Released August 15th, 2017.
Xojo 2017 Release 2 has over 250 changes and improvements, with a major focus on 64-bit improvements, Linux GTK+ 3 and HiDPI, and iOS Launch Screen support.
Xojo 2017 Release 2 features:
64-bit support for XojoScript
64-bit string handling is faster and more consistent
64-bit support for Windows icons and version information
GTK3 for Linux
HiDPI for Linux
iOS Launch Screen support
Additional drag & drop events for ListBox
IDE and web improvements
Bug fixes (182 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Compiler |
64-bit Windows executables now have the correct icons. |
Compiler |
64-bit Windows executables have correct version information now. |
Compiler |
Exceptions no longer leak in 64-bit applications. |
Crashes & Assertions : Failed Assertion |
Navigator rows that hold external modules properly refuse to allow classes to be added to them. |
Crashes & Assertions : IDE Unhandled Exception |
If a picture has a mask picture applied that is not the same size the IDE no longer generates an exception but will say this is the problem, clear the mask picture setting and move on. |
Crashes & Assertions : IDE Unhandled Exception |
Layout constraints on iOSContainerControls now reload properly. |
Crashes & Assertions : IDE Unhandled Exception |
Filtering then navigating back and forward will cause the tab to unfilter as navigating back and forward may need to find rows that are not visible to actually move back and forward. |
Crashes & Assertions : IDE Unhandled Exception |
If the overall web segmented control selection type is set to none and you subsequently set one segment to selected that the selection type of the overall control will be updated to single. |
Crashes & Assertions : IDE Unhandled Exception |
Fixed a NilObjectException that could occur when a project fails to launch on the Remote Debugger Stub. |
Crashes & Assertions : IDE Unhandled Exception |
Closing the dialog using the close button behaves like pressing the cancel button on the dialog. |
Crashes & Assertions : IDE Unhandled Exception |
Clicking back that would take you to a control on an external layout no longer causes an exception. |
Crashes & Assertions : IDE Unhandled Exception |
Renaming items like folders & modules that contain other projects items no longer causes an exception. |
Database Plugins |
PostgreSQL Plugin: If a database connection becomes disconnected, the Database.Connect method now returns False instead of always returning True no matter the status of the connection. |
Database Plugins |
Retrieving bytea fields for PostgreSQLDatabase no longer crashes. |
Database Plugins |
MySQLCommunityServer prepared statements no longer writes garbage when a string/text datatype is bound. |
Database Plugins |
PostgreSQL Plugin: bytea columns are now correctly sent/retrieved to/from the database using DatabaseRecord.BlobColumn, PreparedStatements (with the new POSTGRESQL_BYTEA bind type), as well as when updating a RecordSet. |
Database Plugins |
MSSQLServerDatabase plugin now includes a 64-bit macOS part. |
Debugger |
Clear all breakpoints also clears all of them in the app being debugged. |
Framework : All |
Listbox CellHelpTags are now displayed in their correct position after horizontal scrolling. |
Framework : All |
Fixed Split and Join's handling of Unicode strings on 64-bit. |
Framework : All |
Sockets managed by a ServerSocket no longer limited to reading 8KiB chunks. |
Framework : All |
VirtualVolumes now works properly in 64-bit builds. |
Framework : All |
Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket: file content is now flushed before FileReceived is triggered so that the file size is the correct final size. |
Framework : All |
Controls using images show the correct image depending on what screen they are on (retina or not). |
Framework : All |
Fixed string operations on strings containing Unicode characters outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane (e.g. emoji). |
Framework : All |
RectShape and CurveShape now better handles fractional points (e.g. when Scale is involved). |
Framework : All |
Updated GameInputManager to work for 64-bit Window builds. |
Framework : All |
PostgreSQL Plugin: Now built with SSL support again on Windows. |
Framework : All |
CurveShape now properly draws hairlines when BorderWidth < 1.5. |
Framework : All |
CurveShape diagonal lines no longer end up looking like blurry double lines. |
Framework : All |
SMTPSecureSocket no longer writes messages to the system console in any kind of application. |
Framework : All |
Replace and ReplaceAll on 64-bit applications now behaves like 32-bit and pretends that Nil-encoded search and replacement strings are in the same text encoding as the target string. |
Framework : All |
Window.LiveResize has been removed from the Inspector since all platforms always live resize windows, even when this property is False. |
Framework : All |
SegmentedControl: Items.Ubound now correctly returns -1 when no items are present for 64-bit builds. |
Framework : All |
Clipped graphics now respects AntiAlias setting. |
Framework : Linux |
Drag and Drop, from an external source, now raises the DragEnter, DragOver, and DragExit events. |
Framework : Linux |
Setting Window.Bounds now works even if the window isn't visible yet. |
Framework : Linux |
