Released October 20th, 2015.
Xojo 2015 Release 3 is one of the largest releases in Xojo history. Major changes and new features include:
64-bit Desktop, Web and Console apps for OS X, Linux and Windows
Raspberry Pi 2 (32-bit ARMv7 Linux) apps for desktop, web and console apps
Web Drag and Drop support
The ability to create bookmarks to lines of code
iOSLabel now supports different line breaks
You can now “Collect” all your project items into a single bundle to make distribution easy
All-new File Type Set Editor for managing files used by your apps
iOSContainerControl to create reusable iOS controls
Note: With 2015r3, Xojo no longer supports building apps for Windows XP.
Bug fixes (259 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Build |
If an external IDE script cannot be found the IDE will, when it tries to run that step, show a warning and cancel the build. |
Build |
ICNS files are written using PNGS for all sizes. |
Compiler |
Instead of asserting, an error is now reported if an enum contains a string value. |
Compiler |
Compiler: Integer constants without an explicit type are now treated as Integer instead of Int32. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash in the compiler when empty parenthesis were used as an expression. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash with enumerations that have an invalid underlying type. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash that would occur when using Mod where the second operand was zero. |
Compiler |
Fixed a handful of crashes that could occur if a class inherited from itself. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash when an invalid value was entered into the Implements field of the method editor. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash when there was a method with multiple parameters marked Extends. |
Compiler |
Constants referring to other constants now resolve using the proper name lookup rules. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash that could occur with enumerations in rare cases. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash when a class has a superclass that implements something that is not an interface. |
Compiler |
Fixed the class interface aggregate cycle checking to be correct in all cases. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash that could occur if the underlying type of an enumeration was an array. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash that could occur if a parameter was specified to be ByRef and ParamArray. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash that could occur when #If blocks had a conditional value that didn't evaluate to a boolean constant and there was an #ElseIf. |
Compiler |
Fixed a failed assertion that could occur if a structure field had an unresolved type that happened to have the same name as another non-type symbol. |
Compiler |
Fixed the alignment of 64-bit integers inside of naturally aligned structures. |
Crashes & Assertions > Crash |
Compiler: Fixed a bug where applications would crash if an exception was raised through a very large function. |
Crashes & Assertions > Crash |
Fixed a crash that would occur if RuntimeExcerption.Stack was accessed from a binary lacking function names. |
Database Plugins |
ODBC Plugin: Binding string of type ODBC_TYPE_LONGSTRING no longer truncates string to 2 characters. |
Database Plugins |
The DNS chooser dialog now shows up again on OS X when the ODBCDatabase.DataSource is empty. |
Database Plugins |
ODBC Plugin: Fixed a host of issues related to prepared statements: - Binding ODBC_TYPE_STRING/LONGSTRING now works properly - Binding empty strings now works properly - Fixed a potential memory buffer overrun with long sql statements, binding long strings, etc. - Improved error reporting for prepared statements - Updating Date values with Null is now possible |
Debugger |
Can resize splitters in debugger whether the IDE is paused while debugging or not. |
Debugger |
When starting the debugger the bottom pane, if open, will hide the bottom pane so the debugger can properly show. |
Debugger |
Console Remote debugger Stub can be used from an SSH system and does not require the OS X Terminal app or xterm. |
Debugger |
Running a web app no longer badges the IDE dock icon. |
Debugger |
Debugger pane can be resized vertically as well as horizontally even when not viewing debugging data. |
Debugger |
Properties exposed with Inspector Behavior (esp. Text) retain their values when set in the Inspector. |
Framework > All |
Email attachments save as expected regardless of being base64 encoded or not. Only base64 encoded are decoded before saving. |
Framework > All |
Variant's Int64Value now handles exponents. |
Framework > All |
HTTPSocket, HTTPSecureSocket, SMTPSocket, SMTPSecureSocket now support longer username/password combinations for proxies and http authentication. |
Framework > All |
WebListBox.LastIndex now defaults to -1 instead of 0. |
Framework > All |
EmailAttachment now adds filename (Latin1 and UTF8) parameter to Content-Disposition attachment header if the attachment has its name property set. |
Framework > All |
Xojo.Data.GenerateJSON no longer throws an InvalidArgumentException when passed empty text. |
Framework > All |
Text variant comparisons with String, Integer, Double, etc. now works instead of raising a failed assertion. |
Framework > All |
An off by one error in the index of method for the new MemoryBlock has been fixed. |
Framework > All |
Int8 and Uint8 can be used with the Str function with and without format strings. |
Framework > All |
GenerateJSON no longer throws an InvalidFormatException when passed a zero-length String. |
Framework > All |
All: SMTP connections using STARTTLS have been refactored so that an intercepting insecure server cannot accept the connection. |
Framework > All |
Windows/Linux: Subtracting or adding a DateInterval to a Xojo.Core.Date now properly modifies the significant fields of the date properly. |
Framework > Linux |
Change the pace of the indeterminate progress bar to something a little slower. |
Framework > Linux |
Built apps now look in the generic Libs folder for plugins and shared libraries if available. |
Framework > Linux |
Using Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket in Console apps no longer crashes in Ubuntu 12.04 or older. |
Framework > Macintosh (Cocoa) |
RadioButtons on TabPanels and PagePanels have the pre-2014r2 behavior again. |
Framework > Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Fixed a crash that would occur when closing a fullscreen or split window on OS X 10.11. |
Framework > Web |
WebRadioGroups are now the correct height in the browser. |
Framework > Web |
