


A scrollable, multicolumn listbox control.







hitItem As WebMenuItem


row As Integer, column As Integer, identifier As Variant, value As Variant


row As Integer


error As RuntimeException




row As Integer, column As Integer


rows() As Integer





Indicates how many rows can be selected at a time.




Any number of rows can be selected.


No rows can be selected.


Only one row at a time can be selected.



Indicates the various directions upon which rows can be sorted.




The rows will be sorted in A-Z order.


The rows will e sorted in Z-A order.


The rows will not be sorted.



Indicates whether or not the column can be sorted.




A widget appears in the column header allowing the user to sort the column.


The column cannot be sorted by the user, thus no sort widget appears in the column header.

Property descriptions


ColumnCount As Integer

Gets or sets the number of columns in the ListBox. ColumnCount is 1-based.

This property cannot be changed after the Opening event.

Setting the number of columns to 2 in the Open event:

Me.ColumnCount = 2

Iterating through the rows and columns to set the cell values:

// Add 5 Rows
For i As Integer = 1 To 5

For row As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.RowCount - 1
  For col As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.ColumnCount - 1
    ListBox1.CellTextAt(row, col) = row.ToString + "," + col.ToString


ColumnWidths As String

A list of comma separated values, with each value controlling the width of the associated column. A value can be an absolute value (in pixels), a percentage, a relative length expressed as “i*” where i is an integer, or an “*” that indicates “fill in the remaining width”. If you use percentages, you can use non-integer values to specify fractions of a percent, e.g., 43.52%. The percentage value can be greater than 100%.

If you use pixels, the last column doesn’t grow to the size of the rest of the ListBox. You should set the width of the last column to “*” and it will automatically take up the remaining width of the ListBox.

Without any column width specifications, the headers will be divided evenly. If there are fewer column widths specified than the total number of columns, the remaining columns will divide up the remaining width equally.

The following creates two columns with 100 pixels per column:

Me.ColumnCount = 2
Me.ColumnWidths = "100,100"

The following uses the * to specify the last column’s width:

Me.ColumnCount = 3
Me.ColumnWidths = "100,100,*"


ContextualMenu As WebMenuItem

If you assign a WebMenuItem to the control, it will be displayed when the user right-clicks the control.

On a WebPage, you can disable/remove the default contextual menu by an empty WebMenuItem class object to this property.

This code populates a contextual menu in the Shown event of the control.

Var menu As New WebMenuItem

Me.ContextualMenu = menu

The menu selection is then handled by the ContextualMenuSelected event when the user right-clicks on the control. For example, it can be of the form:

Select case hitItem.Value
Case "One"
Case "Two"
Case "Three"
End Select


ControlID As String

Identifies the control on a per session basis.

This property is read-only.


DataSource As WebDataSource

An optional data source to use to populate the list box.


Enabled As Boolean

When True the WebControl is drawn enabled and responds to user action. When False, the control appears as disabled and does not respond to user actions.

In the case of WebTimer, when set to False this disables and stops the WebTimer. When set to True, it starts the WebTimer.

Disable a button when a check box value changes:

If AllowSaveCheckBox.Value Then
  SaveButton.Enabled = True
  AllowSaveButton.Enabled = False
End If


HasHeader As Boolean

If True, the header row is displayed.

This property is False by default.


Height As Integer

The height (in pixels) of the control.


HighlightSortedColumn As Boolean

If True, the sorted column will be highlighted.


Indicator As Indicators

The color scheme for the control.

When a WebButton’s Default or Cancel properties are True, the Indictor property is ignored as Default and Cancel buttons have a default indicator.


LastAddedRowIndex As Integer

The index of the last row added with the AddRow or AddRowAt method.

This property is read-only.


Left As Integer

The position of the left side of the WebUIControl in pixels, relative to the web page.


LockBottom As Boolean

Determines whether the bottom edge of the control should stay at a set distance from the bottom edge of the parent control, if there is one, or the owning web page.

This property is read-only.


