Contains hashing methods for use with cryptography.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock |
publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock |
privateKey As String |
publicKey As String |
publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock |
publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock |
privateKey As String |
publicKey As String |
ByteCount As Integer |
data As MemoryBlock, hashAlgorithm As Crypto.HashAlgorithms |
key As String, data As MemoryBlock, hashAlgorithm As Crypto.HashAlgorithms |
data As MemoryBlock |
salt As String, data As MemoryBlock, iterations As Integer, desiredHashLength As Integer, hashAlgorithm As Crypto.HashAlgorithms |
Data As MemoryBlock, PrivateKey As String |
Data As MemoryBlock, PublicKey As String |
Bits As Integer, ByRef PrivateKey As String, ByRef PublicKey As String |
Data As MemoryBlock, PrivateKey As String, Optional mode As Crypto.RSASignModes = Crypto.RSASignModes.SHA1 |
Key As String |
Data As MemoryBlock, Signature As MemoryBlock, PublicKey As String |
data As MemoryBlock |
data As MemoryBlock |
data As MemoryBlock |
data As MemoryBlock |
data As MemoryBlock |
publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto.BlockModes = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock |
publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto.BlockModes = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock |
The block modes for use with BlowFish encryption and decryption.
Enum |
Description |
An initialization vector-based encryption scheme, the mode is secure as a probabilistic encryption scheme, achieving indistinguishability from random bits, assuming a random initialization vector. |
A blockcipher, the mode enciphers messages that are a multiple of n bits by separately enciphering each n-bit piece. |
The hash algorithm to use with Crypto functions.
Enum |
Description |
CRC32 |
MD5 |
SHA1 |
SHA256 |
SHA2_256 |
SHA2_512 |
SHA3_256 |
SHA3_512 |
SHA512 |
Method descriptions
AESDecrypt(publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Decrypts the data using the specified key.
AESEncrypt(publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Encrypts the data using the specified key.
An initialization vector (IV) is a block of bits that is used by several modes to randomize the encryption and hence to produce distinct ciphertexts even if the same plaintext is encrypted multiple times, without the need for a slower re-keying process.
BERDecodePrivateKey(privateKey As String) As MemoryBlock
Decodes a private key for interoperability with the BER encoding for use by other libraries.
For more information, see:
BERDecodePublicKey(publicKey As String) As MemoryBlock
Decodes a public key for interoperability with the BER encoding for use by other libraries.
For more information, see:
BlowFishDecrypt(publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Decrypts the data using the specified key.
BlowFishEncrypt(publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Encrypts the data using the specified key.
DEREncodePrivateKey(privateKey As String) As MemoryBlock
Encodes a private key for interoperability with the DER encoding for use by other libraries.
For more information, see:
DEREncodePublicKey(publicKey As String) As MemoryBlock
Encodes a public key for interoperability with the DER encoding for use by other libraries.
For more information, see:
GenerateRandomBytes(ByteCount As Integer) As MemoryBlock
Generates a random block of data.
Hash(data As MemoryBlock, hashAlgorithm As Crypto.HashAlgorithms) As MemoryBlock
Creates a hash value for the data using the specified hashAlgorithm.
See the Crypto enumeration for values that can be used specify the type of Hash.
This code calculates a hash for a password using SHA512:
Var hash As String
hash = Crypto.Hash("YourPasswordSentence", Crypto.HashAlgorithms.SHA512)
HMAC(key As String, data As MemoryBlock, hashAlgorithm As Crypto.HashAlgorithms) As MemoryBlock
Creates the hash-based message authentication code using the data and the supplied key value and the supplied hashAlgorithm.
The key value is applied to the data before generating the hash.
See HMAC on Wikipedia.
Use the Crypto enumeration with the Hash method to specify the type of hash. It has these values:
HMAC does not support CRC32, SHA3_256 and SHA3_512 modes. Using them will raise an UnsupportedOperationException.
This example creates a hash using HMAC and SHA512:
Var hash As String
hash = Crypto.HMAC("SaltValue", "YourPasswordSentence", Crypto.HashAlgorithms.SHA512)
MD5(data As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Returns the MD5 message-digest value of the data.