Fixed a WebDialog refresh bug which caused WebLabels to render incorrectly when a dialog had been closed and opened again. |
Framework > Web |
WebCanvas now has a DisableDiffEngine property. |
Framework > Web |
Fixed a bug in WebListbox which made the use of external datasources using the DataCell interface fail. Added a RefreshCell method to allow pushing DataSource changes down to the browser. |
Framework > Web |
WebListBox.LastIndex now gets set to -1 when DeleteAllRows is called, matching the desktop behavior. |
Framework > Web |
Web: Fixed a bug which prevented IE11 and IE Edge from being detected properly. |
Framework > Web |
Firefox and Internet Explorer 9+ will now play H.264 MP4 videos in their native players instead of using Flash. |
Framework > Web |
Web: Fixed a bug which prevented gzip compression from being applied to http responses. |
Framework > Web |
Web: WebTextField and WebTextArea now fire the TextChanged event when the text set in the inspector is cleared. |
Framework > Web |
Internet Explorer 11 is recognized as a supported browser again. |
Framework > Web > Frame |
WebHTMLViewer.URL no longer destroys the backing webfile if the encoding of the URL being set is not UTF8 and that's the only difference. |
Framework > Web > Frame |
Closing a WebPage, WebDialog or WebContainer no longer shows an error about closing controls. |
Framework > Web > Javascript |
WebSDK no longer overwrites the XojoCustom namespace if it already exists. |
Framework > Windows |
Modernized Open/Save/Select dialogs (i.e. using Vista+ style dialogs instead of XP style). Note: setting the Cancel caption only works on Windows 7+. |
Framework > Windows |
Adding a movie to a project no longer autoplays it. |
Framework > Windows |
WebKit based HTMLViewer no longer increments the reference count of its CefBrowser when getting the Handle property. |
Framework > Windows |
The GDI+ graphics functions now falls back on a generic MS Sans Serif font if an unsupported font was used (this fixes various issues like StringWidth returning 0). |
Framework > iOS |
When you set the Value for a segmented control on iOS that item is now marked as selected so that other changes to the control, such as changing a caption, work as expected. |
Framework > iOS |
You can once again use the Browse option selecting an image for an image view. On iOS it creates an image asset, not a picture, the same as if you dragged an image into the project. |
Framework > iOS |
A segmented control with no segments no longer results in an error when you analyze the project. |
Framework > iOS |
Changes to some enumerations for consistency: * iOSImageView.ContentsMode ENUMERATION renamed to be plural (ContentModes) * iOSProgresWheel.Shade ENUMERATION renamed to be plural (Shades) * iOSToolbar.Context ENUMERATION renamed to be plural (Contexts) * iOSDatePicker.DatePickerMode ENUMERATION renamed to iOSDatePicker.Modes (pluralized & renamed) |
Adding an event handler puts the focus on that item in the Navigator, or the last one if you add several at once, and this results in the code editor having focus so you can type immediately. |
Assets no longer silently reload if they have lost track of one of the images in one of the asset types. |
An error that could arise when you copied and pasted a property has been fixed. |
The feedback icon in the toolbar has been fixed. |
Deleting an event from a control set no longer causes issues after deleting it. |
Accented characters now work fine as project item names. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Toolitems on a Toolbar now autocomplete. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
SQLiteDatabase on iOS no longer shows methods that apply to the non-iOS SQLiteDatabase in autocomplete. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Items that are not accessible for the project type are not shown by autocomplete. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Text constants are now shown in autocomplete. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
All sortable array types show Sort and SortWith as possible autocompletion methods. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Autocomplete now shows a structure's ByteValue method. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Until keyword now autocompletes properly. Do loops are also closed in a more contextually sensitive way : * If you start the loop with DO<press return=** shift=**> it will be closed with loop until” * If you start the loop with *do until it will be closed with loop </press> |
IDE > AutoLayout |
Positioning controls in IOS using cursor keys no longer hangs the IDE. |
IDE > AutoLayout |
Baseline constraints are not removed when you resize horizontally as they were in the example. They get revised to a top constraint if the height is changed. |
IDE > AutoLayout |
Controls that have constraints that depended on a control that was being deleted were not be reset and would just be removed. This fix puts constraints back on to those affected controls. |
IDE > AutoLayout |
Can set baseline constraints and set them relative to other controls baselines. |
IDE > Code Editor |
The IDE no longer reformats method parameters when loading code. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Code editor is active immediately after adding event handler. |
IDE > Code Editor |
GoTo property with arrays now works correctly. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Adding an event puts the focus in the event's code editor. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Option-return on OS X once again inserts a line continuation character. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Enumerations only support the various integral types (integer, Uinteger, int8, uint8, etc). |
IDE > Code Editor |
Constant name changes are property retained. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Clicking elsewhere retains changes as expected. |
IDE > Code Editor |
When you press shift + return there is always a new blank line added and the insertion point is on that new blank line. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Scroll offsets are accounted for when the code editor canvas is asked for the rectangle for some text so the special characters palette and dictionary show up in the right spot. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Selecting text and getting the OS X dictionary definition works again. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Attributes and compatibility settings are NOT retained on a control instance placed on a layout. This make iOS consistent with desktop applications. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Bug icons are centered using the same metrics as the hit boxes and line folding mechanisms. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Shift-return to close a block thats opened with a select case is now correctly closed with *end select”. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Minor typing change in the short summary for constants properties and methods so they consistently use “As”. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Help Syntax in Code Editor displays the correct signature for the item the mouse is hovering over. |
