


DesktopPreferencesMenuItem is designed to handle the Preferences menu item for macOS applications. A menu item derived from the DesktopPreferencesMenuItem class is automatically moved to the application menu under macOS. Under other operating systems, such a menu item stays where you put it in the Menu Editor.







Item As DesktopMenuItem


Index As Integer, Item As DesktopMenuItem


Name As String






Text As String, [Tag As Variant]




Ptr As Ptr

type As HandleTypes



Index As Integer



[x As Integer, y As Integer]



Index As Integer








Property descriptions


AutoEnabled As Boolean

If set to True, the DesktopMenuItem is enabled by default, as long as the App object or frontmost window has a menu handler for the menuitem.

There is no need to put code in the MenuBarSelected event handler to explicitly enable an autoenabled menu item. AutoEnabled is True by default. When you create dynamic menus by creating a new class based on DesktopMenuItem, AutoEnabled is also True by default. See the example on dynamic menus on the DesktopMenuItem page.


Enabled As Boolean

Indicates whether or not the menu item is enabled.

For MenuItems that belong to an App or Window menu, this property should only be set to True in the MenuBarSelected event handler.

You can set it for MenuItems created for use by contextual menus or for use with the Popup method.

This example is in the EnableMenuItems event handler and it enables a menu.

FilePageSetup.Enabled = True


HasAltKey As Boolean

The Alt key on Windows and Linux keyboards. If selected, the Alt key is must be held down while pressing the value of the Key property in order to trigger the event handler for the DesktopMenuItem. This property is for Windows and Linux only.

This property is read-only.

Use DesktopMenuItem to change this value at runtime.


HasCheckMark As Boolean

Indicates whether or not the menu item is checked.


HasMacControlKey As Boolean

The Control key on Mac. This property is Mac-only. If selected, the Control key must be held down while pressing the value of the ShortcutKey property in order to trigger the event handler of the DesktopMenuItem.

This property is read-only.

Use DesktopMenuItem to change this value at runtime.


HasMacOptionKey As Boolean

The Option key on Mac. This property is Mac-only. If selected, the Option key must be held down while pressing the value of the ShortcutKey property to trigger the event handler of the DesktopMenuItem.

This property is read-only.

Use DesktopMenuItem to change this value at runtime.


HasSecondaryModifierKey As Boolean

The Shift key on all platforms. If True, the Shift key must be held down while pressing the value of the Key property to trigger the event handler of the DesktopMenuItem.

This property is read-only.

Use DesktopMenuItem to change this value at runtime.


HasStandardModifierKey As Boolean

The Control key on Windows and Linux and the Command key on Mac. If this property is selected, the MenuModifier key must be held down while pressing the key specified by the ShortcutKey property to trigger the event handler for the DesktopMenuItem.

This property is read-only.

Use DesktopMenuItem to change this value at runtime.


Icon As Picture

A picture that is assigned to the DesktopMenuItem.

On macOS and Linux, the picture appears in its original size. Resize the icon externally before adding it to the project. On Windows, the icon is resized so that its size matches the height of the item's Text. In most cases icons that are 16x16 points look best.

Recent versions of Linux (that use recent version of the GNOME desktop manager), default to not showing menu icons. You can change the OS setting to display menu icons using terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface menus-have-icons true

The following code is in the Opening event of the main window. The image appears to the left of the menu item's text.

EditFind.Icon = RedApple


Index As Integer

The number of the selected MenuItem when it is part of an array.

This property is read-only.


LastRowIndex As Integer

The index of the last child menu item owned by this menu.

This property is read-only.


Name As String

The name of the menu item. Set this property using the Menu Editor.

This example sets the name of a menuitem.

EditMenu.MenuAt(2).Name = "Delete"


Shortcut As String

The keyboard shortcut for the DesktopMenuItem.

Use this property to set the shortcut in code. You can also specify a shortcut in the Inspector for the MenuItem.

You can use either a printable key or the following non-printable keys as shortcut keys: F1 - F15, Tab, Enter, Space, Del (Delete), Return, Bksp (Backspace), Esc, Clear, PageUp, PageDown, Left, Right, Up, Down, Help, and Ins (Insert).

If the shortcut key is more than one character and it is being set via code, the modifier key is not implied and must be explicitly defined. For example, the following line sets the Tab key as the shortcut key and uses the Ctrl key as the modifier.