Works the same as the MD5 function.
Var md5Value As MemoryBlock
md5Value = Crypto.MD5("SomeStringData")
Var hexValue As String = EncodeHex(md5Value)
// hexValue = 1E7984567DBC8AF6A48102C5E71A08E9
This above is equivalent to calling the Hash method with MD5 as the algorithm:
Var md5Value As MemoryBlock
md5Value = Crypto.Hash("SomeStringData", Crypto.Algorithm.MD5)
Var hexValue As String = EncodeHex(md5Value)
// hexValue = 1E7984567DBC8AF6A48102C5E71A08E9
PBKDF2(salt As String, data As MemoryBlock, iterations As Integer, desiredHashLength As Integer, hashAlgorithm As Crypto.hashAlgorithm) As MemoryBlock
Returns the PBKDF2 hash value of the data, first applying the salt value and using the specified hashAlgorithm. The iteration parameter is the number of loops that the hash algorithm does. The desiredHashLength parameter lets you specify the number of bytes that you want the resulting hash to be. 16 or 32 bytes are commonly used.
PBKDF2 is a "slow", i.e. deliberately processing intensive, algorithm for generating hash values. Slow is relative, for generating a single hash value it is plenty fast. The benefit of a slow algorithm is that it is impractical for hackers to generate hash tables using it because it would take too long to generate the thousands of hashes for commonly used values.
Use a higher value for iterations' to further slow the hash creation.
Refer to PBKDF2 on Wikipedia.
Use the Crypto enumeration with the Hash method to specify the type of hash. It has these values:
PBKDF2 does not support CRC32, SHA3_256 and SHA3_512 modes. Using them will raise an UnsupportedOperationException.
This example generates a 32-byte hash using PBKDF2 for the salt and data, iterating 100 times:
Var hash As MemoryBlock
hash = Crypto.PBKDF2("SaltValue", "YourPasswordSentence", 100, 32, Crypto.HashAlgorithms.SHA512)
Var hashValue As String = EncodeHex(hash)
// FB8F64E66A72517AC7CA70145640B1932A986A7A7DDE7EC79602F8CE94DE0F8A
RSADecrypt(Data As MemoryBlock, PrivateKey As String) As MemoryBlock
Decrypts data using the specified key, which is either a private or public key.
Decrypt a message:
Var privateKey As String
Var publicKey As String
If Crypto.RSAGenerateKeyPair( 1024, privateKey, publicKey ) Then
// 1024-bit private and public keys were generated
Const kMessage = "this is a test"
Var msg As New MemoryBlock(14)
msg.StringValue(0, 14) = kMessage
// Encrypt msg using the publicKey
Var encryptedData As MemoryBlock = Crypto.RSAEncrypt( msg, publicKey )
If encryptedData <> Nil Then
MessageBox("Successfully encrypted.")
// Now decrypt
Var decryptedData As MemoryBlock = Crypto.RSADecrypt( encryptedData, privateKey )
MessageBox("DecryptedData=" + decryptedData.StringValue(0, 14))
End If
End If
RSAEncrypt(Data As MemoryBlock, PublicKey As String) As MemoryBlock
Encrypts the data using the specified PublicKey.
Attempting to encrypt using a PrivateKey raises a CryptoException.
Encrypt some text:
Var privateKey As String
Var publicKey As String
If Crypto.RSAGenerateKeyPair( 1024, privateKey, publicKey ) Then
// 1024-bit private and public keys were generated
Const kMessage = "this is a test"
Var msg As New MemoryBlock(14)
msg.StringValue(0, 14) = kMessage
// Encrypt msg using the publicKey
Var encryptedData As MemoryBlock = Crypto.RSAEncrypt( msg, publicKey )
If encryptedData <> Nil Then
MessageBox("Successfully encrypted.")
End If
End If
RSAGenerateKeyPair(Bits As Integer, ByRef PrivateKey As String, ByRef PublicKey As String) As Boolean
Generates a private and public key pair that is hex encoded. Returns True on success, False if failed. Bits is usually 1024 or 2048.