IDE > Constant Editor |
Dynamic constants of Text type now work. |
IDE > FileIO |
Make it so when the IDE loads an old Binary or XML project the unnamed items that are in the project get loaded in a way a user can remove them. This mimics what occurs for text projects. |
IDE > Find & Replace |
Capitalization on help tags for search fixed. Descriptions are accurate. |
IDE > Find & Replace |
Find->Replace All no longer drops a default value on a property on a class/window/etc where it used to. |
IDE > Find & Replace |
Finds using RegEx are shown correctly in the find panel. |
IDE > Inspector |
Windows IDE: Tabbing through Inspector fields now shows the focus ring on PopupMenus and other controls that have such visual styles on focus. |
IDE > Inspector |
Changing a description marks the project dirty so that it gets properly saved. |
IDE > Inspector |
Fixed a bug where there were visual 'glitches' in the top 22 to 78 points of the window when the window was full screen or split screen. |
IDE > Inspector |
The type field for method, enums, event definitions and properties no longer persistently shows the popup every time you press tab if you select on of the items from the list. A second tab will move to the next field. |
IDE > Inspector |
Fixed labelling of the automatic cursor type so it's consistent across all web controls. |
IDE > Inspector |
Inspector editors that use popups will only commit changes when you actually select a different item in the pop up. Selecting the same item no longer dirties the item and therefore the project. |
IDE > Inspector |
Text properties, like the default value for text on an iOS Label, update when the only change is case. |
IDE > Inspector |
Windows IDE: Fixed the random PopupMenus/ComboBox dropdown list widths in the IDE (for example the Scope Popup in the Inspector), mostly being way too wide. |
IDE > Inspector |
You can now change the super class for all members of a control array. |
IDE > Inspector |
A pasted font name “sticks” if it is one in the list (is available). |
IDE > Inspector |
Text properties on control instances are set properly. |
IDE > Inspector |
Made it so you can expose all kinds of integer properties that you could not before. The list now includes: * Integer, UInteger, Single, Double, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64 * String, Text * Color * Boolean |
IDE > Inspector |
Control names changes are remembered when you click elsewhere or leave the name field in some other way. |
IDE > Inspector |
IDE no longer raises an exception when field has been pasted into and loses focus. |
IDE > Language Reference |
Reachability of the online wiki is no longer tested if you have the local reference selected as default. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Checkboxes in the IDE draw in all 3 possible states. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Applying a style to the toggled appearance of a web toolbar item now draws properly in the layout editor. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
On Windows if you have a control array and clear the name from one member you no longer end up with an endless loop of messages saying the name cannot be blank. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Redrawing the web tool bar in the IDE is significantly faster. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Locking iOS controls on a layout is not an option as it completely messes up the IDE's constraint solving. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Auto-Layout delta offsets were being calculated incorrectly, sometimes causing a control to move on every click. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
The Layout Editor no longer hangs if the width of the iOSTextArea control is narrower than the longest word. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Subclasses of iOS controls in the navigator drag like the super class does and when dropped are set up comparably. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Lines shows drag / grab handles all the time now including when vertical or horizontal. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Subclasses of iOS controls will not permit being resized in ways the base class cannot be resized. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Disabled debug logs about baselines that are no longer needed. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Controls in the Layout Editor Tray area no longer show top, left, width or height properties. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
It is now possible to set up a split with tabs in either the main or detail area on a screen that is not large enough to see the entire iOS screen. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
In the iOS Layout Editor, Labels are now drawn using System Bold or System Italic when specified. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Clicking from one tab to another tab in an iOS screen layout no longer drops changes made when viewing other tabs. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
WebLabels with MultiLine=False and content which contains multiple lines now draw properly. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
A group of controls can now be resized by any of the grab handles on any control in the group, rather than just the first. |
IDE > Library |
Missing descriptions for Class, Interface, Module, Folder and generic object have been added. |
IDE > Library |
Windows library description pane redraws cleaner without visual artifacts. |
IDE > Menu Editor |
When editing a menu the index no longer shows -2147483648 in red (it shows nothing instead). |
IDE > Menu Editor |
Plain text projects that have menu items subclasses in modules so they load the same as binary or xml would. This makes it not only legal to put a menu item super class in a module for vcp but now it works too. |
IDE > Menu Editor |
You can set an icon on a submenu. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Notes are not printed in color. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
A note that has _ as the very last character no longer causes issues when loading a text project. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
External items that are not missing will get examined for items to resolve and get resolved the same as internal items do. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