Updated MoviePlayer to use the newer gstreamer library if available, this fixes the 'incompatible version of gstreamer' errors when the older gstreamer library isn't available. |
Framework : Linux |
Listbox.CellHelpTag is now positioned correctly. |
Framework : Linux |
Getting the Text after a TextField.AppendText now returns the correct Text. |
Framework : Macintosh |
Fixed how ampersands in control text on 64-bit macOS get stripped. |
Framework : Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Split and Join now perform efficiently in 64-bit applications. |
Framework : Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Fixed crashes that could happen when comparing strings that lack an encoding on 64-bit macOS. |
Framework : Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Spotlight query now works for 64-bit builds. |
Framework : Web |
WebPage Width and Height properties are now correctly updated before the WebPage.Shown event fires. |
Framework : Web |
The SecureNetworkInterfaceIndex command-line property on a Standalone web application works now. |
Framework : Web |
Fixed a regression (first seen in 2017r1) which caused WebMapViewer to fail if more than one instance of the control was used in a web app at a time. |
Framework : Web |
Web handling of raw tags now searches across EndOfLine characters. |
Framework : Web |
Fixed a few places where browser-side controls could leak. |
Framework : Web |
WebMapViewer no longer causes a JavaScript error on the first refresh. |
Framework : Web |
WebMapViewer now specifically checks to see if the Google Maps API has been loaded before trying to refresh instead of just anything from Google. |
Framework : Web |
Fixed an issue which could cause text with odd encodings to cause an internal web framework encoding exception. |
Framework : Windows |
Listbox CellHelpTags now properly disappear when mouse leaves the HelpTag area. |
Framework : Windows |
Slider now honors the Minimum value in calculating where to position the slide indicator. |
Framework : Windows |
Reports draw a lot sharper on Windows. |
Framework : Windows |
Assign an icon to a MenuItem and removing that menu item later will now release the memory associated with the icon, previously it just leaked. |
Framework : Windows |
Dynamically loaded fonts (typically via declares to AddFontResource) now works with our Direct2D graphics context. |
Framework : Windows |
Stopped forcing a refresh to occur immediately when controls are hidden, this led to blinking refreshes as each control is hidden and refreshed immediately. |
Framework : Windows |
Graphics.DrawRect no longer draws thicker borders along one/two sides of the frame when AntiAlias is disabled. |
Framework : Windows |
Opening projects containing Listboxes in a certain state now longer causes the IDE to crash. |
Framework : Windows |
Graphics.CharacterSpacing now works, however, this feature is only available on Windows 8 or better, and Windows 7 with Platform Updates. |
Framework : Windows |
Listbox endcap is now drawn correctly, this fixes drawing artifacts when a vertical scrollbar is present while scrolling horizontal content. |
Framework : Windows |
Listbox headers no longer flickers when hovered over by mouse or when clicked on. |
Framework : Windows |
BevelButton captions are no longer rendered too small in HiDPI. |
Framework : Windows |
Double clicking a word in the find field selects it. |
Framework : Windows |
Saving a Picture that does not have a Resolution set (i.e. the Horizontal/Vertical resolutions are 0), no longer raises a failed assertion. |
Framework : Windows |
Graphics: Setting a pixel that is out of range now raises an OutOfBoundsException. An OutOfBoundsException was also raised when getting a pixel (but previously only on MacOS), now it's raised on all platforms as well. |
Framework : Windows |
Displaying a sheet window no longer permanently disables the MDI window after it's dismissed. |
Framework : Windows |
Setting the ScrollPosition in CellBackgroundPaint event no longer crashes. |
Framework : Windows |
Drawing done on an HDC (printer device context), originating from a printer graphic's object, is now properly rendered to the printer. |
Framework : Windows |
Now honoring the font's stretch style property which makes fonts like Arial Narrow appear correctly. |
Framework : Windows |
Windows IDE dialogs are now displayed on the same screen as its parent window. |
Framework : Windows |
Graphics.ClearRect now only clears the rectangular section specified, instead of the entire alpha channel supported picture. Clearing a non-alpha channel supported Picture has always worked correctly. |
Framework : Windows |
Screen dimension values (i.e. Left, Top, Width, Height, etc.) are now returned rounded instead of truncated. This was a problem when dealing with fraction DPI scales. |
Framework : Windows |
Object2D Fill values below 50 now properly fills the object correctly instead of not filling anything at all. |
Framework : Windows |
Displaying a MessageDialog from a Modal window no longer makes the MessageDialog inaccessible. |
Framework : Windows |
Loading an EMF file that was saved in Xojo now works. |
Framework : Windows |
ImageWell borders no longer get clobbered when the Image size is greater or equal to the ImageWell bounds. |
Framework : Windows |
Copying picture to clipboard now works for 64-bit builds. |
Framework : Windows |
ActiveX components like the web browser compile as expected. |
