Used for parsing and creating Javascript Object Notation (JSON) strings. A JSONItem can use either named keys or indexed values (like an array), but not both. See the Notes section for more information.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
Value As Variant |
key As String |
JSONItem |
index As Integer |
JSONItem |
JSONString As String |
d As Dictionary |
key As String |
Index As Integer |
JSONString As String |
key As String |
Index As Integer |
key As String |
index As Integer |
Property descriptions
Compact As Boolean
When getting the String representation of a JSONItem using the ToString method, setting this property to True (the default) will remove unnecessary whitespace from the resulting string. A value of False will result in a string with SPACEs and EndOfLines embedded to make the string more readable.
This example sets Compact to True before calling ToString.
Var person As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like a dictionary
person.Value("Name") = "John Doe"
person.Value("Age") = 32
person.Value("Married") = True
person.Value("Spouse") = "Jane Doe"
Var kids As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like an array
kids.Add("John Jr")
person.Value("Kids") = kids
Person.Compact = True
Var s As String = person.ToString
IndentSpacing As Integer
Controls the amount of spaces used for intending when you call the ToString function. The default is 3.
The property is supported for Android only.
ToString As String
Returns a JSON String representing the current object.
Method descriptions
Add(Value As Variant)
Adds the passed value to the end of a JSONItem array.
AddAt(index As Integer, value As Variant)
Adds the passed value into a JSONItem array at the position specified by Index.
Child(key As String) As JSONItem
Returns the JSONItem matching the key passed.
Keys in JSON are case-sensitive.
Child(key As String, Assigns value As JSONItem)
Sets the JSONItem matching the key passed to the value passed.
Keys in JSON are case-sensitive.
ChildAt(index As Integer) As JSONItem
Returns the JSONItem at the index passed.
ChildAt(index As Integer, Assigns value As JSONItem)
Assigns JSONItem value to the JSONItem at the index passed.
Var myChild As New JSONItem
myChildren.ChildAt(2) = myChild
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates an empty JSON object.
Constructor(JSONString As String)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Parses the passed JSON string into the document. If any parsing errors occur, a JSONException will be thrown.
Var js As String = "{""Name"":""John Doe"",""Age"":32,""Kids"":[""Jonah"",""John Jr""],""Married"":true,""Spouse"":""Jane Doe""}"
Var j As New JSONItem(js)
Constructor(d As Dictionary)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Parses the passed Dictionary string into the document. If any parsing errors occur, a JSONException will be thrown.
Count As Integer
Returns the number of children.
Var person As New JSONItem
Var i As Integer
person.DecimalFormat = "###,###.##"
//This object is manipulated like a dictionary
person.Value("Name") = "John Doe"
person.Value("Age") = 32
person.Value("Married") = True
person.Value("Spouse") = "Jane Doe"
i = person.Count
HasKey(key As String) As Boolean
Returns True if the child key exists.
Keys in JSON are case-sensitive.
The following example calls HasKey to check if the passed key exists.
If myUncle.HasKey("Name") Then
MessageBox("myUncle.Name has a name.")
End If
IsArray As Boolean
Returns True if the JSONItem is being treated as an array and False if it acts as a Dictionary.
KeyAt(Index As Integer) As String
Returns the name of a child key by index. Array items will return an empty string.
Var person As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like a dictionary
person.Value("Name") = "John Doe"
person.Value("Age") = 32
person.Value("Married") = True
person.Value("Spouse") = "Jane Doe"
Var s2 As String
s2 = person.KeyAt(1) ' returns "Age"
Keys As String()
Returns the keys of the children. Array items will not be included.
This example populates a String array with the keys of the person JSONItem.
Var person As New JSONItem
//This object is manipulated like a dictionary
person.Value("Name") = "John Doe"
person.Value("Age") = 32
person.Value("Married") = True
person.Value("Spouse") = "Jane Doe"
Var people() As String
people() = person.Keys ' the array will now contain the keys as used above
LastRowIndex As Integer
The number of the last row of the JSONItem.