With the Project Chooser window open most menu items are disabled. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
IDE will only error if in fact it cannot remove the damaged license key file. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Language Reference window retains tool bar setting from one open instance to another and run to run. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Changes in the case of a control name are retained. If a control is a member of a control set all members are updated. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
If you open the icon editor for the app icon (any actually) and do nothing but press OK the project is not marked as having changes since nothing changed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Progress bar no longer positioned oddly when starting a debug session. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Pressing enter in the file type editor no longer causes an exception. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Can define most integer property types for use with Inspector Behaviour. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
More updates to text file saving. There are still some changes that will occur like updating editor types in the behaviors sections. These are because old text files left out information and opening a project may update them. The best way to force as many of these to occur at once so your subsequent version control commits are less noisy is to: 1) Make one change (add a space and remove it to one piece of code) 2) Do an Analyze Project and save 3) Commit with all changes and subsequent commits will have a lot less noise as the project has been updated |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Tray-only controls do not show size and positioning properties in the Inspector. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Removing one member of a Control Set no longer removes the event list from the Navigator. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Projects of all kinds now print all their members. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Clarified the explanation on the preference setting for asking about overwriting files when building so it's clear this setting only applies when not using the build folders. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
The insert menu no longer holds the wrong items when you switch from one project type to another. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Illegal characters in the name of the app to be debugged are stripped out (so the app CAN be debugged). Illegal characters in the name of the app to be built will cause a build to fail as the name is illegal on the target platform. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Autocomplete works in the local language reference. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
You can no longer create multiple event definitions with the same name. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Copy Files build step computes relative paths correctly on all platforms. It may use an absolute path on Windows if the project and file are on different volumes. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Editing a File Type/UTI now marks the project as changed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
You cannot define a property that duplicates the name of a an existing const property or event. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Switching the iOS device also sets the architecture popup accordingly. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
An NilObjectException that could occur when executing a compound action has been fixed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Event handlers a no longer silently dropped from Text project format. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
IDE not handling the new targets caused it to not grab the right built application name and assert. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
An exception that could occur when selecting one of the build settings and trying to print has been fixed. Doing this now will print the entire project. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Images should now save and reload from partial paths that can be preserved cross platform and even between machines. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Adding multiple using clauses to a project item will name them with unique names. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
A NilObjectException that can occur using the goto location panel and navigating into a menu has been fixed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed a situation where if you used floating palettes then the IDE would be resized not based on what palettes were visible when a new project was created but based on the size the palettes would have if they were visible. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed a bug that could change the type of a constant from integer to blank when you clicked on it. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
The IDE no longer causes an exception when the size of columns uses measurements that do not work for a desktop listbox. For example, measurements like 60px (which work with WebListBox) do not work for the desktop. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Updated the Property/Text icon in the Navigator with a slightly thicker T. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
String property editor recognizes changes that are from other means like paste and drag and drop and commits those changes properly. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Cleaned up extraneous separator lines in the View and Window menus on Windows and Linux. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
An illegal cast exception when adding a computed property with a name that duplicated that of an existing pair of methods has been fixed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Descriptions on notes in plain text format save and restore as expected. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