LockHorizontal As Boolean

LockHorizontal overrides LockLeft and LockRight. It allows you to proportionally lock a control’s position to the center of its parent control (or web page).

This property is read-only.

For example, if you place a control in the center of the page and sets both LockHorizontal and LockVertical, the control will stay in the center of the page.


LockLeft As Boolean

Determines whether the left edge of the control should stay at a set distance from the left edge of the parent control, if there is one, or the owning web page.

This property is read-only.


LockRight As Boolean

Determines whether the right edge of the control should stay at a set distance from the right edge of the parent control, if there is one, or the owning web page.

This property is read-only.


LockVertical As Boolean

LockVertical overrides LockTop and LockBottom. It allows you to proportionally lock a control’s position to keep it centered within the parent control or web page.

This property is read-only.

For example, if you place a control in the center of the page, and sets both LockHorizontal and LockVertical, the control will stay in the center of the page.


Name As String

The name of the control.

This property is read-only.


NoRowsMessage As String

The text that appears when the WebListBox has no rows displayed.


Page As WebPage

Identifies the web page that contains the control.

This property is read-only.


Parent As WebControl

Used to get the control’s parent control or page. If the parent control is a WebContainer, then it returns the WebContainer. If it is on a WebPage, it returns the WebPage.

This property is read-only.


RowCount As Integer

Returns the number of rows in the WebListBox, not including the header row.

This property is read-only.

This example loops through all the rows in the Listbox and clears the second column:

For row As Integer = 0 To WebListBox1.RowCount - 1
  WebListBox.CellTextAt(row, 1) = ""


RowSelectionType As RowSelectionTypes

Dictates the type of row selection: none, single or multiple.

In this example, the RowSelectionType is set to multiple in the Opening event of the WebListBox:

Me.RowSelectionType = WebListBox.RowSelectionTypes.Multiple


SearchCriteria As String

Used to filter rows based upon the value assigned.

If this property is assigned value, the WebListBox will perform a full-text search on all rows and columns. The contents of the WebListBox will be reduced to only those rows with a column value that matches the search criteria assigned to this property.

Because the data in a WebListBox is stored in a SQLite Database behind the scenes, the full-text search is done by SQLite and thus you can use the full-text search filtering capabilities of SQLite.


SelectedRowColor As Color

The color used to draw the background of a row when selected.

From the Opening event, set the SelectedRowColor property to blue:

Me.SelectedRowColor = Color.Blue


SelectedRowIndex As Integer

The index of the selected row.

If no row is selected SelectedRowIndex will be -1. If multiple rows are selected, SelectedRowIndex will be the index of the first selected row.

If the RowSelectionType is Multiple, you can use the Selected method to determine which rows are selected.


Style As WebStyle

The WebStyle for the control.

In the Pressed event of a WebButton, set the text to bold:

Var style As New WebStyle
style.Bold = True
Me.Style = style


TabIndex As Integer

The WebUIControl’s control’s position in the Tab Order. The control with a TabIndex of 0 is the first WebUIControl to get the focus when the page opens in the browser.

This example sets the control’s TabIndex.

Me.TabIndex = 2


Tooltip As String

Text of a message displayed as a tooltip.

The tip is displayed when the user places the mouse on the control and leaves it there.

This code in the Shown event of a Button sets the tooltip:

Me.Tooltip = "Save changes"


Top As Integer

The top of the control in local coordinates relative to the web page.


Visible As Boolean

If True, the control is drawn. If False, it’s not.

Hide a control based on a checkbox setting:

If ShowEmailCheckbox.Value Then
  EmailField.Visible = True
  EmailField.Visible = False
End If


Width As Integer

The width (in pixels) of the web control.

This code in the Shown event handler increases the size of the control:

Me.Width = Me.Width + 50

Method descriptions


AddRow(ParamArray data As String)

Adds a new row to the WebListBox.

The AddRow method allows you to pass in multiple strings as separate parameters. Each parameter will be placed into the its corresponding column in the new row starting with the first column.