SpecialMyMenuItem.Shortcut = "Ctrl-Tab"

For macOS, use Cmd instead of Ctrl. Or set the HasStandardModifierKey property to True in the IDE and pass the string literal for the desired keyboard shortcut.


ShortcutKey As String

The shortcut key for the menu item. If this key and the selected modifier keys are held down, the event handler for the menu item will be executed as if the DesktopMenuItem itself were chosen via the mouse pointer.

This property is read-only.

When you use the Inspector for the Menu Editor, you specify the menu item's shortcut key by assigning a key to the Key property and (normally) at least one modifier key. The Menu Editor translates your settings into the value for the Shortcut property.

You can use either a printable key or the following non-printable keys as shortcut keys: F1 - F15, Tab, Enter, Space, Del (Delete), Return, Bksp (Backspace), Esc, Clear, PageUp, PageDown, Left, Right, Up, Down, Help, and Ins (Insert).

To set the shortcut in code, use the DesktopMenuItem property. If the shortcut key is more than one character and it is being set via code, the modifier key is not implied and must be explicitly defined. For example, the following line sets the Tab key as the shortcut key and uses the Ctrl key as the modifier.

SpecialMyMenuItem.Shortcut = "Ctrl-Tab"

For macOS, use Cmd instead of Ctrl. Or set the HasStandardModifierKey property to True in the IDE and pass the string literal for the desired keyboard shortcut.


Tag As Variant

A “hidden” value associated with the menu item.

The tag is accessible via code when the user chooses the menu item but, unlike the Text property, is not displayed in the menu. It works like the RowTag property of a DesktopPopupMenu control.

This example is in the Opening event of the main window.

EditFind.Tag = "Search"


Text As String

The value (text) of the menu item.

This example is in the Opening event of the main window.

EditFind.Text = "Find..."


Visible As Boolean

Indicates whether or not the menu item is visible. The default is True. If False, the menu item does not appear and no blank space is for it is in the menu.

This property does nothing on Windows so use DesktopMenuItem instead.

This code is in the Opening event of the main window:

EditFind.Visible = False

Method descriptions


AddMenu(Item As DesktopMenuItem)

Adds the passed DesktopMenuItem to the menu. You can add a Separator by passing the class constant MenuItem.TextSeparator. Used to build a dynamic menu.

The following code creates a contextual menu in the ConstructContextualMenu event of any DesktopWindow or DesktopUIControl. This event passes in the parameter base as DesktopMenuItem.

base.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Import"))
base.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Export"))
base.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem(DesktopMenuItem.TextSeparator))

base.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Cut"))
base.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Copy"))
base.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Paste"))
Return True // display the contextual menu

The following code creates a hierarchical menu that is added to the main menubar. It is in the Opening event of the App or the window. It's easiest to create menus and menuitems using the built-in Menu Editor and enable the DesktopMenuItems using the AutoEnable property. Use code for cases such as dynamic menus and contextual menus.

Var m, mNew As DesktopMenuItem
m = Self.MenuBar
mNew = New DesktopMenuItem

mNew.Text = "View"
mNew.Name = "View"

mNew.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("As Icons"))
mNew.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("As List"))
mNew.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("As Columns"))

mNew.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem( "-" ))

Var submenu As New DesktopMenuItem("Sort By")
submenu.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Name"))
submenu.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Kind"))
submenu.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Size"))



AddMenuAt(Index As Integer, Item As DesktopMenuItem)

Adds Item as a DesktopMenuItem at the position indicated by Index. Index is zero-based.

You can add a Separator by passing the class constant MenuItem.TextSeparator.

The following example adds a new item in the Edit menu with the text "Paste Special..." just below the Paste item.

Var editPasteSpecial As New DesktopMenuItem
editPasteSpecial.Text = "Paste Special..."
EditMenu.AddMenuAt(5, editPasteSpecial)


Child(Name As String) As DesktopMenuItem

Looks up menu items by Name and returns a DesktopMenuItem. Returns Nil if a child is not found.

The following example gets the text of the Edit > Cut menuitem.

Var c As DesktopMenuItem
c = EditMenu.Child("EditCut")


Clone As DesktopMenuItem

Makes a copy of the DesktopMenuItem and its children if any. Mac does not permit duplicate MenuItems, so you will need to create clones of any MenuItems that are now being used in two or more locations.

