This item was deprecated in version 2020r2. Please use MobileTableCellData as a replacement.
A cell within an iOSTable.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
Additional UI controls for a cell. (Disclosure, Detail, Checkmark)
Enum |
Description |
None |
A standard plain cell. This is the default for cells. |
Disclosure |
You use the disclosure indicator when selecting a cell results in the display of another table view reflecting the next level in the data model hierarchy. This does not track touches, so it does not call the iOSTable.AccessoryAction event handler. Looks similar to a right arrow or "greater than" symbol. |
Detail |
You use the detail disclosure button when selecting a cell results in a detail view of that item (which may or may not be a table view). This tracks touches and touching it calls the iOSTable.AccessoryAction event handler. Looks like an "i" within a circle. |
Checkmark |
You use a checkmark when a touch on a row results in the selection of that item. This kind of table view is known as a selection list, and it is analogous to a pop-up list. Selection lists can limit selections to one row, or they can allow multiple rows with checkmarks. This does not track touches, so it does not call the iOSTable.AccessoryAction event handler. Looks like a checkmark. |
Property descriptions
AccessoryType As AccessoryTypes
The accessory type that is displayed in the cell.
Create a new cell with a checkmark accessory:
Var cell As iOSTableCellData = Table1.CreateCell
cell.Text = "Sample"
cell.AccessoryType = iOSTableCellData.AccessoryTypes.Checkmark
Table1.AddRow(0, cell)
Control As iOSControl
The custom control in use by this cell, if it was created by iOSTable.CreateCustomCell.
This property is read-only.
DetailText As Text
The the smaller text that appears below the main Text in the cell.
Set the detail text:
Var cell As iOSTableCellData = Table1.CreateCell
cell.Text = "Acme Widget"
cell.DetailText = "Price: $3.00"
Table1.AddRow(0, cell)
Handle As Ptr
The underlying UITableViewCell. This is only available for cells created with iOSTable.CreateCell or iOSTable.CreateCustomCell.
This property is read-only.
Image As iOSImage
The image for the cell.
Set the cell image:
Var cell As iOSTableCellData = Table1.CreateCell
cell.Text = "Acme Widget"
cell.Image = widgetImage
Table1.AddRow(0, cell)
Tag As Auto
A tag value for the cell.
Add a cell tag:
Var cell As iOSTableCellData = Table1.CreateCell
cell.Text = "Acme Widget"
cell.Tag = "123" ' part ID
Table1.AddRow(0, cell)
Text As Text
The text of the cell. This is the main (large) text that appears for the row.
Set the text:
Var cell As iOSTableCellData = Table1.CreateCell
cell.Text = "Acme Widget"
Table1.AddRow(0, cell)
You cannot directly create an iOSTableCellData object using its constructor. Instead use the iOSTable.CreateCell or iOSTable.CreateCustomCell methods.
iOS projects on the iOS operating system.
See also
Object parent class; iOSMobileTable, MobileTableCustomCell controls; iOSMobileTableDataSource interface