Adds a new row to the Listbox, not populate it with any values:


Adds a new row to the Listbox, populating the first column:


Adds a new row and populates the three columns in a three-column Listbox:

ListBox1.AddRow("Col1", "Col2", "Col3")


AddRowAt(index As Integer, ParamArray items() As String)

Creates a new row at the index passed, filling the columns with the items passed.

This example inserts a row at index 4 into a WebListBox and populates columns 0 and 1:

Listbox1.AddRowAt(4, "Trixie", "10")


CellTagAt(row As Integer, column As Integer) As Variant

Allows you to get or set the Variant value associated with the cell at the row and column passed.

Passing an index that is outside the bounds of the rows and/or columns will result in an OutOfBoundsException.


CellTextAt(row As Integer, column As Integer) As String

Allows you to get or set the value associated with the cell at the row and column passed.

This example sets the cell value at row 0, column 0 to “Trixie”:

ListBox1.CellTextAt(0, 0) = "Trixie"

CellTextAt(row As Integer, column As Integer) As Variant

Allows you to get or set the WebListBoxCellRenderer to used to render custom a custom cell at the row and column passed.

Passing an index that is outside the bounds of the rows and/or columns will result in an OutOfBoundsException.

This example, called from the Opening event of a WebListBox, sets the cell value at row 0, column 2 to an instance of ButtonColumn which is a subclass of WebListBoxCellRenderer:

Me.CellTextAt(0,2) = New ButtonColumn("Edit", "Delete")



This removes the control from the page, but only if the control is part of a Control Set or is a WebContainer. Otherwise it does not do anything.

In general, if you want to add or remove controls from pages, use a WebContainer.


ColumnSortDirectionAt(index As Integer) As WebListBox

Allows you to get or set the direction by which the rows will be sorted for the column specified.

This example sets the sort direction of column 0 to ascending:

ListBox1.ColumnSortDirectionAt(0) = WebListBox.SortDirections.Ascending


ColumnSortTypeAt(index As Integer) As WebListBox

Dictates whether or not the column indicated is sortable.

This example makes the first column sortable.

ListBox1.ColumnSortTypeAt(0) = WebListBox.SortTypes.Sortable


ExecuteJavaScript(script As String)

Executes the JavaScript passed. The JavaScript passed can call a JavaScript function in a WebPageSource control.

The Xojo web framework uses EcmaScript 6 which is more strict than previous versions of JavaScript. For more details, see the EcmaScript 6 documentation.

This code in the Pressed event of a Button displays an alert using JavaScript:


This code will select the text in a WebTextField (or WebTextArea):

WebTextField1.ExecuteJavascript("document.getElementById('" + _
  WebTextField1.ControlID + "_inner').select();")


GotoURL(URL As String, inNewWindow As Boolean = False)

Opens the passed URL in place of the current web page or downloads a file. If InNewWindow is True, the browser is asked to open the URL in a new window.

If the browser has popup windows disabled and InNewWindow is True, the method silently fails and the page is not shown.

If InNewWindow is False, the running web app is replaced with the specified URL. If you want to display an external web site within your web app, use the WebHTMLViewer control.

Display a web site in a new popup window:

Me.GotoURL("", True)


HeaderAt(index As Integer) As String

Used to get and set the header at the Index passed.



Reloads the data into the WebListBox.

This is useful with the data in the WebListBox comes from a WebDataSource and that data has changed since it was last loaded into the WebListBox.



Removes all rows from the WebListBox.


RemoveRowAt(index As Integer)

Removes the row at the Row passed.


RowTagAt(index As Integer)

Allows you to set the Variant value associated with the row at the Index passed.

Passing an index that is outside the bounds of the rows and/or columns will result in an OutOfBoundsException.

This example sets the row tag at row 0, to the object Employee, an instance of a class:

ListBox1.RowTagAt(0) = Employee


Selected(row As Integer) As Boolean

Used to set the selected value of a row.


Selected(row As Integer, Assigns selected As Boolean)

Used to set the selected value of a row.

The following tests whether the first row is selected.

