Released December 17th, 2015.
Xojo 2015r4 is primarily a bug fix release. Some notable improvements include:
Added CGFloat data type to make it easier to create Declares to iOS and OS X Cocoa frameworks.
The Code Editor is now noticeably faster when working with large projects.
You can use the TextAlign property to more easily set the alignment for web text controls.
Added SecureAuth property to MySQLDatabase to allow connections to pre-4.1.1 authentication protocols.
Bug fixes (106 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Build |
Build progress dialog identifies Windows x86-64 builds in the same manner as OS X and Linux x86-64 builds. |
Build Pipeline |
The folder icon on OS X is high-resolution again. |
Compiler |
Operator_Lookup's name can now be a Text parameter and not just String. |
Compiler |
Fixed a bug that could result in an error dialog being presented for every resource in the project that failed to be copied to the executable's resources folder. |
Compiler |
Fixed a bug with the compiler's handling of Boolean values when targeting 64-bit or ARM. |
Compiler |
Fixed a bug that would prevent extremely large structures from working when building for 64-bit or ARM. |
Compiler |
Fixed link errors regarding 'oleaut32' when building for 64-bit OS X. |
Compiler |
Fixed a crash that could occur when canceling compilation. |
Compiler |
Fixed building Windows console and service applications from a case-sensitive filesystem. |
Compiler |
Fixed a bug that could cause problems with incremental compiling if a class or module had “Using” clauses. |
Compiler |
Worked around a bug in 10.7 that causes a kernel panic during linking. |
Database Plugins |
MSSQLServerDatabase PreparedStatement now works properly for SQLSelect instead of always returning Nil. |
Database Plugins |
ODBCDatabase no longer crashes when retrieving large SQL columns. |
Debugger |
The debugger once again shows ByRef parameter values correctly. |
Framework > All |
XML exceptions no longer 'skip' exception handlers. |
Framework > All |
SMTPSecureSocket no longer fails with 503 TLS already negotiated when the server sends the capabilities list more than once. |
Framework > Linux |
Return menu shortcut now works, also now differentiates the Return key from the Enter (keypad) shortcut. |
Framework > Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Xojo.IO.FolderItem is now usable on OS X without crashing. |
Framework > Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Since drawers are no longer supported the “Drawer” choice for a Window type has been removed. |
Framework > Macintosh (Cocoa) |
Text.Join now works correctly if the separator character is non-ASCII. This only affected OS X and iOS. |
Framework > Web |
WebMapLocation no raises an exception if the provider returns zero locations for an address. |
Framework > Web |
WebSessions no longer die when the client moves from network to network. |
Framework > Web |
WebPicture no longer results in Nil picture data when defined from a FolderItem. |
Framework > Web |
WebPicture no longer uses twice as much memory as necessary when defined from a Picture object source. |
Framework > Web |
External web control wrappers no longer cause JavaScript errors. |
Framework > Web |
Gradients now work properly on IE Edge. |
Framework > Web |
Setting a WebFile with the data from a MemoryBlock now works if the previous value was from a FolderItem. |
Framework > Web |
WebMapViewer no longer uses the deprecated Sensor url parameter. |
Framework > Windows |
(Windows/Linux) Picture.Open now honors JPEG's orientation flag and flips/rotates the picture as necessary. |
Framework > Windows |
RegistryItem.Value no longer fails to expand a REG_EXPAND_SZ field properly if its expanded size is greater than 260 characters. This change also separates the REG_SZ and REG_EXPAND_SZ KeyTypes. See docs for RegistryItem.KeyType. |
Image in the icon editor shows a scaled thumbnail immediately instead of after you edit the icon set. |
The UI correctly reflects that This Computer is selected when you load an example. |
Removed blank menu items. |
Images of all kinds draw their explanatory text in black not grey |
IDE > Auto Complete |
True and False appear in autocomplete suggestions following a pragma statement. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Control array names now autocomplete in code editors. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Structures autocomplete beyond the first level when you have structures that contain structures. |
IDE > Auto Complete |
Image Set names autocomplete where expected. |
IDE > Build Automation |
Copy Files Steps copy to the correctly named directories for Windows builds whether you use build folders or not. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Bookmarks and break points no longer get dropped when you delete whole lines prior to the bookmark / breakpoint. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Index parameter on control arrays is no longer reported as an unused local variable. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Deleting a group of items now resets the selection. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Fixes to the IDE restored typing speed |
IDE > Code Editor |
Make the syntax help area at the bottom of the code editor scrollable when necessary. |
IDE > Code Editor |
When editing an IDE build script (Insert > Build Steps > Script) pressing CMD+UpArrow, CMD+DownArrow, home or end no longer causes an exception. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Code editor indents as expected when you add code to a line that starts as if <condition> then to make it a one line if statement.</condition> |
IDE > Code Editor |
Members that are private now only show in autocomplete when in scope/accessible. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Typing speed should be back to normal (if not better than it has been recently). |
IDE > Code Editor |
Use of proportional fonts (like System 0) in the Code Editor no longer lead to strange insertion point positions. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Spaces are now trimmed from lines when copying and pasting multiple lines. |
IDE > Constant Editor |
Turned off styles in the constant default value editor. |
IDE > FileIO |
Template projects will save with the default name of “untitled” instead of the name of the template project. |
IDE > FileIO |
Special characters, like umlauts, in the team name do not cause error in text projects. |
IDE > Find & Replace |