An old oversight that would permit ‘,' and ‘=‘ in the name of the note has been corrected so they can be used without causing further issues. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Text as String in a plugin parameter list no longer gets renamed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Closing the last altered project window on Windows when you have the LR open no longer asks you twice if the When closing the last window quit option is enabled. Closing the last altered project on OS X no longer closes the LR as well since it handles the app running when no documents open differently than Windows. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Trailing spaces on lines are not stripped. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Changes to web styles save properly in text projects. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Selecting Find Implementors from the contextual menu of an Interface no longer does a second search for the Interface name. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Add event window has a useful minimum size. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Added shortcut key for Analyze Item on Windows and Linux (CONTROL-SHIFT-K). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Using the IDE scripting editor no longer causes a NilObjectException. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
You now get a warning when plist files in the project cannot be found. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
When quitting the IDE, each open project with unsaved changes is prompted to save, rather than just the first one with unsaved changes. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Can no longer insert a container control into a console project. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
iOS projects can no longer have databases inserted into them. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Remote Debug Hosts list no longer beeps when you delete a remote host using the keyboard. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Preferences for setting the Windows AutoQuit functionality is now limited to running on Windows. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
iOS projects also require a bundle ID. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Adding an image to a project named backdrop (or any other Window property) and trying to assign it to a control no longer causes compile errors or unexpected runtime behaviour. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
iOS projects no longer incorrectly show error about enum type name. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
A NilObjectException while determining the folder to cache intermediate code in no longer causes the IDE to assert. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Updated menu items which point to the New & Classic Framework references. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed a NilObjectException in the IDE when selecting the Constants group row in an external item. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
On OS X if the volume a project is loaded from goes offline when you have the project open the IDE won't assert when you try to save it. Windows and Linux didn't experience this particular assertion. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
No longer raises an OutOfBoundsException when you make control sizes really large - and it will actually clamp the size to the maximum (32767). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
A missing external item no longer causes an OutOfBoundsException if it's missing when the project is reopened. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
An OutOfBoundsException in the code editor has been fixed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Restore the behaviour where the first paste of an external item would paste an external (as long as no other external item with that name already existed) and subsequent ones would bring the item in as internal copies. It does this so we avoid have many external items all pointed at the same file on disk (which would be confusing as heck and cause other problems). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Warnings in encrypted items are again ignored. This was a regression from 2015r2.2. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Enter Full Screen no longer shows up twice on OS X 10.11. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Windows in the layout editor don't draw disabled on OS X 10.11. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
IDE no longer runs out of memory when there is a very long list of missing items to resolve. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Several spots in the IDE that were not looking up the dynamic constant have been fixed so they appear closer to how they will at runtime. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Make it so a declare like STATIC foo is treated similarly to DIM and doesn't strip out empty brackets. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
UTI's that an app accepts are NOT marked as exported any longer (which was horribly wrong). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
A NilObjectException that could occur when trying to replace a property value on an object on a layout no longer occurs. Such a change isn't actually permitted and the replace will fail . You have to change the name of the property on the base class. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
WebToolbars that are smaller than the total width of all items on them no longer cause errors when trying to edit them. |
IDE > Navigator |
Controls in arrays sort lexically by name then by control array index. Controls that have been duplicated many times will sort similarly by the base name then the trailing numeric portion. |
IDE > Navigator |
The command bar + (right above the editor space) will properly update to allow or disallow the Event handler item in its menu when you change the super of a class selected in the Navigator. |
IDE > Navigator |
Cmd-double-click on an array property in the code editor will now jump to its declaration. |
IDE > Navigator |
Class Interfaces can no longer be dragged onto an iOS layout. |
IDE > Navigator |
Filtering of items now properly includes external items. |
IDE > Navigator |
Navigator contextual popup menu appears in the right spot. |
IDE > Navigator |
Updated the Pointer icon with one that's more consistent with the other property icons. |
IDE > Navigator |
Make it so all integer property types have integer icons (missing were the 8 and 16 bit sizes). |
IDE > Navigator |
When you delete an event handler from a control, searching for text contained in that event handler no longer shows that event. |
IDE > Navigator |
WebImageView, WebButton and WebRadioGroup icons now show properly in the Navigator. |
IDE > Profiler |
Profile data is no longer lost as profile editors close. |
IDE > Project Editor |
Items that are multiselected have their property lists properly merged to show only those properties that are common to all selected items |
IDE > Project Editor |
Changes to web styles save properly with Text projects. |
IDE > Rendering |
Using an enum in the Inspector Behaviour for Web controls functions properly. |
IDE > Rendering |