Framework : Windows |
Listbox cell helptags no longer consume mouse clicks. |
Framework : Windows |
The Image assigned to an ImageWell is now drawn properly for 64-bit Window builds. |
Framework : Windows |
MenuItem.Clone now properly clones Image sets assigned as the icon to a MenuItem. This results in the correct appearance when cloned on a HiDPI display instead of it being scaled. |
Framework : iOS |
Make it so 1) the constructors for NEW IOSLayoutConstraint have a “priority” parameter 2) the IDE always sets the priority of constraints (it had no means to before) 3) that the default value for priority when using New IOSLayoutConstraint is 1000 (required) |
An issue where the IDE would generate the wrong code for setting up the initial state of a layout has been fixed. The IDE was generating the wrong fully qualified name for a property that was defined to be an enum type and the enum was defined in a module outside the container where the property was. |
Extract Method window now resizes properly. |
Tab order is sensible on preferences tabs. |
Editing the declaration for a method, event definition, etc. and pressing one of the shortcut key sequences to add a new code item (property, enum, method, etc.) no longer drops the declaration change that was in progress. |
IDE : Auto Complete |
Extending an “array of X” nows proposes the right autocompletions including those from extending an array of object. |
IDE : Auto Complete |
Extending an “array of X” nows proposes the right autocompletions. |
IDE : AutoLayout |
Active flag for auto-layout constraints saves and restores properly. |
IDE : Build Automation |
IDE no longer shows compile error dialogs for file system errors when building using IDECommunicator protocol 2. |
IDE : Build Automation |
Pressing tab when the focus is in the read only field for the file editor no longer causes errors or exceptions. |
IDE : Build Automation |
iOS projects with CopyFileSteps that copy items to the “Frameworks destination” now create the Frameworks folder inside the iOS package and put files to be copied in there as required by Apple. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Autocomplete no longer drops characters on Windows. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Make the line number command button behave as a toggle instead of a momentary push. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Displaying Line numbers now works with code folding. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Folded lines no longer overdraw the line numbers. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Aggregated interfaces methods now appear in autocomplete. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Toggling line number display no longer disables tooltips. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Structure element names can start with a _ (to hide them) since you cannot mark one as hidden with an attribute like you can the entire structure. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Writing code while the Filter is active no longer corrupts the item being coded. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Shift-Enter and Option-Enter also apply standard format. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Incorrect tip text at the bottom of the code editor for certain types of constants is now correct. |
IDE : FileIO |
Fix up color handling when reading a text project then writing it as text which causes a color shift |
IDE : FileIO |
IDE will do its best to “fix” invalid declarations caused by editing the project outside the IDE (such as with a text editor). |
IDE : FileTypes Editor |
File Type Set icon thumbnails properly fills display area. |
IDE : Find & Replace |
Double-clicking a search result in a control set now jumps to the correct item. |
IDE : Find & Replace |
Find panels no longer turn grey. |
IDE : Find & Replace |
Find and replace no long replaces valid method/property and other “code unit” names with invalid ones thereby causing lots of weird compilation errors. |
IDE : Find & Replace |
Search of “this class and subclasses” actually does search subclasses as well. |
IDE : Find & Replace |
Searching for case sensitive matches no longer stops looking when the first possible match on a line doesn't match case. |
IDE : Inspector |
When ellipsis appears continuing to type no longer rips off extra characters. |
IDE : Inspector |
When selecting controls that have properties of varying values like border the property editor pane can only show a single value and so it would show either true or false but really needs a mixed state. Since this is not available when a situation like this occurs the properties that have differing values between the instances being inspected will not show in the Inspector to avoid confusion. |
IDE : Inspector |
Focus is no longer shifted to the Code Editor when you change the name of a method. |
IDE : Inspector |
Inspector size fields properly accept the number as typed and not just the last character (Linux). |
IDE : Inspector |
Scroll wheel events in popup menus in the inspector are ignored on Windows. |
IDE : Inspector |
iOS capabilities save and restore from disk and are properly set and preserved in the IDE between openings of the capabilities editor. |
IDE : Inspector |
Editing the size or position of multiple controls no longer alters them when you have made no changes and just tab through these value editors. |
