Free source code and tools

The following sites all have a variety of free Xojo projects and examples for you to use. Submit your site or a site you love to to get it added.



MacTechnologies Consulting

A variety of free classes and tools (and some shareware)

Thomas Tempelmann's Code Samples

Here you'll find some tips, examples, reusable classes and plugins for Xojo. All code and information, unless specifically noted, is free for your unlimited use.

Eugene Dakin Xojo Examples

The code on this site is free to download and contains examples for various projects.

Simcar Software

Lots of useful UI controls

Roger Meier

Many open-source projects

RAGE Software

HUD window


AnimationKit, AuthenticationKit and more

Ian Jones (GitHub)

Various projects and source code

Kem Tekinay (GitHub)

A variety of open-source projects

Garry Pettet (GitHub)

A variety of open-source projects