Whenever you need to use the same DesktopMenuItem in different places, use the Clone method to create a new copy of the DesktopMenuItem and its children, if any.

Var mi As New DesktopMenuItem("My menu item")
Var myClone As DesktopMenuItem

myClone = mi.Clone // Creates an independent copy of "mi"



Removes dynamically created menu items.

This example closes a menu item that was previously created.



Constructor(Text as String, [Tag as Variant])


Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.

Creates a new DesktopMenuItem that uses the passed string as its Text property and optionally adds the passed Tag.

This example inserts a new item in the Edit menu with the text "Paste Special..." just below the Paste item.

Var editPasteSpecial As New DesktopMenuItem
editPasteSpecial.Text = "Paste Special..."
EditMenu.AddMenuAt(5, editPasteSpecial)

Using this constructor, you can rewrite the code above more concisely:

Var editPasteSpecial As New DesktopMenuItem("Paste Special...")
EditMenu.AddMenuAt(5, editPasteSpecial)

This example illustrates how you can manipulate the menu bar at run time. By adding this example to the Opening even of a window it will add a new menu to menubar when the window opens.

Var m As DesktopMenuItem
Var mNew As DesktopMenuItem

m = Self.MenuBar
mNew = New DesktopMenuItem

mNew.Text = "MyMenuText"
mNew.Name = "MyMenuName"

Var submenu As New DesktopMenuItem("MySub")

submenu.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Submenu One"))
submenu.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Submenu Two"))
submenu.AddMenu(New DesktopMenuItem("Submenu three"))




Count As Integer

Returns as an Integer the number of children a menu owns.

For a menu item, it returns the number of submenu items, if any. If there are no submenu items, it returns zero.


Handle As Ptr

Provides access to the appropriate underlying Linux or macOS menu implementation.

Handle(type As HandleTypes) As Ptr

Provides access to the appropriate underlying Windows OS menu implementation.


Passing a type as a parameter to this method on Linux or macOS will result in a PlatformNotSupportedException .


MenuAt(Index As Integer) As DesktopMenuItem

Item returns as a DesktopMenuItem the item indicated by the index passed.

If the passed index is out of range, an OutOfBoundsException is raised.

The following example gets the DesktopMenuItem corresponding to the Cut item on the Edit menu by position:

Var c As DesktopMenuItem
c = EditMenu.MenuAt(2)


PopUp([x As Integer, y As Integer]) As DesktopMenuItem

Displays the DesktopMenuItem as a contextual menu.

If no parameters are passed, the contextual menu appears at the location of the mouse pointer. If you pass the optional parameters, the contextual menu appears at the passed location. The coordinates are global, not just in the object that handles the MouseDown event.

Popup returns the selected item as a DesktopMenuItem. The selected item's Action event will be fired. If the selected item is handled by a MenuHandler that returns True, then PopUp will return Nil.

The following example displays the Edit menu as a contextual menu. The code is in the MouseDown event handler of a DesktopUIControl. You can get the text of the selected item by accessing the Text property of the returned DesktopMenuItem.

Var popMenu As DesktopMenuItem
popMenu = EditMenu.Clone

Var selectedMenu As DesktopMenuItem
selectedMenu = popMenu.Popup


RemoveMenuAt(Index As Integer)

Removes the DesktopMenuItem specified by its position (index).

This example removes the Select All menu item from the Edit menu.


Event descriptions



Called when a user selects a menu. You can use this to enable/disable/hide menus based on the context of your app.


MenuItemSelected As Boolean

Called when a DesktopMenuItem is selected. Return True to prevent the menu event from proceeding any further in the chain of menu handlers.

Refer to the DesktopMenuItem page for an example of how a menu that is created dynamically can use the MenuItemSelected event.


Since this class is based on DesktopMenuItem, please refer to this class for information on its Properties, Methods, and Events.

This class is for creating the Preferences menu item for applications that will run on macOS. Create the menu item under the menu that you want to use for the Windows and Linux builds and then use the Inspector to change its super class to DesktopPreferencesMenuItem. Otherwise, set up the menu item normally. In your macOS build, it will automatically move to the application menu.

According to Apple user interface guidelines, Cmd + , (comma) is the recommended keyboard shortcut for an application's Preferences menu item.


Desktop projects on all supported operating systems.