No longer creates a warning for a property named NotifyControls for WebPages that do not have any WebControl subclasses on them. |
IDE > Rendering |
No longer get a compile error when adding a Xojo.Core.Timer to a web page. |
IDE > Report Editor |
Using a picture with the same name as a report segment (header, footer) or report property no longer causes an error when trying to run or compile. |
IDE > Scripting |
Autocomplete in an IDE script no longer causes an exception. |
IDE > Scripting |
IDECommunication IPC Socket now closes properly every time the IDE exits. |
IDE > Scripting |
Windows Copy Files Steps create any required subdirectories as expected and handle both LFS (C:\ style) and UNC paths (\\server\path style). |
IDE > Style Editor |
Updated the web style color picker values titles to # and % since you pick either a value (#) or a percentage (%). This replaces the Hex title which is misleading as you only entered hex in one portion of the editor when editing values. |
IDE > Style Editor |
Can edit the border size field using arrow keys, delete, backspace, etc. |
IDE > Style Editor |
Style Editor refreshes and doesn't wipe out colors as set. |
IDE > Updater |
Labels on the update window are now the same color as the background on Windows and Linux. |
IDE > Web Page Editor |
CueText on WebSearchField shows correct localized value in the IDE. |
IDE > Web Page Editor |
Changes made using the popover are properly retained so they work with Undo and mark the project as modified. |
IDE > Web Page Editor |
The inline editor for a listbox can scroll columns horizontally (so if you have a lot of them you can get to them all). The editor doesn't try to exactly mimic the column widths you have set up as this can result in columns that cannot be edited. If the column is > 60 pixels wide we use it as set but if < 60 we force the editor's representation to be 60 pixels so you can edit every column. |
IDE > Web Page Editor |
Accessing a page with a toolbar and an item on it no longer causes the project to be marked as changed despite nothing having changed. |
IDE > Window Editor |
If you delete an image that's used as a window background, the window redraws without the image as expected. |
IDE > Window Editor |
Popovers have a close icon on them. |
IDE > Window Editor |
Scrollers redraw themselves in the correct orientation as they are resized in the IDE. |
IDE > Window Editor |
If you create a popup menu and set the initial value to a bunch of #constant style values the IDE will draw the constants correctly and not show #constant instead. |
IDE > Window Editor |
When multiple items are selected the position properties (top, left, width & height) items will show as Multiple if several are selected. Tabbing into / out of such an item has no effect. If you select and change the value it will take effect. |
IDE > Window Editor |
Containers have consistent property groupings in the Inspector whether it's a subclass or instance on a window. |
Plugin SDK |
REALstandardGetter and REALstandardSetter work with all intrinsic types. |
Plugin SDK |
Fixed a bug where REALGetPropValueObject would return false even though it succeeded. |
Plugin SDK |
REALLockText and REALUnlockText now function properly. |
Plugin SDK |
Fixed the currency prop value getters and setters. |
Plugin SDK |
Shared Methods and Properties now work with plugin controls, instead of causing a runtime error. |
Remote Debugger Stub |
Console Remote debugger Stub can be used from an SSH system and does not require the OS X Terminal app or xterm. |
Remote Debugger Stub |
Console Remote debugger Stub can be used from an SSH system and does not require the OS X Terminal app or xterm. |
Reporting |
Round Rectangles on reports no longer appear as ovals. |
Changes (54 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Build |
Windows/Linux: built apps that include resources now creates a Resources folder which includes the app name in its folder name, just like the Libs folder. You can also rename it to just Resources after the fact, and the framework will find it just like the Libs folder. |
Build |
Using Xcode 7 and its iOS Simulator is supported now. |
Compiler |
The Inline68k keyword has been removed. This has done nothing since support for compiling Mac 68k code was dropped and existed only for backwards compatibility. |
Compiler |
Upgraded to LLVM 3.6. |
Compiler |
The compiler can now build for 64-bit executables for Windows and OS X. |
Compiler |
The Linux IDE can now build for Linux x86-64 and Linux ARM. |
Compiler |
Deprecated the WindowPtr and Short data types. |
Compiler |
The version of LLVM used by XojoScript is now LLVM 3.7. |
Compiler |
The compiler no longer creates an empty libs folder if there are no plugins present. |
Compiler |
Declares to non-system libraries work now. |
Framework > All |
Removed the deprecated and non-functional OpenREALDatabaseOldFormat function. |
Framework > All |
The socket on Windows has been updated to use Winsock2. |
Framework > Linux |
Reduced thread CPU usage on Linux for mostly idle threads. This difference will most likely be visible on single core processors, but this fix also benefits multi-core and other platforms. |
Framework > Linux |
Ticks is now guaranteed to be a monotonic clock. |
Framework > Web |
Converted web framework to use the new Xojo framework JSON methods. |
Framework > Web |
WebSDK controls can now be integrated into the Xojo Drag and Drop system. |
Framework > Web |
Internet Explorer 8 has been removed from the list of supported browsers as it limits our ability to provide updated capabilities and security patches. |
Framework > Web |
Minimum browser requirements have been updated to: Safari 6.1+ Firefox 17+ Chrome 37+ IE9+ |
Framework > Web |
Added support for detecting the IE Edge browser using WebSession.EngineType.EdgeHTML enumeration. |
Framework > Web |
Updated web framework to allow the Raspberry Pi Epiphany Web browser. |
Framework > Web > Frame |
The XojoCloud Firewall class is now available in Linux console and Linux web apps so users can create helper apps which have the power to open/close firewall ports if necessary. |
Framework > Windows |
Message logging has had speed improvements: 1) a queue of messages has been added so the app being debugged can write at full speed and the IDE messages pane will be updated from that instead of trying to keep up in real time. 2) the scrollback area only retains the last 5000 items at most 3) the queue may be flushed out if it gets more than 1000 messages behind |
Framework > iOS |
iOSToolButton.Type enum has been renamed to iOSToolButton.Types (note the extra's'). This will break existing code that uses this enum. |
Currency has its own special icon in the navigator. |
