Provides information on the methods of the class instance via the Introspection system.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
Property descriptions
IsPrivate As Boolean
If True, the item has Private scope.
This property is read-only.
The following example checks the IsPrivate property before taking an action.
Var d As New DateTime = DateTime.Now
For Each prop As Introspection.PropertyInfo In Introspection.GetType(d).GetProperties
If prop.IsPrivate Then
// take an action here..
End If
IsProtected As Boolean
Is True, the item has Protected scope.
This property is read-only.
Var d As New DateTime = DateTime.Now
For Each prop As Introspection.PropertyInfo In Introspection.GetType(d).GetProperties
If prop.IsProtected Then
// take an action here..
End If
IsPublic As Boolean
If True, the item has Public scope.
This property is read-only.
This example checks the IsPublic property before taking an action.
Var d As New DateTime = DateTime.Now
For Each prop As Introspection.PropertyInfo In Introspection.GetType(d).GetProperties
If prop.IsPublic Then
// take an action here..
End If
IsShared As Boolean
If True, it is a shared method and does not require a Self parameter when called by Introspection.
This property is read-only.
Name As String
The name of the item. This is only the class name. To get the full namespace path, use FullName instead.
This property is read-only.
This code gets the list of properties for the passed type instance.
Var d As DateTime = DateTime.Now
For Each prop As Introspection.PropertyInfo In Introspection.GetType(d).GetProperties
ReturnType As TypeInfo
If the method returns a value, this is the datatype of the returned value. If the method does not return a value, ReturnType is Nil.
This property is read-only.
Method descriptions
GetAttributes As AttributeInfo()
Returns an array of AttributeInfo objects.
The following gets the attributes of window1.
Var myAttributes() As Introspection.AttributeInfo = Introspection.GetType(Window1).GetAttributes
GetParameters As ParameterInfo()
Returns an array of ParameterInfo items. Use GetParameters to obtain datatype information on the method's parameters.
Invoke(base As Object, [params() As Variant])
Invokes the method, given its info object and an instance of the class that created it. You can use Nil as the base object if calling a shared method. Pass an array of variants for the method's parameter values. You will get an OutOfBoundsException if the number of parameters does not match or an IllegalCastException if the types do not match.
Invoke(base As Object, [params() As Variant]) As Variant
Invokes the method, given its info object and an instance of the class that created it. You can use Nil as the base object if calling a shared method. Pass an array of variants for the method's parameter values. You will get an OutOfBoundsException if the number of parameters does not match or an IllegalCastException if the types do not match.
Sample code
The following gets the methods of the Date class instance:
Var d As New DateTime
Var myDbMethods() As Introspection.MethodInfo = _
For Each method As Introspection.MethodInfo In MyDbMethods
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
MemberInfo parent class; Introspection module; AttributeInfo, ConstructorInfo, MemberInfo, ObjectIterator, ParameterInfo, PropertyInfo, TypeInfo classes; GetTypeInfo function.