Load(JSONString As String)
Loads and parses a JSON String. If any parsing errors occur, a JSONException will be thrown.
This example loads a JSON string, s, into a JSONItem.
Var r As New JSONItem
Lookup(key As String, defaultValue As Variant) As Variant
Looks up the passed value of Name. Returns a Variant.
If key is found, it returns the corresponding value. If key is not found, it returns the passed defaultValue.
Keys in JSON are case-sensitive.
Var myChild As New JSONItem
myChild.Value("Name") = "Fred"
myChild.value("Age") = 12
myChild.value("Married") = False
Var v As Variant
v = myChild.Lookup("Age", "Data not found")
MessageBox(v) ' displays the value for Age
Remove(key As String)
Removes the child with the passed key.
Keys in JSON are case-sensitive.
This example removes a value using its key:
Var person As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like a dictionary
person.Value("Name") = "John Doe"
person.Value("Age") = 32
person.Value("Married") = True
person.Value("Spouse") = "Jane Doe"
Removes all children and resets the JSONItem type (object or array).
Var person As New JSONItem
RemoveAt(Index As Integer)
Removes the child with the passed Index.
This example removes a value using its index:
Var kids As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like an array
kids.Add("John Jr")
kids.AddAt(0, "Jonah")
person.Value("Kids") = kids
Value(key As String) As Variant)
Returns the value associated with the key passed.
Value(key As String, Assigns value As Variant)
Sets the value passed to the key passed.
Keys in JSON are case-sensitive.
ValueAt(index As Integer) As Variant
Returns a named child's value by index.
ValueAt(index As Integer, Assigns As Variant)
Sets a named child's value by index.
JSON is a lightweight data exchange format. It is described at here. It is based on the Javascript language and uses two structures.
JSON Objects can contain named data a collection of name-value pairs (like a Dictionary) as well as indexed data (like an array). To facilitate this, JSONItems can manipulate data in either way with the following restrictions:
The first element that you add to a JSONItem determines its type.
Array objects can be accessed only by index.
A JSONItem's type cannot be changed without resetting the object with the Clear method.
Names must be Strings, must be unique within an object and are case-sensitive.
Values can be any of the following types: Strings, numbers, JSONItems, arrays (string, number or boolean), Booleans, or Nil.
Per the JSON spec, strings must be UTF8-encoded. Unless you are specifically encoding them differently, they will be UTF8 by default.
Sample code
This code populates a JSONItem with data and then displays it in its raw form in a TextArea:
Var person As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like a dictionary
person.Value("Name") = "John Doe"
person.Value("Age") = 32
person.Value("Married") = True
person.Value("Spouse") = "Jane Doe"
Var kids As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like an array
kids.Add("John Jr")
person.Value("Kids") = kids
Person.Compact = True
Var s As String = person.ToString
TextArea1.Text = s
Create a JSONItem from a JSON String:
Var js As String = "{""Name"":""John Doe"",""Age"":32,""Kids"":[""Jonah"",""John Jr""],""Married"":true,""Spouse"":""Jane Doe""}"
Var j As New JSONItem(js)
Convert a Dictionary into a JSONItem:
Var d As New Dictionary
d.Value("Name") = "John Doe"
d.Value("Age") = 32
d.Value("Married") = True
d.Value("Spouse") = "Jane Doe"
Var j As JSONItem
j = d
Create a JSONItem with code and convert to a JSON String:
Var person As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like a dictionary
person.Value("Name") = "John Doe"
person.Value("Age") = 32
person.Value("Married") = True
person.Value("Spouse") = "Jane Doe"
Var kids As New JSONItem
' This object is manipulated like an array
kids.Add("John Jr")
kids.AddAt(0, "Jonah")
' Add the Kids object to the Person object
person.Value("Kids") = kids
' Convert to a JSON String
Var s As String = person.ToString
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; Dictionary class; GenerateJSON, ParseJSON methods; JSONException.