If ListBox1.Selected(0) Then
  MessageBox("Not Selected")
End If


SelectedRowCount As Integer

The number of rows selected (highlighted) in the WebListBox.


SelectedRowValue As String

Allows you to get value of the selected row.

Only the value in column 0 is returned.



Sets the focus to the Control.

This code checks for a required value when a button is pressed:

If UserNameField.Value = "" Then
  MessageBox("Please enter your UserName.")
End If



Forces the current values of the control to be sent to the browser.

This method is useful when you are computing values in a loop and wish to update the browser immediately rather than wait until the current method ends.

This code iterates through a RowSet of database rows, updates a ProgressBar and then forces the updated ProgressBar to be sent to the browser via UpdateBrowser.

ProgressBar1.Maximum = SalesData.RowCount
For Each row As DatabaseRow in SalesData
 ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1

Event descriptions



The control has been removed from the browser either because the page has closed or the control’s Close method was called.


ContextualMenuSelected(hitItem As WebMenuItem)

Called when a contextual menu item is selected. This selected item is contained in hitItem.

This code populates a contextual menu in the Opening event of a WebToolbar:

Var menu As New WebMenuItem

Me.ContextualMenu = menu

The menu selection is then handled by the ContextualMenuSelected event when the user right-clicks on the control. For example, it can be of the form:

Select case hitItem.Value
Case "One"
Case "Two"
Case "Three"
End Select


CustomCellAction(row As Integer, column As Integer, Identifier As Variant, Value As Variant)

The user has taken some action in a cell with a WebListBoxCellRenderer assigned to it that triggers this event.

The Identifier parameter is an arbitrary value assigned by the subclass of WebListBoxCellRenderer that is assigned to the cell. The purpose of the Identifier is to allow the developer to know what action the user took so that the code in this event can respond to it. For example, if the WebListBoxCellRenderer added two buttons, the Identifier could be set to the caption of the button that was pressed.


DoublePressed(row As Integer)

The user has double-clicked or double-tapped on a row.


Error(error As RuntimeException)

An exception has occurred.



The control is about to be hidden because the browser is about to show another page.

The event is similar to the Window event in a desktop app.



The control has been created and the page is opening but has not been sent to the browser yet.

The Opening event handler can be used to initialize non-visual properties and settings for controls.

In most cases, you should use the Shown event to initialize controls.


Pressed(row As Integer, column As Integer)

The user pressed (clicked or tapped) on the cell indicated by the parameters.


SelectionChanged(rows() As Integer)

The selection of rows has changed.

SelectionChanged is called in the following situations:

  • When the WebListBox is clicked to give it the focus

  • When a cell is clicked even if it already is selected

  • When a row is clicked to change the selection

Clicking on a header does not call the SelectionChanged event.

Display data from the selected row in a TextField so it can be edited:

If Me.SelectedRowIndex >= 0 Then
  Var lastName As String
  lastName = Me.SelectedRowValue // Gets the first column

  LastNameField.Value = lastName
End If



The browser has finished loading or reloading the page. Use the Shown event for initializing your controls or doing anything that would interact with other controls or user interface elements on the web page instead of the Opening event.

This code in the Shown event of a WebListBox adds 2 rows with 3 columns:

Me.AddRow("Row 1", "Bob", "Roberts")
Me.AddRow("Row 2", "Barb", "Reynolds")

This example sets the text of a label:

If Session.LoggedIn Then
  Me.Value = "Welcome!"
  Me.Value = "Welcome, " + Session.UserName
End If


To load rows dynamically, see the WebDataSource class.

To control the drawing style of individual cells, use WebListBoxStyleRenderer.

To draw pictures in a cell, use WebListBoxImageRenderer.

To display DateTime values in the user’s time zone and locale, use WebListBoxDateTimeRenderer.

Sample code

This example adds 100 rows to a 5-column listbox:

For row As Integer = 1 To 100
  Listbox1.AddRow("Col1", "Col2", "Col3", "Col4", "Col5")


Web projects on all supported operating systems.

See also

WebUIControl parent class; WebDataSource class.