale("en-US")
Var id As String
id = USEnglishlLocale.Identifier
Method descriptions
Constructor(localeIdentifier As String)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates a Locale with the given localeIdentifier.
As an example, "en-US" is used as a localeIdentifier for English in the United States.
Links to look up codes:
The two-letter ISO 639-1 standard
A RuntimeException is raised when an invalid localeIdentifier is used.
Create an English US Locale:
Var USEnglishLocale As New Locale("en-US")
Current As Locale
The user's current Locale. For web apps, this is the Locale of the server. To get the Locale of the browser, use WebSession.
This property is read-only.
Get the current Locale:
Var currentLocale As Locale
currentLocale = currentLocale.Current
Raw As Locale
A machine-independent Locale that has a well-defined format (i.e. the POSIX Locale) and is not affected by the user's settings.
This property is read-only.
Get the raw Locale:
Var currentLocale As Locale
currentLocale = currentLocale.Raw
For web apps, this returns the Locale of the app running on the server. To get the Locale of the connected user from the browser use WebSession.
For more information on localization, refer to the Localization topic .
All project types on all supported operating systems.