IDE : Inspector |
Property Inspector behavior now works like this: 1) Always have a tab with items on it showing (no empty tabs). 2) When it can it will stay on the same inspector pane as you move from item to item. 3) When the tab it was on is no longer present (such as moving from having the ID tab selected on a Window to an Event ) it will force a tab to show (in this case the Advanced tab as that is the only one there is for an event). 4) When you navigate to another item that has an ID tab it will return to the ID tab. |
IDE : Inspector |
Editing multiple properties at once no longer fails if you set the value to the same value as the first item in the selection. |
IDE : Language Reference |
Keyboard events no longer alter language reference history. |
IDE : Language Reference |
Make browser search work again when using the online reference. |
IDE : Language Reference |
Help on Windows no longer opens with height and width of the help window set to 0 if you previously opened help, minimized it then quit the IDE. |
IDE : Language Reference |
Message dialog icons show in LR. |
IDE : Language Reference |
Restored being able to close language reference window with Cmd-W / Ctrl-W. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
Using an Image Set for the background of a Canvas draws the correct image in the IDE. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
SegmentedControl shows the right icon in Layout Editor. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
Canvas backdrop shows the right image during design time when the image has multiple elements. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
Controls on Layout Editor display correct picture from an Image Set. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
Dragging/resizing a control in the Windows IDE no longer causes severe lags. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
In a web project the IDE no longer draws lines of a multiline text fields on top of each other. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
Canvas clips properly. Note that because the IDE respects and draws 1x or 2x as needed if you set the background to an image that only has a 1x element and move the layout editor to a 2x screen the canvas may not draw its background (since there is no 2x background to draw). |
IDE : Layout Editor |
Dragging an Image from the file system onto a desktop layout once creates a canvas with an Image as the backdrop just like it does with Pictures. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
Duplicating a member of a control set that's on a page panel / tab panel no longer results in one that appears to be on the wrong page / tab. |
IDE : Layout Editor |
The drag rectangle that appears when dragging a control from the Control Library to the Layout editor now shows up completely on HiDPI/Retina displays instead of being cut-off. |
IDE : Library |
A right click in the Library followed by a left click on a layout no longer inserts the control that was right clicked on in the Library. |
IDE : Menu Editor |
Using a constant no longer generates an odd menu name when you change the Text of the menu item. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Arrow keys now work in the Menu editor. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Window menu entries for minimize, maximize, zoom, and restore track the state properly on Windows and present the right options. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Reading a text project that has missing items no longer creates the missing folders. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
You can lock and unlock a tab regardless of what row is selected in the Navigator. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Splash screen on Linux updates more quickly so graphics appear properly. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Undoing a “convert to computed” no longer drops the default value if there was one before the property was converted to computed. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Opening a project and analyzing or running it does not mark items as changed. The only way items should be marked as changed is by user initiated changes except for File Type Sets which may still be marked as changed as a result of Run or Analyze. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Windows IDE: Moving a window to second monitor (whose DPI scale differs) now works properly. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Project->Run and Project->Build Application now use the correct size icons on Linux. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Navigator, Library and Inspector all consistently use the same font size. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Copied controls on iOS no longer always add a numeric suffix when not needed. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
SplashScreen no longer gets a NilObjectException on Windows when you you close the splash screen before the IDE is fully loaded. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