The Mac Creator code is not used by anything on OS X since 10.6 / 10.7. It will be preserved if set but is not used when compiling the application. |
IDE > AutoLayout |
It is now possible to set a control's width = its height and vice versa. Note that you can cause yourself a lot of problems should you set width = height and height = width, so don't do that. |
IDE > Code Editor |
You can drag a control instance into the code editor from the navigator and the name of the control will be inserted at the cursor position. |
IDE > Code Editor |
&u literals are now colorized similarly to string/text literals. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Added a preference that allows people to turn autocomplete off. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
The description area below the library can now be scrolled. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Grab handles are now on control frames instead of outset slightly. |
IDE > Licensing |
Dates are shown like Aug 5, 2015 instead of the ambiguous numeric form. |
IDE > Licensing |
Changed caption of the download button on the license pane of the About window to Update. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
The replacement of the old File Type set with the UTI pane removes the long deprecated File Type from the editor. OS Type can be set (for legacy purposes) but its use is strongly discouraged by Apple. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Main toolbar now has tooltips (OS X only). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Compatibility flags allow for setting of project type and 32 / 64 bit in the Inspector. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Analyze one item now has its old Cmd+Shift+K shortcut (ctrl+shift+K on Windows and Linux). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Made it so if you have an item open as the top level item in a tab and you delete it in another tab, the open tabs showing it are closed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Analysis warning for name lookup differences is disabled in new projects by default. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Feedback report bodies are started with a line that says what version of the IDE is in use. This is the same string used in the about window. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Web projects have architecture setting for OS X targets. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Cocoa x86_64 is now an allowed build script build target. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Byte and short now have proper icons based on their type (integer) and can be used as properties that are exposed to the inspector behavior and will be set correctly using the mass property setter. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Project Chooser Dialog caption updated with more descriptive text. Button captions reverted back to OK and Cancel |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Added iOS QuickStart to the Help menu. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Project > Go To Search was never used so it has been removed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Missing file dialog list is now multiselectable. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Binary projects now specifically use 32 bit sized values. |
IDE > Navigator |
Generic icon in the Navigator now has a blue cube instead of a green one. |
IDE > Scripting |
Added new IDE Script BuildApp constants (for iOS Universal app, 64-bit). |
IDE > Scripting |
If you select an external Objective-c method and use the IDE script command to report its type you will get External Objective-C Method returned. |
IDE > Scripting |
IDE: App Nap is now disabled while the IDECommunicator is connected. |
IDE > Style Editor |
Adding a component to a web style scrolls to the newly added item. |
Miscellaneous |
Windows Setup file now includes a correct File Version info, instead of |
New items (29 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Build |
Build folder names have been updated. Existing ones have not been changed to avoid breaking existing build scripts The names are now: Linux Linux 64 bit << new Linux ARM << new Mac OS X (Intel) Mac OS X (Cocoa Intel) OS X 64 bit << new Windows Windows 64 bit << new |
Compiler |
The compiler now issues an error when calling Objective-C declares on non-iOS or OS X platforms. |
Compiler |
The desktop framework is now supported for ARM. |
Framework > All |
All non-structure single dimension arrays now have an overload of the Sort function that can be used to customize the sort order. |
Framework > Linux |
Can now build desktop app for Raspberry Pi 2 (Linux ARMv7). |
Framework > Web |
Web Framework now supports drag and drop. |
Framework > Web |
Web: WebCanvas now has a DisableDiffEngine property. |
Framework > Web |
Added new property AcceptingConnections as Boolean which allows you to Start/Stop a web app's ability to accept connections. Setting this property to False will stop the server(s) and disconnect all active sockets immediately. |
Framework > Web |
WebCanvas now has a DisableDiffEngine property. |
Framework > Web |
Web: Re-enabled gzip compression on images for browsers that support it. |
Framework > Web > Frame |
Standalone SSL web apps now use TLSv1.2. |
Framework > iOS |
iOSLabel now has a variety of clipping modes that can be used for times when you want clipping instead of wrapping. |
Framework > iOS |
Added iOS Container Controls (iOSContainerControl). |
IDE > Code Editor |
The external method editor can now define an external Objective-C method and its associated selector. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Added bookmarking with project-specific bookmarks that work similarly to breakpoints. |
IDE > Find & Replace |
Added a View->Hide Find and shortcut for toggling the Find/Errors/Messages panel (Shift-Command-F, Shift-Control-F). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Collect Project Items - will collect the items next to a SAVED project - if it's not saved it will do nothing (wont be enabled) - items remain external - items will be grouped (pictures, data, scripts etc) - the collection of item will NOT rename items on disk so duplicates will cause collection to report errors that are visible in the errors pane IF you do NOT want it to modify the project you have open do a Save As first then Collect them into the new copy. Collection DOES dirty the project but does NOT automatically save it. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
When you run your project, the bottom pane (Find, Errors, Messages) will close if it is open so that the debugger has more room for its display. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
