(April 14, 2015)
Xojo 2015 Release 2 contains about 100 changes. Some of the more notable new features and changes include:
iOS Icons and Images can now have multiple sizes associated with them.
Expanded availability of parts of the New Xojo Framework to Desktop, Web and Console projects:
Added iOSDatePicker control
Reduced size of Windows and Linux built apps
Language improvements
Added PBKDF2 and BER/DER methods to Xojo.Crypto
XojoScript LLVM updated to 3.5.1
Bug fixes (64 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Build |
An error generating code for compiling a multiline label on a report has been fixed. |
Build |
Apple Scripts, Movies, Pictures, Sounds and RawData can no longer erroneously be selected to be encrypted as the data in the item was never touched or encrypted and being able to select them in the IDE lead people to incorrectly believe the data was being encrypted. |
Compiler |
Compiler: Fixed code generation for 2D arrays on 64-bit iOS. |
Compiler |
Compiler: Fixed compilation of Objective-C declares that returned large structures. |
Compiler |
Holding the option key down no longer generates an app that does not run. This used to switch between the Carbon and Cocoa frameworks but that is no longer supported (see case 19377). |
Compiler |
iOS applications now build when Xcode 6.2 or Xcode 6.3 is installed. |
Compiler |
Removed IsGlobal on MemberInfo since there is nothing in Introspection that will ever have it set to True. |
Compiler |
The library field of Objective-C declares is now respected and the application will link against those libraries. |
Crashes & Assertions > Crash |
A NilObjectException that could occur on OS X 10.10.3 has been fixed. |
Crashes & Assertions > Crash |
Fixed an out of bounds memory write that happened when converting a String to a PString. |
Crashes & Assertions > Crash |
License agreement window now has a minimum size of 320 x 320. |
Debugger |
Debugger: Fixed a bug that led to corrupting the last character when editing a string in the debugger. |
Framework > All |
Removed deprecated BinaryStream functions: ReadLong, ReadByte and ReadShort WriteLong, WriteByte and WriteShort |
Framework > iOS |
iOS SQLiteDatabase no longer crashes when getting a NULL value from a column, also added a IsNull property to SQLiteDatabaseField. |
Framework > iOS |
iOSSegmentedControl now properly handles adding and removing segments at runtime. |
Framework > iOS |
The Enabled property now works with iOSToolButton. |
Framework > iOS |
The UnhandledException event is now called when the app is run on iOS devices. |
Framework > Macintosh |
Serial.XmitWait no longer raises an Error code of 19. |
Framework > Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Accessing screen indexes out of bounds no longer causes a crash. It will throw an out of bounds exception. |
Framework > Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Macintosh: Xojo.Core.Timer now works on 10.7 and 10.8. |
Framework > Macintosh (Cocoa) |
User selected font and size for the ListBox is honored by the listbox header again. |
Framework > Web |
Web: Cookies whose names contain spaces now load properly when a session first starts up. |
Framework > Web |
Web: WebContainer ContentsScrolled event now fires when scrolling in only one direction. |
Framework > Web |
WebSDK: Fixed a bug which caused the javascript namespace creation method to be called once per control instance instead of once per unique namespace. |
Framework > Windows |
Adding or subtracting a DateInterval now correctly adds/subtracts months (also fixed for Linux). |
Framework > Windows |
MoviePlayer.Looping now works properly with the native Windows Media Player. |
Framework > Windows |
Setting Clipboard.Picture, with a Picture that has an alpha channel, no longer crashes. |
Removing a tab from an iOSScreen in a text project works as expected. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Removed hidden Text Iterator classes from auto-complete. |
IDE > AutoLayout |
IDE no longer hangs when auto-layout causes a TextArea size to get very small. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Items that have been deleted are no longer still showing when you search, delete them then click the search result again. |
IDE > Code Editor |
TargetARM now autocompletes. |
IDE > Code Editor |
The Text type highlights like other intrinsic types. |
IDE > Debugger |
Structure values display correctly. |
IDE > Find & Replace |
Searching using this item and subclass option with a module selected now also searches any classes contained within the module. |
IDE > Inspector |
Changing the name of a WebToolbarItem and leaving the item by clicking elsewhere no longer causes an endless stack of dialogs. |
IDE > Inspector |
Duplicating a string property no longer doubles up quotes in the duplicate. |
IDE > Inspector |
Font selector in the Inspector now shows in alphabetical order (ignoring odd characters like @ that occur in some font names). |
IDE > Inspector |
The Method Editor Combobox now splits up array types as parameters properly. |
IDE > Inspector |
The Value property no longer appears (then disappears) on the Inspector for a CheckBox control. Instead, use the Initial State property in the Inspector. |
IDE > Inspector |
You can't use a SplitView for the default iPhone screen (iOS does not support this). |
IDE > Menu Editor |
Menu Editor (and all other command bar icons) draw more clearly since they are no longer scaled. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
A NilObjectException that could occur due to a bug in OS X 10.10.3 is now fixed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
An NilObjectException that occurred when the Debug Plugins directory exists next to the IDE has been fixed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Compiling a project where there are files that were missing that were not resolved no longer causes an exception in the IDE. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Dropping an invalid “cur” file on the IDE no longer causes a NilObjectException. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed a memory leak related to the Window Layout Editor. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed a NilObjectException that can occur when adding an overloaded method. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed a NilObjectException that could occur when using a Filter for the Navigator. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed an edge case where closing the Xojo Cloud upload dialog/sheet could cause a crash. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Holding the Option key down when pressing Run no longer produces an error. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
IDE: Pasting string properties no longer doubles up the surrounding and contained quotes. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Identifiers are created as you type in a name and company in the Project Chooser. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Invalid names for WebToolbarItems no longer cause compile issues. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