InitialParent (and other hidden properties that end users should not see) are no longer visible in the Inspector Behavior window. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Windows: A shift in control focus doesn't crash the IDE if the focused control somehow gets closed in the process of gaining focus. This could occur in the IDE while opening specific projects. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Coding panel in Preferences on windows no longer has large empty space. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Extract method allows dotted names for return types. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Tab order editor no longer filters out all controls parented on a control that has its tabstop property set to false. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Image editor panes use the same gridded style background as the app icon editor does. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Made it so converting a picture to an image makes UI elements continue use the new image as their background / backdrop. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Close Window gets the proper shortcut. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Make external no longer fools people into thinking you can use Text type project items as externals (you cannot). |
IDE : Navigator |
Navigator items properly update after Find and Replace. |
IDE : Navigator |
Drag and drop of multiple images into IDE on Linux is now working. |
IDE : Navigator |
Duplicating a method on an interface behaves the same as duplicating a method on a class. |
IDE : Navigator |
When you remove the last module from a module the 'Modules' group row row is properly removed. |
IDE : Navigator |
External Methods stay grouped like other overloaded method types. |
IDE : Navigator |
Simply selecting a different item in the Navigator no longer switches the scope that the next new item will use. |
IDE : Navigator |
When the Code Editor is open and you right-click a control in the Navigator and select 'Help For ...' then the doc page for the control is displayed. |
IDE : Navigator |
When you convert a picture to an image the new image is selected. |
IDE : Navigator |
Duplicating a control or code item named with trailing digits will preserve the same number of digits. For example if you duplicate msg001 the new item will be msg002. |
IDE : Picture Previewer |
Picture view zooms in and out as expected using the menu items under View > Zoom In and Zoom Out. |
IDE : Project Editor |
Naming classes / modules etc the same as a folder that contains them no longer causes an error |
IDE : Rendering |
If a property on a WebControlWrapper control is computed and does not have a setter, then the IDE does not try to set the property. |
IDE : Scripting |
Make IDE Script return some slightly more sensible values for modules, folders and classes. |
IDE : Scripting |
IDE Script editor no longer incorrectly hides lines. |
IDE : Scripting |
Setting the major and minor version via an IDE Script no longer limits the value to 255. |
IDE : Style Editor |
Border editor no longer types sizes in reverse. |
Installer |
Plugins SDK shortcut in the Windows start menu now points to the correct place. |
Miscellaneous |
Debian packages work again. |
Miscellaneous |
Deactivating window no longer causes Windows IDE to flicker. |
Plugin SDK |
Added new StateChanged notifcation identifier (kThemeChanged) to let plugin controls know to reload their theme data on Windows (necessary when drawing with visual styles). |
Remote Debugger Stub |
The remote debugger and IDE now launch console applications using the user's preferred terminal emulator. |
Remote Debugger Stub |
The Download Location label baseline is now correct on Raspberry Pi. |
Remote Debugger Stub |
Remote stub untar code properly handles files that are in paths that may not exist at the time the file is to be untarred. |
XojoScript |
Top-level variables in XojoScript can be initialized with 'New', like what would work in the local scope of a method. |
Changes (31 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Compiler |
The compiler and XojoScript have been upgraded to LLVM 4.0. |
Database Plugins |
SQLiteDatabase has been updated to 3.19a.3. |
Framework : All |
Default value for maximum and minimum connections for a ServerSocket created in code are consistent with those when you drag a ServerSocket onto a layout. They are set to Maximum = 10 and Minimum = 2. |
Framework : All |
Support for SSLv2 and SSLv3, including the constants, has been removed from SSLSocket. |
Framework : All |
Add new Drag events to the Listbox, changes include: Enum DropLocations OnRow The drop is occurring on the row itself. AfterRow The drop is occurring between rows, after the row specified. The row can be in the range of [-1, RowCount-1] and specifying -1 will insert it at the top of all the rows. This value will also be RowCount-1 if the user drags below the item list. OnControl The drop is occurring on the entire control, not on a particular row. This matches the previous behavior. Property ShowDropIndicator as Boolean = False Determines whether or not the drop indicators appear. This property simply changes the appearance of the listbox. It does not prevent the new events from firing. Event Function DragOverRow(x As Integer, y As Integer, obj As DragItem, action As Integer, ByRef row As Integer, ByRef parentRow As Integer, ByRef location As DropLocations) As Boolean Invoked during dragging, similar to the DragOver event. Event handlers can 'retarget' a drop by altering the row, parentRow, or location parameters. x: The x coordinate of the drop, relative