Gives you access to the default macOS Keychains for your applications. It is a Macintosh-only feature. The Keychain class does not provide access to internet passwords.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
kci As KeychainItem, Password As String |
index As Integer |
ByRef kci As KeychainItem |
LockAll As Boolean |
Password As String |
Property descriptions
Handle As Integer
Returns a Handle to the Keychain. Useful only if you want to refer to Keychains with Declare statements.
This property is read-only.
Method descriptions
AddPassword(kci As KeychainItem, Password As String)
Adds the password to the Keychain and associates it with a KeychainItem. If it fails, it generates a KeychainException.
The following example adds a KeychainItem for an application and assigns a password.
Var newItem As KeychainItem
If System.KeychainCount > 0 Then
newItem = New KeychainItem
' Indicate the name of the application
newItem.ServiceName = "MyApplication"
' Create a new keychain item for the application and assign the password
System.Keychain.AddPassword(newItem, "SecretPassword")
MessageBox("You don't have a key chain.")
End If
Exception err As KeychainException
MessageBox("Can't add item: " + err.Message)
Constructor(index As Integer)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Gives you a reference to any Keychain known by the Keychain manager. The Index value should be in the range from 0 to System.KeychainCount - 1.
This constructor is in a For...Next loop that instantiates a Keychain for each for each Keychain item. It populates a ListBox with the list of keychains.
#If TargetMacOS
Declare Function KCGetKeychainName Lib "Carbon" (keychain As Integer, keychainName As Ptr) As Integer
Var i As Integer
Var err As Integer
Var kc As Keychain
Var kcName As MemoryBlock
kcName = New MemoryBlock(256)
For i = 0 To System.KeychainCount - 1
kc = New Keychain(i)
If kc = Nil Then
MessageBox("Keychain(" + Str(i) + ") returned nil")
err = KCGetKeychainName(kc.Handle, kcName)
If err <> 0 Then
MessageBox("KCGetKeychainName returned " + Str(err))
End If
End If
FindPassword(ByRef kci As KeychainItem) As String
Attempts to find the password for an Item in the given Keychain that matches kci. At the end of a successful call, kci will point to the found Keychain Item. If it fails, it generates a KeychainException.
The following example retrieves the password and displays it in a message box.
Var itemToFind As KeychainItem
Var password As String
itemToFind = New KeychainItem
' Indicate the name of the application whose keychain item you wish to find
itemToFind.ServiceName = "MyApplication"
' get application's password from the system keychain
password = System.Keychain.FindPassword(itemToFind)
MessageBox("The password for this item is: " + password)
Exception err As KeychainException
MessageBox("Can't find item: " + err.Message)
Lock(LockAll As Boolean)
Locks the Keychain.
If LockAll is True, it will lock all the Keychains on the system. Note from Apple: There is usually no need for an application to ever call Lock. Unless your application is directly responding to a user's request for a Keychain to be locked, it is recommended that you leave the Keychain unlocked so that the user does not have to unlock it again in another application.
If it fails, it generates a KeychainException.
Unlock(Password As String)
Unlocks the Keychain if the password is the empty string ("").
The system displays the standard Unlock dialog, and the passed Keychain will appear as the selected item in that dialog's pop-up menu. NOTE: because of the way Apple has implemented this, if you pass an incorrect password once to a particular Keychain, the system will require human interaction from then on that Keychain until the system is rebooted.
If it fails, it generates a KeychainException.
The Keychain is a system-wide facility on macOS to store account passwords for applications. By taking advantage of the built-in Keychain facility, your users won't have to type their password if their Keychain is unlocked. You should always ask the user before storing something in the Keychain.
An equivalent technology to the Mac OS Keychain doesn't currently exist on other platforms, so the Keychain class is supported only on Macintosh.
Sample code
The following example adds a KeychainItem for an application and assigns a password.
Var newItem As KeychainItem
If System.KeychainCount > 0 Then
newItem = New KeychainItem
' Indicate the name of the application
newItem.ServiceName = "MyApplication"
' Create a new keychain item for the application and assign the password
System.Keychain.AddPassword(newItem, "SecretPassword")
Catch error As KeychainException
MessageBox("Can't add item: " + error.Message)
End Try
MessageBox("You don't have a key chain.")
End If
The following example retrieves the password and displays it in a message box.
Var itemToFind As KeychainItem
Var password As String
itemToFind = New KeychainItem
' Indicate the name of the application whose keychain item you wish to find
itemToFind.ServiceName = "MyApplication"
' get application's password from the system keychain
password = System.Keychain.FindPassword(itemToFind)
MessageBox("The password for this item is: " + password)
Catch Exception error As KeychainException
MessageBox("Can't find item: " + error.Message)
End Try
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; KeychainItem class; KeychainException error; System module.