After reloading a web project, search properly searches all items. |
IDE > Inspector |
An illegal cast exception that could arise when naming methods and properties similarly on a web page has been fixed. |
IDE > Inspector |
WebSDK tray controls do not show the style property. |
IDE > Inspector |
Tightened up the spacing in the Compatibility Flags (on the Advanced Inspector) so they better fit on a normal Inspector widths. |
IDE > Inspector |
Changes to database properties for DataControl are now retained. |
IDE > Inspector |
Web Deployment popups are the right size and not truncated. |
IDE > Inspector |
Changing a web style name commits the change if you change the style name and do not press enter/return/tab and add an new style element. |
IDE > Inspector |
Changing the iOS debug device marks the project as changed. |
IDE > Inspector |
Pressing enter when you select the module name in the inspector no longer beeps on Windows OS. |
IDE > Inspector |
External Objective C methods retain all aspects of their declaration and no longer drop the selector when copying and pasting. |
IDE > Inspector |
Can now use Int64 with Inspector Behavior. |
IDE > Language Reference |
Language reference jumps to the correct location online or locally with the newer documentation sets. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Fixed a regression with copy/pasting controls between layouts so that names are properly retained if possible or assigned a new name if necessary. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
When adding controls to layouts they will adopt the last used Scope setting as code items (constants, properties, methods, etc) do. However since controls only have Public and Private as options for scope if you set a code item to Protected then add a control it will default to Private. Subsequent items will also be added as Private. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Tray controls can't be parents of visual controls (this includes toolbars since they are kind of special in this regard). |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Locked positions for controls in web layouts properly save and restore. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Paste of a copied page panel that has controls on different panels is handled correctly again. |
IDE > Library |
Fixed up ordering and grouping of items in all Library set ups to make them more consistent from project type to project type. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Custom properties on menu item subclasses now show in the Inspector. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Toolbar (Desktop) is now properly compiled so that you can create classes that subclass it. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Binary project files (and by extension XML) write out tab order for non-UI controls in the same manner as text projects do: all write this as -1. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Tab names stay up to date with the item name as it's changed. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Undo entry after drag and drop now correctly displays “Drag & Drop”. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Text on the dialog shown when creating a control set is now correct. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Any time ChrB(0) is sent to a DebugLog, it is replaced by a space to ensure proper log display. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
PSD's import with their transparency into the File Type Set editor. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed a NilObjectException that cold occur when pressing stop while in the middle of sending to a remote stub. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Require UTI's to use the correct character set but does NOT enforce the basic style (reverse domain name). |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Right clicking on a row in the Errors panel no longer causes an exception in some circumstances. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Cancelling the run of a web app when the dialog asking if you want to keep waiting pops up no longer causes an exception. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Cancelling an update that is in progress no longer causes an exception. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Remaining activations message no longer shows %1 remaining but the actual number of remaining activations. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
MP4 files, when dragged into a project, are handled as video, not audio. Projects with existing items that are shown as MP4 audio are not modified. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
File Type Sets Editor now resizes appropriately when initially opened. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Breakpoints and bookmarks save and restore more accurately. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Fixed an issue where the UTI editor would have focus rings that bleed into unselected areas. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Tab order on an individual File Types UTI pane is more sensible. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Closing one of many Workspace windows on a dirty document no longer prompts to save when you close the first window. Instead you are prompted to save when you close the last window. |
IDE > Navigator |
Inappropriate Cut/CopyDelete/Etc no longer appear for menu items in the Navigator. |
IDE > Navigator |
Tooltips work more consistently in the Navigator. |
IDE > Navigator |
Numeric constant icons now show as the “.01” icon in the Navigator. |
IDE > Navigator |
Fixed cosmetic issue in Navigator where fragments of the second line of a multiline value would sometimes show. |
IDE > Navigator |
Adding an event to an item that is shown as a result of the filtering will clear the filter and reveal the newly added event so you can edit it. |
IDE > Navigator |
It is no longer possible to insert a container control into a console project. |
IDE > Project Editor |
Badging of controls scope is consistent with what's done for code items like methods and properties. |
IDE > Scripting |
ProjectItem IDE Script method returns the full path within the project to the currently selected project item. |
IDE > Scripting |
Toolbar on Script Editor window properly shows as active and enabled as appropriate. |
IDE > Web Page Editor |
The IDE's representation of how a browser will draw a multiline label is more accurate, although it may still vary from what different browsers will do. |