to the left of the ListBox. y: The y coordinate of the drop, relative to the top of the ListBox. obj: The data actually being dropped. action: The drag action, which can be things like move or copy. Constants already exist in the DragItem class for this. row: The proposed target row for the drop. parentRow: When the listbox is non-hierarchical, this will always be -1. When the Listbox is hierarchical, this is the row that the item is being dragged into. If the item is being dragged to the top level, parentRow will have a value of -1. location: Whether the drop is going between two rows, on the row itself or just on the control. Returning True prevents the drop from occurring and the DragOver event from firing. Otherwise the DragOver event fires. Event Sub DropObjectOnRow(x As Integer, y As Integer, obj As DragItem, action As Integer, row As Integer, parentRow As Integer, location As DropLocations) Invoked when a drop has finished. The row, parentRow, and location are the values previously set by the DragOverRow event handler. The DropObject event fires after this event. |
Framework : Web |
Session.Timeout now takes touch events into account when figuring out how long it's been since the last user interaction with the web app. |
Framework : Web |
Updated the JavaScript property that we pull the name of a key that was pressed. |
Framework : Windows |
Moving window from one monitor to another, of a different DPI scale, now resizes properly. |
Rename the 'OS X' Build Setting target to “macOS”. |
On the Project Chooser dialog you can now select a recent item and press back delete or forward delete to remove an item. |
IDE : Auto Complete |
Make it so autocomplete works on lines that are continued. |
IDE : AutoLayout |
Constraint priorities are now labeled as: * low * medium * medium-high * high * highest |
IDE : AutoLayout |
By default Xojo adding a constraint to a layout adds it as highest priority. |
IDE : Build Automation |
The loadError for a project/IDE mismatch now includes a'severity' property to help figure out whether the conflict is something that needs to be dealt with. The value is 'warning' if the project is older than the IDE. The value is 'critical' if the project is NEWER than the IDE. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Put the small bit of padding (5 pixels) back at the top of the code editor. |
IDE : Code Editor |
Line numbers are right aligned. |
IDE : Debugger |
IDE temporarily disables App Nap when it is sending an app to be debugged to a remote computer from macOS. |
IDE : Error & Warning Panel |
Individual errors and warnings can be copied, one at a time, from the error and warning panel using a right-click and selecting the Copy item from the contextual menu. |
IDE : FileIO |
The IDE now renames and deletes any obsolete files in text projects. |
IDE : Inspector |
Pressing ESC acts as a 'REVERT NOW' action so you can abandon changes. |
IDE : Inspector |
The label for the Text Area “Automatically Check Spelling” property is now “Check Spelling” in order to better use available space. |
IDE : Language Reference |
Make it so the local LR rips out online links if the machine is disconnected from the network or can't reach the wiki. If they are reachable the local LR page is untouched. If they are not that page has those links removed. |
IDE : Menu Editor |
Analyzing a menu bar now checks for duplicate shortcuts and warns about them. It's only a warning since its not actually a compile error. Note that this can only analyze the menu bar as it exists and can not take in to account any alterations made by code at runtime, such as adding or removing items or changing shortcuts. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Menu editor no longer “flies in” new items. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Right clicking on an External Build Script step now has “Open File” and “Show on Disk” as options in the contextual menu the same as external classes and modules do. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
When the Windows IDE is set to “Stay open when last window is closed” the tray item has a version tooltip to distinguish it from other versions that may be reduced to a tray item. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Make it so the constant editor dialogs remember where they were last and what size they were so we can restore that position and size when reopened. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Long error messages are wrapped and row heights in the error reporter adjusted as needed. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Recent items in Project Chooser now show size, date created, and date modified when possible. |
IDE : Navigator |
Database Connections won't be in the insert menus until further notice. |
Remote Debugger Stub |
Name and IP address labels on Remote Debugger Desktop are now selectable so you can easily copy/paste them. |
New items (15 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Build |
Added “CurrentBuildLocationNative” as a Native path version of CurrentBuildLocation. |
Framework : All |
Listbox: Added additional DropLocations enum 'AfterAllRows' which lets the user know that the drag has reached past the bottom of all the rows and is now into the empty space beneath. |
Framework : Linux |
Linux GUI framework is now built with GTK+ 3. |
Framework : Web |