Generate 1024-bit private and public keys:
Var privateKey As String
Var publicKey As String
If Crypto.RSAGenerateKeyPair( 1024, privateKey, publicKey ) Then
// 1024-bit private and public keys were generated
End If
RSASign(Data As MemoryBlock, PrivateKey As String) As MemoryBlock
Signs the data block using the specified PrivateKey using PKCS v1.5 with SHA1.
Sign a message:
Var privateKey As String
Var publicKey As String
If Crypto.RSAGenerateKeyPair( 1024, privateKey, publicKey ) Then
// 1024-bit private and public keys were generated
Var msg As String = "this is a test"
Var signature As MemoryBlock = Crypto.RSASign( msg, privateKey )
If signature <> Nil Then
// msg was successfully signed
End If
End If
RSAVerifyKey(Key As String) As Boolean
Attempts to validate the specified key.
Verifies the generated public key:
Var privateKey As String
Var publicKey As String
If Crypto.RSAGenerateKeyPair( 1024, privateKey, publicKey ) Then
// 1024-bit private and public keys were generated
If Crypto.RSAVerifyKey(publicKey) Then
// publicKey is valid
End If
End If
Verification fails on a "fake" key:
If Crypto.RSAVerifyKey("not a real key!") Then
MessageBox("Not valid!")
End If
RSAVerifySignature(Data As MemoryBlock, Signature As MemoryBlock, PublicKey As String) As Boolean
Verifies the data using the specified signature and key using PKCS v1.5 with SHA1. Returns True if the signature is verified, False if it is not.
Verify a message:
Var privateKey As String
Var publicKey As String
If Crypto.RSAGenerateKeyPair(1024, privateKey, publicKey) Then
// 1024-bit private and public keys were generated
Var msg As String = "this is a test"
Var signature As MemoryBlock = Crypto.RSASign(msg, privateKey)
If signature <> Nil Then
// msg was successfully signed
// Verify signature
If Crypto.RSAVerifySignature(msg, signature, publicKey) Then
// signature is valid
End If
End If
End If
SHA1(data As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Returns the SHA1 hash value of the data.
Refer to SHA1 on Wikipedia.
This is equivalent of calling the Hash method with SHA1 as the algorithm:
Var encryptedValue As String
encryptedValue = Crypto.Hash("DataToEncrypt", Crypto.HashAlgorithms.SHA1)
SHA2_256(data As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Returns the SHA256 hash value of the data.
Refer to SHA256 on Wikipedia.
This is equivalent of calling the Hash method with SHA256 as the algorithm:
Var encryptedValue As String
encryptedValue = Crypto.Hash("DataToEncrypt", Crypto.HashAlgorithms.SHA256)
SHA2_512(data As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Returns the SHA512 hash value of the data.
Refer to SHA512 on Wikipedia.
This is equivalent of calling the Hash method with SHA512 as the algorithm:
Var encryptedValue As String
encryptedValue = Crypto.Hash("DataToEncrypt", Crypto.HashAlgorithms.SHA512)
SHA3_256(data As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Returns the SHA3_256 hash value of the data.
Refer to SHA-3 on Wikipedia.
This is equivalent of calling the Hash method with SHA3_256 as the algorithm:
Var encryptedValue As String
encryptedValue = Crypto.Hash("DataToEncrypt", Crypto.HashAlgorithms.SHA3_256)
SHA3_512(data As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Returns the SHA3_512 hash value of the data.
Refer to SHA-3 on Wikipedia.
This is equivalent of calling the Hash method with SHA3_512 as the algorithm:
Var encryptedValue As String
encryptedValue = Crypto.Hash("DataToEncrypt", Crypto.HashAlgorithms.SHA3_512)
TwoFishDecrypt(publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto.BlockModes = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Decrypts the data using the specified key.
TwoFishEncrypt(publicKey As String, data As MemoryBlock, blockMode As Crypto.BlockModes = BlockModes.CBC, initializationVector As MemoryBlock) As MemoryBlock
Encrypts the data using the specified key.
Uses Crypto ++ Library 5.6.5.
Use the HashAlgorithms enumeration with the Hash method to specify the type of hash.
Should any Crypto function fail, a CryptoException will be raised.
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
CryptoException class.