IDE > Web Page Editor |
When you edit a WebRadioGroup, WebToolbar and WebSegmentedControl and select an element the Inspector is immediately made visible. |
IDE > Window Editor |
The default events for layouts and containers is the Open event and it will be selected when adding events if it has not been added already. |
Miscellaneous |
iOS ImageMaker utility image exports now use filenames for app icons and launch images that include the size and scale. Also updated text instructions, added About dialog, and auto-select all sizes for export. |
Miscellaneous |
Windows installers no longer run on Windows XP. |
Remote Debugger Stub |
Empty menu items have been removed. |
Changes (24 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Compiler |
Added a TargetWindows constant that evaluates to True when running on Windows. |
Compiler |
Warning message about suspicious use of Declares has been updated to be clearer about what is being reported. It now report with a message like the following: “The method foo in User32.dll* does not appear to be available on OS X” The specific method, library and target are used in the message. |
Framework > All |
ListBoxes now support up to 256 visible columns. |
Framework > All |
SQLiteDatabase updated to SQLite version 3.9.2. |
Framework > Web |
WebFile and WebPictures now use ETags in addition to modification dates for caching. |
Framework > Web |
Removed IE8/ExCanvas support from WebGraphics.DrawString. |
Framework > Web > Frame |
The web framework now recognizes the Epiphany browser on Raspberry Pi. |
Framework > Web > WebButton |
WebDragItem now has OriginX and OriginY properties which indicate the X and Y coordinate within the Sender WebControl where the drag began. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Changing a plain property to a computed property creates the computed property with the same scope as the original. |
IDE > Code Editor |
Code editor tip area shows signature + description if there is one. |
IDE > Inspector |
Build Settings Command Line property is now multiline. |
IDE > Inspector |
Made it so it's much harder for users to overlook the list of missing interfaces a class may be implementing by listing them first, in red, with a tag that says *missing”. |
IDE > Layout Editor |
Controls that have a hidden attribute no longer show in the Project Controls section of the Library. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Make it so Cmd+Opt+digit are assigned in successive order to IDE scripts added to the IDE Scripts menu. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Close button on issue resolution dialog becomes the default once all items are resolved. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
When renaming a class external item supers are also renamed and the Navigator is updated. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Newly added labels now default the Transparent property to True. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
Interface list will resize itself up to 75% of the window height that its being opened on if you have not resized it. If you stretch it larger (width and height) it will reopen at a max of the window height and width. |
IDE > Miscellaneous |
There is a new applies to NONE so you can disable a step without having to drag it out of the build step list. |
IDE > Navigator |
Filtering shows results ordered by how closely an item matches the given filter string based on the Levenshtein distance of the match from the filter string. |
IDE > Project Editor |
The Description property in the Inspector is now multiline. |
IDE > Web Page Editor |
The Target field of a WebToolbar container item now uses a PopupMenu to select containers from the project. |
IDE > Window Editor |
Each tab of a tab panel can now be set using a constant to allow for localization. |
Miscellaneous |
iOS ImageMaker now allows you to drag PNG images onto the App Icon Canvas. |
New items (5 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Database Plugins |
Added MySQLCommunityServer.SecureAuth property which is True by default. This property allows users to authenticate using old password hashes (i.e. pre-4.1.1 authentication protocol) if needed. |
Framework > All |
Added the CGFloat data type, which is aliases to Single on 32-bit builds and Double on 64-bit builds. This serves as a transitionary type until only 64-bit iOS and OS X builds are supported. At that point, CGFloat will be deprecated and Double should be used in its place. |
Framework > All |
Added CharacterSpacing property to Graphics class for Desktop apps. This property is expressed as a percentage of spacing between characters. Positive and negative values are accepted. |
Framework > Web |
Web Text Controls now have a TextAlign property. Valid values are Default (Inherit from parent), Left, Center and Right. |
Image sets are now available in desktop projects. |
Docs and examples (12 cases)
Case |
Area |
Description |
Examples |
Added Examples/Advanced/MemoryBlock/FastStringAppend example. |
Examples |
Removed extra MenuItems from Window menu in WindowMenu example to fix an exception. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Updated Color page in Dev Center with missing methods and information. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Corrected sample code on VirtualVolume page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
EasyTCPSocket.Error and EasyUDPSocket.Error links now go to the correct pages. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Fixed typo in SQLiteDatabase.Backup sample code. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Added HttpOnly parameter to WebSession.Cookies.Set page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Removed unnecessary known issue from Split page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
MenuItem page now more clearly shows properties that are design-time only and has individual pages link to MenuItem.KeyboardShortCut, which is what you use to change these values at runtime. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Updated search keywords so that searching the Dev Center for full namespace (such as Xojo.Net.HttpSocket) now displays HTTPSocket in the auto-complete. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Corrected sample code on TextInputStream page. |
Language Reference > Documentation |
Updated IDE_Script page in wiki to refer to IDE Scripting sections in Xojo Dev Center. |