Browsers now try to reconnect if they have lost connection to a web app. |
Framework : Web |
Web apps will now automatically attempt to reconnect to the web server after they are disconnected and will continue to do so until the user navigates away from the disconnect screen or the application returns, at which time a new session will be created. |
Framework : Web |
CGI Web Applications now only listen on the localhost interface. |
Framework : Web |
The NetworkInterfaceIndex and SecureNetworkInterfaceIndex command-line properties of a Standalone Web Application now accept a value of 'Loopback' in addition to the numeric index values to allow listening only on the loopback interface. |
There is now an official way of overriding most built in properties with user preferred default values for class properties. Do not directly edit BEH files as that is unsupported. |
IDE : Code Editor |
The code reformatting can be overridden with a user written IDE Script. |
IDE : Debugger |
Line numbers can be toggled on and off like in the code editor. |
IDE : Language Reference |
Can zoom text in and out to make it larger and smaller in Doc Viewer. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
A module that contains other items can now be encrypted. Any contained items that are encrypted before the module is encrypted retain that setting. |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
Added two protected constants for StrComp compare modes: REALbasic.StrCompCaseSensitive and REALbasic.StrCompLexical |
IDE : Miscellaneous |
The “Navigator uses large font” preference has been relocated to the General Pane and is now titled “Navigator, Library & Inspector”. |
IDE : Scripting |
XojoVersion exists for use in build scripts and IDE scripts. Note that “#if” requires a constant value and XojoVersion is a method on the Script context so cannot be used with #if. But, in an IDE script or build script, using “if XojoVersion” to cause code to be skipped is the same as using “#if XojoVersion” to cause the code to be skipped. |
Docs and examples (27 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Documentation |
On Windows Universal Runtime page, corrected link to Visual C++ Redistributable at Microsoft. |
Documentation |
Added more links to the Related section of the Color page Summary table. |
Documentation |
#pragma is listed in keywords and can be searched for in offline doc viewer. |
Documentation |
Updated Preferences->General and Coding screenshots in User Guide. |
Documentation |
Updated Window.BitmapForCaching example code. |
Documentation |
Added missing docs for WebMapLocation.LookupAddress. |
Documentation |
Removed defunct XoDrill from Open-Source projects page. |
Examples |
Updated Labels printing example to use correct printer methods to get printer DPI to properly calculate label positions. |
Examples |
Printing Examples now use PrinterSetup and make use of HorizontalResolution and VerticalResolution to ensure drawing is correct for printers on all platforms. |
Examples |
Fixed gas icon in GasReport example. |
Examples |
Added ServerSocket project to work with iOS EasyTCPSocket examples for supporting multiple connections. EasyTCPSocket-Server example now indicates it can only accept a single connection at a time. |
Examples |
Updated text instructions for web SSLTest example project. |
Examples |
In XojoNotesWeb example, clicking Cancel on Add Note dialog no longer incorrectly adds a note. |
Examples |
AddHandler example now calls RemoveHandler in the Close event. |
Examples |
IDECommunicator-tester example now gets correct IPC path and auto-connects at launch. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Updated Structure page to add details about structure alignments and other information. http://developer.xojo.com/structure |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Clarified that key codes referred to in Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown and Keyboard.Keyname are listed in the Notes section of the Keyboard page. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Corrected typo in Xojo.IO.SpecialFolder.GetResource exception section. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Deprecated wiki pages now appear in the local LR. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Updated description for Pragma BreakOnExceptions (http://developer.xojo.com/pragma-directives) to indicate it does not change the Project->Break On Exceptions menu setting. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Image references have been removed from the page css. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Updated Color page example to indicate that only 32-bit Integers can be cast to color values. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Operator_XXX methods show in local Lang Ref viewer. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Clarified how the different ToolButton styles work on various platforms. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Added list of common error codes you may see in an IOException.ErrorNumber (http://developer.xojo.com/xojo-io-ioexception). |
Language Reference : Documentation |
Noted that TLSv1.2 does not work with Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket on Mac OS X 10.8 and 10.9. |
Language Reference : Documentation |
WebApplication command-line parameters for SslType use integer values, not string values. |