Xojo 2024r4.2 Release Notes
Release Date: 2025-01-22
XojoScript now works on Windows ARM64.
Integrated Mac app sandboxing, hardening and notarization.
Improved performance, especially with preemptive threads, due to a new internal object/string locking mechanism.
DesktopWindow.ShowPopover positioning.
Code Editor selection matching.
URLConnection.FollowRedirects settable property.
Explicit TLS v1.3 support for SSLSocket.
Android support for ByRef, Operator_Convert, Operator_Lookup, Structure, and Localized Strings
32-bit builds for Linux and Windows are deprecated. Building for Windows 8.1 is also deprecated. These items have not yet been removed, but we do intend to remove them in a future release.
Bugs fixed: 6
Resolved Issues
Timer.CancelCallLater no longer hangs or triggers exceptions when called from separate threads. (78071)
Fixed a regression so Sheet windows are shown as non modal when invoking the Show method on them (macOS). (78145)
Listboxes with columns containing asterisks now resize correctly when columns are resized by dragging the column headers. (78149)
Windows: Toggling the visibility of multiple submenu items no longer causes the menus to be reordered incorrectly. (78232)
iOS: Fixed a bug when building an iOS app and "App Store" is selected for the Build For menu under Build Settings > iOS > Code Signing. (78215)
Resolved Issues
Converting large double values to unsigned integer now works correctly again. (78210)