Returns the text Encoding of the passed String.
Part |
Type |
Description |
result |
The text encoding of str. |
sourceVariable |
The string whose TextEncoding will be returned. |
This method does not attempt to "guess" the Encoding of a String. It only returns the Encoding of a String as it is known. Strings have a UTF-8 Encoding by default. If you load data of another Encoding into a String (from a file, perhaps), you will need to specify the Encoding using DefineEncoding.
If the string's Encoding is unknown, Encoding returns Nil. Test whether the TextEncoding object is Nil or include an Exception block if there is a chance the string's Encoding would not be known at runtime.
Sample code
Var f As FolderItem
Var t As TextInputStream
Var source As String
Var enc As TextEncoding
f = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("text") // file type defined via the FileType class
If f <> Nil Then
t = TextInputStream.Open(f)
source = t.ReadAll
End If
enc = source.Encoding // This will be Encodings.UTF8
// If the file actually has text in a different encoding, then specify the
// encoding using DefineEncoding
source = source.DefineEncoding(Encodings.UTF16LE)
enc = source.Encoding // This is now Encodings.UTF16LE
Catch error As NilObjectException
End Try
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
TextConverter, TextEncoding, TextInputStream classes; String, String, GetTextEncoding functions; Encodings module.