No longer generate an OutOfBoundsException with an oddly formed list of parameters for an extends method. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Selected items in the Errors pane are now readable on Windows and Linux. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Switching from tab to tab no longer requires clicking in the code editor to make it so you can start/continue editing. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
The deprecated CFBundleGetInfoString is no longer written to Info.plist for OS X apps. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
The Resume button on the toolbar on Windows now enables when expected during debugging. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Undoing and redoing the addition of a project item (like a container control) properly restores the Navigator, avoiding a NilObjectException. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Web apps no longer report NaN as the bytes per transaction under some circumstances in the log. |
IDE > Navigator |
A cosmetic issue where multiple entries for Layout could arise has been fixed. |
IDE > Navigator |
Clicking from one item to another in the Navigator no longer dirties the project. |
IDE > Style Editor |
Linux IDE: deleting a property from a WebStyle no longer crashes |
Changes (18 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Framework > All |
Xojo.Crypto now works on Desktop, Web and Console projects for Windows, Linux and OS X. |
Framework > All |
Xojo.IO.FolderItem now works for all platforms. |
Framework > All |
Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket now works on all platforms (note this requires libsoup-2.4 on Linux). |
Framework > Linux |
The Linux framework now uses the system provided ICU libraries instead of statically linking them, which reduces the size of built apps on Linux. This means libicu 4.2+ is required to be installed on your Linux distros. |
Framework > Web |
Standalone web app startup parameters can now be manipulated in App.Open by changing the values in the args array. |
Framework > Windows |
Reduced size of Windows ICU DLLs by statically linking them in and removing unused features from the library. |
IDE > AutoLayout |
Added restrictions on what constraints you can add if a control can't be resized in various directions. |
IDE > Debugger |
The modal dialog which asks whether you want to continue waiting for a web app to launch now has a Hide button so the dialog will not continue to interrupt the debugging process. |
IDE > Inspector |
Constant editor inspector pane behaves like the property editor panes and selects the name when you create a new constant. |
IDE > Inspector |
When you add an even definition its name is now selected in the Inspector. |
IDE > Library |
Long descriptions in the library can now be scrolled. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
New iOS projects have an icon asset and launch image asset instead of the App Icon and Launch Images folders. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
The template window split is more proportional so it looks nicer. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Unknown type errors now display the name of the unknown type. |
IDE > Navigator |
Focus is set on the name property in the Inspector for items that only have a simple set of ID group properties. Basically those that only have a name property like folders and menus. |
IDE > Window Editor |
Can paste methods, consts, enums and structures when they are copied from full text. |
Plugin SDK |
Plugins SDK: Removed the obsolete plugin converter tool. |
XojoScript |
XojoScript: The version of LLVM used by XojoScript has been upgraded to 3.5.1. |
New items (8 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Compiler |
Compiler: Added an optimization pass for Objective-C method calls that removes excess calls to sel_registerName. |
Framework > All |
On Windows/Linux, external resource items (i.e. Pictures, Sounds, Movies) are no longer compiled into the built executable, they are now copied to a Resources folder next to the built app. The benefit is that the resource is not loaded into memory until accessed, and Pictures are no longer converted into BMPs. |
Framework > All |
Xojo.Data namespace is now available for all targets/platforms. |
Framework > iOS |
Added iOSDatePicker control. |
Framework > iOS |
Added missing Crypto functions for Xojo.Crypto: PBKDF2 BERDecodePrivateKey BERDecodePublicKey DEREncodePrivateKey DEREncodePublicKey Hash |
Framework > Web |
Added ability to set the HttpOnly attribute in the Session.cookie.set method. Removed the sessionid cookie from the javascript framework. |
Framework > Web |
The WebRequest object passed to HandleSpecialURL and HandleURL now has a Secure property which tells you if the request came in over a secure channel. |
Framework > Web |
Web: The SSL Certificate location can now be specified on the command line using --certificate=/full/path/to/file |
Docs and examples (13 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Documentation > Language Reference |
Changed links to TargetHasGUI to instead link to TargetDesktop. Removed links to TargetCarbon. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
Clarified Notes for Encoding method to make it clear it does not “guess” the encoding of the String and only returns what the encoding has be set as. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
Corrected typo in sample code for Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
Links to MemberInfo.Parameters now correctly say “Parameters” instead of “GetParameters”. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
Notes for Declare now indicate the Library must be either a String literal or a Constant. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
Redirected Session.UnhandledException to WebSession.UnhandledException. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
ScrollBar.LiveScroll no longer indicates it is read-only. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
ServiceApplication now shows the command to manually start a Windows service. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
SQLiteDatabase now shows that SQLite 3.8.8 is used. |
Documentation > Language Reference |
Updated Graphics description to indicate you can draw to Graphics from a Picture. |
Documentation > User's Guide |
Updated all download links to User Guide to point to the correct version. |
Examples |
iOS UIDatePicker Declare example now correctly gets date selections for 1947 and earlier. |
Examples |
YUI Text Editor example (using WebSDK) now uses HTMLHeader shared method on control rather than App.HTMLHeader to make it easier to re-use the control in other projects. |