These commands are used to run other scripts or to execute commands that perform an IDE action. These commands are identified by recording a script while using the IDE.
DoCommand(cmdName As String)
Executes the specified IDE command. Refer to Commands used by DoCommand for a list of available commands.
Sample code
Save the project:
Commands used by DoCommand
The following commands may be used as parameters to the DoCommand method.
Project items
NewClass: Add a new class to the current project.
CopyFilesStep: Adds a new Copy Files Step to the current project.
RunIDEScriptStep: Adds a new Script Step to the current project.
NewRunExternalScriptStep: Displays file selector dialog to add a new External Script Step to the current project.
NewInterface: Adds a new interface to the current project.
NewContainerControl: Adds a new container control to the current project.
NewFileTypes: Adds a new file type set to the current project.
NewFolder: Adds a new folder to the current project.
NewLayout: Adds a new iOS layout to the current project.
NewMenuBar: Adds a new menu bar to the current project.
NewModule: Adds a new module to the current project.
NewReport: Adds a new report to the current project.
NewScreen: Adds a new iOS Screen to the current project.
NewToolbar: Adds a new toolbar to the current project.
NewWindow: Adds a new window to the current project.
NewWorker: Adds a new Worker class to the current project.
AddWebPage: Adds a new web page to the current project.
AddWebDialog: Adds a new web dialog to the current project.
AddWebStyle: Adds a new web style to the current project.
Project items editing
AddEventImplementation: Displays the Add Event Handler dialog.
NewMethod: Adds a new method to the selected project item.
NewProperty: Adds a new property to the selected project item.
NewNote: Adds a new note to the selected project item.
NewMenuHandler: Adds a new menu handler to the selected project item.
NewComputedProperty: Adds a new computed property to the selected project item.
NewConstant: Adds a new constant to the selected project item.
NewDelegate: Adds a new delegate to the selected project item.
NewEnum: Adds a new enumeration to the selected project item.
NewEvent: Adds a new event definition to the selected project item.
NewExternalMethod: Adds a new external method to the selected project item.
NewSharedComputedProperty: Adds a new shared computed property to the selected project item.
NewSharedMethod: Adds a new shared method to the selected project item.
NewSharedProperty: Adds a new shared property to the selected project item.
NewStructure: Adds a new structure to the selected project item.
Comment: Add the comment prefix to the selected text in the code editor (or the current line if no text is selected).
CheckItemErrors: Equivalent to Project > Analyze Item.
CheckProjectErrors: Equivalent to Project > Analyze Project.
SelectAll: Selects all the controls for the selected project item. Does not work with the Code Editor. Use SelStart and SelLength instead.
Copy: Copies the selected item in the Navigator to the clipboard.
Paste: Pastes the text in the clipboard to the active code editor.
Cut: Cuts the selected control(s) for the selected project item. Does not work with the Code Editor.
Undo: Restores the last deleted control(s). Does not work with the Code Editor.
DeleteSelection: Not implemented.
Layout Editor
AddFromLibrary: Not implemented.
EditModeCode: Switch to Code Editor.
GoToLastEvent: Go to last edited code.
EditModeView: Switch to Layout Editor.
StartInlineEditing: Open Default Property popout window.
LockPositions: Toggle lock for selected control.
ShowHideTabOrder: Displays Tab Order Editor dialog.
ToggleMeasurements: Toggle measurements.
OrderForward: Order selected controls forward.
OrderToFront: Bring selected controls to front.
OrderBackward: Order select controls backward.
OrderToBack: Send selected controls to the back.
FillWidth: Fill width on the selected control.
FillHeight: Fill height on the selected control.
AlignLeft: Aligns the selected controls to the left.
AlignRight: Aligns the selected controls to the right.
AlignTop: Aligns the selected controls to the top.
AlignBottom: Aligns the selected controls to the bottom.
AlignSpaceHorizontally: Align and space the selected controls horizontally.
AlignSpaceVertically: Align and space the selected controls vertically.
File Types Set Editor
NewFileType: Adds a new file type to the editor.
Clear: Removes the selected file type from the editor.
AddCommonFileType$Pdf: Adds PDF file type.
AddCommonFileType$Rtf: Adds RTF file type.
AddCommonFileType$Mp3: Adds MP3 file type.
AddCommonFileType$Jpeg: Adds Jpeg file type.
AddCommonFileType$Png: Adds PNG file type.
AddCommonFileType$Any: Adds “any” file type.
AddCommonFileType$Text: Adds text file type.
AddCommonFileType$Mpeg: Adds Mpeg file type.
AddCommonFileType$Quicktime: Adds QuickTime file type.
AddCommonFileType$More: Adds “more” file type.
Report Layout Editor
AddPageSection: Add page header/footer section to report.
AddGroupSection: Add group header/footer section to report.
Copy File Steps Editor
AddFileToCopyFilesStep: Displays file dialog to select a file to add to the editor.
RemoveFileFromCopyStep: Removes the selected file from the editor.