For iOS projects dragging a picture into the project will by default create an image asset with the picture set as the 1x version. Holding the option key down will still import the picture as a Picture project item. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
File Types Set/UTI editor permits specifying importable and exportable. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
iOS applications now have a full set of capabilities editors to make it easy to add GameCenter, etc to the entitlements needed (in the Advanced Inspector tab for the iOS Build Settings). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
ICNS files are not written out for non-OS X targets. |
IDE > Project Editor |
The File Types Editor has undergone an enormous overhaul and now lets users on all platforms set up and manage UTI's (which also happens to work for windows file types and Linux since they require a subset of the data a UTI provides). |
IDE > Scripting |
Added docs for new IDE Build Targets for 64-bit and Pi. |
IDE > Scripting |
Added an EnvironmentVariable method to the IDE scripting context for getting those values from the environment in which the IDE was launched. |
IDE > Scripting |
IDE Script supports NewIOSProject command. |
IDE > Warnings Panel |
For certain kinds of errors (right now it's ONLY linker errors) you can right click and copy the error message since it MAY be many lines long |
Miscellaneous |
Added Project-Deploy Application to the menu for deploying Xojo Cloud apps (Command-Shift-B, Control-Shift-B). |
Plugin SDK |
Plugins SDK: The size of plugin data structures is no longer required to be the same across all platforms. Also, the offsets of members in structures that are used with REALStandardGetter or REALStandardSetter can now vary across platforms. |
Docs and examples (43 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Documentation |
Added “See Also” sections to better relate WebApplication.TimeOut, WebApplication.SessionTimeout, WebSession.Timeout and WebSession.TimedOut. |
Documentation |
Xojo.Introspection classes doc pages now show correct full name prefix of “Xojo.Introspection”. |
Documentation |
Updated ISO links on Xojo.Core.Locale page. |
Documentation |
Added Return (keyed &h24) to Keyboard page. |
Documentation |
Added BottomLayoutGuide and TopLayoutGuide to iOSView properties. |
Documentation |
Removed incorrect note on SQLiteDatabase.CreateBlob about read-only blobs. |
Documentation |
Xojo.Introspection.ConstructorInfo page now includes Parameters method. |
Documentation > User's Guide |
Profiling information is only gathered when an app quits normally. Added additional information regarding this for web apps to User Guide Book 3: Framework, Section 8.8: Debugging and Profiling. |
Documentation > User's Guide |
Corrected SQL typo in Framework Guide, section 10.1 (Retrieving Data from a Database). |
Examples |
Examples/Xojo Framework/UsingExample works again. |
Examples |
For iOS AlertSheet example, changed Libs from “Cocoa” to “Foundation.Framework”. |
Examples |
Examples/iOS/Speak updated to use AVFoundation library in Declare. And speech now works in iOS 8.3 Simulator. |
Examples |
In EEWeb example, added back missing DB file to Copy Files Step for Xojo Cloud. |
Examples |
Added Examples/Communication/Serial/Serial Bar Code Reader Example that shows how to read values from a barcode scanner using the Serial class. |
Examples |
Added Space Rocks game example for desktop and iOS (Examples/Games/SpaceRocks). |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Updated System.NetworkInterfaceCount to note that it only counts connected interfaces. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
RegExMatch.SubexpressionString and SubexpressionStringB were incorrectly listed as properties instead of methods. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added docs for DataSource and DataCell interfaces used by WebListBox. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Searching for items with special URLs (like &b) results in a search page where the links actually work. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Int64 number range is now listed as -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Xojo.Core.Date.Nanosecond property is no longer listed in docs as Nanoseconds. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Fixed typo in SMTPSocket example code. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added missing “Using” clause to HTTPSocket.SetRequestContent sample code. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Corrected typos on Xojo.Math page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
BinaryStream sample code no longer uses ReadShort. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added Constructor to Xojo.IO.FolderItem page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Corrected text formatting for iOSView.Active/Deactivate events. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added Text data type to VarType page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Updated links to Microsoft Office Developer docs on ExcelApplication, WordApplication and PowerPointApplication pages. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Removed references to OS X Carbon on SegmentedControlItem.Title and SegmentedControlItem.Icon. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Updated IDEScripting PDF with latest info from 2015r2.2. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
WebApplication.SSLPort page is a read-only property, not a design-time property. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added additional note to Timer to indicate that it runs in the main thread. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added WebThread page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Pages for Const command also show ability to specify the type. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Updated Currency data type pages to indicate precise range of values it supports. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Corrected sample code for Xojo.Crypto.PBKDF2. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added a page to link to dialog-related pages when searching for “dialog” in wiki. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added missing IndexOf method to Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added additional information about Priority to Thread page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Corrected type in SQLiteDatabsae.LastRowID example to Int64. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Declare page in wiki now has correct bold/italics for keywords and parameters. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added a warning to IPCSocket and Mutex pages about possible name conflicts when same temp folder is used. |